Wikia Yu-Gi-Oh! tiếng Việt
  • "Bản dịch về nhân vật này thuộc PJ "Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL" của Vnsharing" ~Tham khảo thêm

Tớ là tớ khi tớ thấu hiểu cả bạn bè lẫn đối thủ, để một ngày kia sẽ đến, khi chúng ta có thể duel và cười lớn với nhau. Tớ chiến đấu bằng niềm tin vào điều này.


Tsukumo Yuma (九十九 遊馬(つくも ゆうま), Tsukumo Yūma) là nhân vật chính trong series Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL. Cậu là một Duelist trẻ tuổi khao khát trở thành người giỏi nhất, bất chấp kĩ năng duel nghiệp dư của mình. Cậu nhận ra mình phải miễn cưỡng hợp tác với một linh hồn duelist được gọi là Astral. Họ đã cùng nhau thu thập các "Numbers" để khôi phục lại những kí ức bị phân tán của Astral, trở thành một Thợ săn Number đồng thời trau dồi kĩ năng duel trong chuyến hành trình của họ. Với việc chiến thắng trong trận chung kết World Duel Carnival, Yuma trở thành nhà vô địch duel của thành phố Heartland.[20] Cậu cũng chính là một nửa của Number nguyên thủy đã bị chia cắt trong trận chiến rất lâu về trước giữa Astral và Don Thousand.[18]

Vì hợp tác có hiệu quả với Astral và giúp anh thu thập những lá "Number", Yuma đã biết được sự thật liên kết anh với số mệnh của cậu thông qua người cha trân quý, Tsukumo Kazuma, và trở thành một nhân vật quan trọng trong Cuộc chiến xuyên thứ nguyên giữa thế giới Astralthế giới Barian.

Tạo hình[]

Ngoại hình[]


Nhìn toàn diện về Yuma.

Yuma có làn da rám nắng, đôi mắt đỏ, mái tóc đen - đỏ nhọn và hướng lên trên. Bất kể đang mặc trang phục nào, Yuma cũng luôn đeo Emperor's Key với một sợi dây màu đen trên cổ. Cậu cũng có một D-Gazer trắng và vàng với thấu kính màu xanh lá cây, tương xứng với màu lá át chủ bài của cậu, "Number 39: Aspiring Emperor - Hope". Yuma có ngoại hình rất giống với cha của mình, Tsukumo Kazuma, nhưng thừa hưởng đôi mắt đỏ của mẹ.

Yuma lineart


Trang phục thường nhật của cậu là một chiếc áo ghi-lê màu đỏ có mũ trùm đầu màu trắng và một chiếc áo sơ mi màu tía cụt tay với một biểu tượng chữ “D” màu xanh lá cây, ám chỉ “Duel”. Yuma cũng mặc một chiếc quần màu trắng với hình ba mặt trăng lưỡi liềm màu cam dính liền nhau với những đường viền màu vàng, một cái thắt lưng màu trắng sọc nâu và một đôi giày sọc xanh - đen với quai giày màu trắng. Yuma còn mang một cái găng tay không ngón màu nâu ở bàn tay trái, một miếng đệm bảo vệ màu đen ở khuỷu tay phải, một vòng tay lớn màu xanh dương đậm với những viên ngọc màu xanh dương nhạt và đường viền màu đỏ trên cổ tay phải của mình.

Yuma gazer

Duel Gazer của Yuma.

Đồng phục của cậu là một áo sơ mi màu trắng với hai ống tay và cổ áo viền đỏ, một cái cà vạt đỏ, quần màu xanh dương đậm và đôi giày nâu. Trong bộ đồ ngủ, cậu mặc một chiếc áo thun ngắn màu đỏ - trắng, quần màu xám, và đôi khi mang một đôi dép lê màu xanh lá cây, nhưng Yuma hầu như chỉ đi chân không trong nhà. Trong suốt lễ hội của Học viện Heartland, Yuma mặc một bộ cosplay "Drum Devil - Temtemtempo".

Tính cách[]

Yuma là một cậu con trai trẻ tuổi hấp tấp, đầy nghị lực và vui vẻ, thích tự mình thách thức để làm những điều dường như là không thể, và thường là thất bại. Không nản lòng trước thất bại, cậu tuyên bố rằng việc thực hiện những thách thức này khiến cậu rực lửa và cuối cùng sẽ hoàn thành những thứ mà mình đã bắt đầu.[16] Cậu gọi nó là linh hồn “kattobingu” của mình (“feeling the flow” trong bản lồng tiếng), điều mà cha cậu đã dạy cho cậu.[21] Mặc dù khi thất vọng đôi lúc Yuma cũng nghi ngờ chính mình, nhưng cậu vẫn vượt qua những thử thách của mình, như khi cậu xuất hiện để Duel với Kamishiro Ryouga.[16] Yuma nói với Astral rằng vì lời hứa với cha nên cậu sẽ không làm mọi thứ nửa vời, tin rằng điều đó giống như cậu đang “phản bội” cha.[21]

Yuma rất yêu cha mẹ và trân trọng chiếc chìa khóa họ đưa cho cậu, được thấy rõ khi cậu sầu não vì Shark bẻ gãy nó[16] và gần như bị hoảng loạn khi đánh mất nó, nhưng thực sự chỉ là cậu đã chạy ra khỏi nhà mà quên đem nó theo.[21]nhà, Yuma ngủ trên gác mái, nơi chứa đầy kỉ niệm và cổ vật từ những chuyến hành trình và du ngoạn của cha mẹ thay cho phòng ngủ của chính cậu. Cậu nhìn cha và mang theo linh hồn thách thức, không bao giờ từ bỏ của ông và cả câu cửa miệng “kattobingu”. Điều đó nói lên rằng nhân cách của Yuma đã được hình thành từ linh hồn của cha và tình cảm của mẹ.

ZLx001 Yuma's parents

Hình ảnh cha mẹ của Yuma luôn được giữ bên cạnh chỗ ngủ của cậu.

Dù cố gắng che giấu nhưng sự thật là Yuma dễ dàng bị tổn thương với chủ đề về cha mẹ mình và thấy nhớ họ.[21] Astral nói rằng từ trong sâu thẳm trái tim, Yuma đang đấu tranh với nỗi buồn vì mất cha mẹ và cố gắng sống theo những chỉ bảo của họ.[22] Nhiều người chỉ ra Yuma rất giống với cha của cậu, Charlie McCoy nói với Akari rằng Yuma thừa hưởng tinh thần “kattobingu” của cha cậu,[23] còn TronV bình luận Yuma và Kazuma có cùng niềm tin vào những mối liên kết và tình bạn.[24][25] Dr. Faker cũng nhận ra Yuma giống với Kazuma như thế nào, đặc biệt là khi Yuma giúp Tenjou Kaito trong nỗ lực giải cứu anh.[26]

Thẳng thắn và trung thực, Yuma luôn giúp đỡ người khác nếu họ gặp rắc rối, bất chấp sự phản đối của họ, như khi cậu thách đấu với Shark để giành lại bộ bài cho Takeda Tetsuo.[16] Yuma cũng thách đấu với GaucheDroite để bảo vệ Tokunosuke, người đã lừa bịp những đối thủ khác, để rồi phải chịu hình phạt là bị tịch thu bộ bài và đang bị Gauche đe dọa trừng phạt.[27] Yuma tin rằng các Duelist không thể trở thành người xấu và tin rằng một trận Duel là sự va chạm của các linh hồn. Bản chất lương thiện của Yuma rõ ràng khiến cậu trở nên ngây thơ như khi cậu tin rằng Tokunosuke thực sự có mục đích tốt dù bạn bè đã cảnh báo cậu rằng cậu ta là một kẻ lừa đảo ngay từ đầu.[28] Kể cả sau khi Vector lợi dụng niềm tin của Yuma, cậu vẫn quyết định sẽ không để sự lừa gạt này thay đổi quan điểm của mình và nghi ngờ những người cậu gặp gỡ.[29]

Vì tính nóng vội và bướng bỉnh của mình, Yuma rất dễ bị chọc tức, và thường xuyên xung đột với Astral. Yuma có xu hướng làm ngược lại những chỉ dẫn của Astral khi họ duel, điều khiến cậu tạo ra những sai lầm. Cậu chỉ bắt đầu nghe theo anh khi sắp thua, vì cậu tin rằng những trận duel là của cậu và việc nghe lời anh cũng có nghĩa là cậu cần được giúp đỡ để chiến thắng. Khi series tiếp tục, Yuma và Astral bắt đầu hợp tác với nhau, chủ yếu là sau khi cậu gọi Astral là bạn của mình.[30] Dẫu vậy, Yuma đôi lúc vẫn bị bối rối khi Astral cố gắng hướng dẫn cậu, và bảo anh tránh ra khỏi trận duel bởi vì cậu có “kế hoạch” của riêng mình.[2][31] Mạnh mẽ và vụng về, Yuma rõ ràng cũng có thói quen bỏ quên những thứ quan trọng như Emperor's Key trên đường đến trường,[21] việc đăng kí tham gia World Duel Carnival một cách chính thức,[32] giấy mời đến buổi tiệc của vòng chung kết,[33] và cả những Heart Piece (Mảnh ghép trái tim) của mình vào ngày diễn ra vòng chung kết.[34] Yuma đôi khi cũng thất bại trong những cú nhảy cao khiến cậu bị vấp chân.[4][7][35][36] Cũng thế, khi Yuma quá mải mê với suy nghĩ của mình, cậu quên mất những hành động khác mà cậu đã làm[37] hoặc bị đem ra làm trò cười.[1][2][38] Thậm chí có những hành động khiến bạn bè và những người khác xem cậu như một “kẻ ngốc”, nhiều khi khiến họ bực mình.

Yuma mong muốn trở thành nhà vô địch duel, nhưng có khuynh hướng ngủ và giảm nhiệt tình hẳn ở trường học, và nói chung không sử dụng chiến thuật trong các trận duel. Không giống Mutou Yugi, Yuki JudaiFudou Yusei, Yuma là một người nghiệp dư chỉ biết được những quy tắc cơ bản, nhưng trong quá trình series tiếp diễn, kĩ năng duel của cậu bắt đầu tiến bộ dần. Cậu có thể duel với những đối thủ như Cathy[39]Obomi[40] mà không cần Astral nhắc cậu phải làm gì (mặc dù điều này chỉ xảy ra khi cậu duel một cách nghiêm túc, được thể hiện khi cậu vẫn bị đánh bại dễ dàng trong những trận duel thân mật), nhưng cậu vẫn nhờ anh giúp cậu thoát ra khỏi những tình huống khó khăn. Kĩ năng duel của Yuma được cải thiện đủ để cậu có thể tự mình chống lại GaucheDroite cho đến khi Astral quay trở lại để thực hiện nước đi chiến thắng cuối cùng.[27] Được Astral dìu dắt, kĩ năng của cậu đã tiến bộ hơn nhiều trong suốt trận duel một chọi một với III.[41] Cuối cùng, Yuma đã có thể duel ngang ngửa với Shark trong trong trận tái đấu thứ ba của họ mà có rất ít, hoặc gần như không có lời khuyên từ Astral.[42] Cậu cũng có thể duel ngang ngửa với Kaito trong lần tái đấu của họ.[43] Cậu cũng có thể tự mình duel bằng một cấp độ có thể so sánh được với những người bị Thế giới Barian điều khiển và gây ấn tượng với cả Girag.[44]

Cậu cũng có thể duel với một Barian - Alito - trong một thế trận ngang bằng mà không có bất kì lời khuyên nào từ Astral.[45] Trong khi Astral không thể tiếp tục chiến đấu sau khi bị ép buộc hủy bỏ Dark ZEXAL, Yuma vẫn có thể sống sót sau lượt của Vector trong tình trạng mà tất cả những gì cậu có là “Number 39: Aspiring Emperor - Hope” và một vài quái thú trong nghĩa trang. Trong lượt đó, cậu vẫn giữ được sự bình tĩnh và tập trung, thể hiện ở điểm cậu nhớ rằng mình buộc phải gửi lá bài mình cần dùng từ bộ bài xuống nghĩa trang để sử dụng nó.[46] Trong suốt nhiệm vụ giải cứu Astral, cậu phải đối mặt với ý chí của thế giới Astral, Eliphas, cùng với những quái thú Double-Rank Up và vô số những lần Shining Draw của anh. Tuy nhiên, bằng việc sử dụng Rainbow Kuriboh, nhận lấy năng lực thực hiện Shining Draw của chính mình để tạo ra Rank-Down-Magic Numeron Fall và "Number 39: Aspiring Emperor - Hope Roots", cậu đã xoay sở để tránh được chiến lược Double Rank-Up chống lại mình và giành chiến thắng.[47] Cuối cùng, khi Yuma phải đối mặt với Astral trong trận duel sau cùng của họ - khi Astral đã có được tất cả các "Number", sức mạnh và kí ức đầy đủ, bao gồm tất cả sáu dạng của Hope và "Number 99: Aspiring Dragonic Emperor - Hope Dragun" - thông qua bộ bài non-Number, sức mạnh Shining Draw của chính mình và "Future Number 0: Future Emperor - Hope", cậu đã giành được chiến thắng và tự chứng minh mình là một trong số những duelist hàng đầu.[18]

Yuma dường như có một ảnh hưởng tích cực đến những người cậu đã duel, Kitano Ukyou nói rằng Yuma có một sức mạnh “giống như mặt trời” và trái tim của những người từng tiếp xúc với Yuma “được chiếu sáng” mà họ không hề nhận ra[48] và thông thường sẽ lấy lại được những gì mà họ đã đánh mất trong trái tim mình. Sau trận duel với cậu, Shark đã ngừng việc đánh cắp bộ bài của những người khác và cuối cùng cả hai đã trở thành bạn bè. Sau khi Tokunosuke bị Yuma đánh bại, cậu đã từ bỏ tính cách thâm hiểm của mình và trở thành một người trung thực.[49] Sau khi đánh bại Okudaira Fuuya, Yuma đã giúp cậu nối lại mối quan hệ với mẹ và trở thành chính mình thay vì sống dưới cái bóng của ESPer Robin.[50] Sau khi cậu đánh bại Cathy, cô bắt đầu tự tin hơn, mở lòng với Yuma và bạn bè thay vì luôn luôn lẩn tránh người khác.[39] Sau khi bị Yuma đánh bại, Yamikawa đã có thể tự nguôi cơn giận sau khi bị cậu ngăn không cho chém vào một bức tượng và bắt đầu học trở lại dưới sự hướng dẫn của người thầy cũ.[51] Một Barian, Alito, cũng xem cậu là một đối thủ xứng tầm và thiết lập được một quan hệ tốt với cậu sau khi bị đánh bại.[45]

Năng lực[]

Yuma có năng lực bẩm sinh để nhìn và nghe thấy Astral, vô số lần cậu còn có thể nói chuyện với Astral bằng ngoại cảm[22]. Tuy nhiên, sức mạnh của Yuma dường như chỉ đến từ tinh thần “kattobingu”, và nếu đánh mất ý chí, Yuma sẽ không thể nhìn và nghe thấy Astral hoặc nhìn thấy Emperor's Key của mình.[52]

Sau khi The Door được mở ra cho Yuma, cậu và Astral đã nhận được sức mạnh của ZEXAL, thứ khiến họ có thể hợp nhất hai linh hồn, với Yuma nắm quyền điều khiển hầu hết cơ thể. Họ cũng nhận được năng lực tạo ra những lá bài “ZEXAL Weapon-”, cùng với những lá bài khác, tất cả những thứ này đều có khả năng để đối phó những tình trạng cần đến sức mạnh đó, như “ZEXAL Weapon - Unicorn Spear” và “ZEXAL Weapon - Phoenix Bow” nhờ một năng lực được gọi là “Shining Draw”.[53] Sau đó, trong trận duel với Eliphas, cậu có thể sử dụng “Shining Draw” để tạo thuận lợi cho việc cứu Astral.[47] Lý do cậu có thể thực hiện năng lực này là vì cậu vốn là một phần nguyên thủy của Astral, cũng là lý do họ có thể thực hiện ZEXAL.[18] Yuma cũng có thể sử dụng Shining Draw để tạo ra những quái thú “Number”, mặc dù đó là những quái thú có Rank thấp hơn như “Number 39: Hope Roots” và sau đó tạo ra Number của chính mình, “Future Number 0: Future Emperor - Hope”.[47][18]

Trong suốt trận chiến ở Sargasso, mối liên kết của Yuma và Astral đã lớn lên đến mức ZEXAL tiến hóa thành ZEXAL II. Khi sử dụng ZEXAL II, cậu không còn cần D-Gazer nữa, mắt trái của cậu chỉ phát sáng rực rỡ. Cũng thế, Yuma có năng lực Re-Contract Universe để mang ra sức mạnh thật sự của lá bài mình vừa rút, cũng như năng lực thực hiện Shining Draw. Không rõ chính xác tình huống nào cần phải sử dụng Re-Contract Universe, nhưng Yuma có thể xoay chuyển trận duel của mình với Vector bằng việc biến đổi Rank-Up-Magic Limited Barian's Force thành Rank-Up-Magic Numeron Force, tuy vậy điều này là ví dụ duy nhất của Re-Contract Universe. Khi Yuma tái hợp với Astral sau khi Astral bị Number 96 làm tổn thương, ZEXAL đã tiến hóa hơn và trở thành ZEXAL III. Khi sử dụng ZEXAL III, Yuma nhận được năng lực tạo ra một ZEXAL Field, thứ ngăn cản những hiệu ứng nguy hại bên trong Barian Field. Cậu vẫn giữ năng lực thực hiện Shining Draw và có thể là cả Re-Contract Universe.[47]

Yuma cũng có thể cảm nhận được sự thức tỉnh của Don Thousand.[54] Theo Ena, Yuma sở hữu sức mạnh của Chaos và có thể chữa lành thế giới Astral cùng với cư dân của nó.[55]

Yuma cũng có khả năng nhào lộn điêu luyện, được thể hiện trong vô số lần bật nhảy và nhảy cao xuyên suốt series.

Từ Nguyên[]

Giống như những nhân vật chính trong các series trước, Mutou Yugi, Yuki JudaiFudo Yusei, tên của cậu bao gồm chữ 「遊」(Yu). Cậu là nhân vật chính đầu tiên có họ bao gồm ba chữ.

Họ của cậu, “Tsukumo”, có thể được dịch thành “chín mươi chín” - số lá “Number” mà cậu và Astral đang tìm kiếm. Cái tên “Yuma” có thể có nghĩa là buổi chiều hoặc con ngựa, thứ giải thích cho biểu tượng con ngựa trên bộ đồng phục bóng đá của Yuma trong lá ma pháp môi trườngDream Pitch[56] và cái tên “Con ngựa đen tối”[7]Mr. Heartland đặt cho cậu.

Tiểu sử[]

Quá khứ[]

Younger Yuma climbing a mountain

Yuma lúc nhỏ đang leo lên ngọn núi.

Yuma lớn lên cùng với cha mẹ mình, Tsukumo KazumaTsukumo Mirai, chị gái Tsukumo Akari và bà nội Tsukumo Haru. Từ khi còn nhỏ, Yuma đã đi học cùng trường với người bạn thời thơ ấu, Mizuku Kotori, vì gia đình của họ có mối quan hệ tốt với nhau. Vì là một đứa trẻ, cậu thường xuyên nhận được sự quan tâm và tình cảm của cha mẹ, khiến chị cậu cảm thấy chán nản. Rất gần gũi với cha mẹ, đôi khi cậu cũng đi cắm trại hoặc leo núi đá với cha mình.[9][21]

Vì có kĩ năng duel yếu và không ngừng tuyên bố rằng mình muốn trở thành một nhà vô địch duel, Yuma thường xuyên bị những người khác trêu chọc. Một ngày nọ, sau khi thua một trận duel với vài người bạn cùng lớp và bị trêu chọc, Yuma trở nên chán nản và buồn bã. Cha cậu đã để ý đến điều này, đưa cậu đi leo núi để cổ vũ cậu và có một “cuộc nói chuyện giữa những người đàn ông.” Mặc dù cha đã cố gắng cổ vũ, Yuma vẫn tiếp tục tủi thân và từ chối nói về vấn đề của mình.[21]

Yuma laugh

Yuma cười trước giấc mơ của cha cậu ta.

Khi cha cậu bắt đầu nói với cậu về “vũ trụ khác”, Yuma mới hoạt bát hơn, được khuyến khích luôn luôn thách thức và cố gắng hi vọng. Khi được hỏi về mục tiêu của mình, Yuma đã trả lời mục tiêu của cậu là trở thành nhà vô địch duel. Mặc dù vậy, Yuma vẫn đề cập đến việc mọi người cười nhạo cậu như thế nào, cha cậu nói cậu đừng quan tâm đến nó, không bao giờ từ bỏ và luôn luôn tiếp tục vì mục tiêu này. Sau một trận duel thân mật và trước khi ngủ, Yuma đã hỏi giấc mơ của cha cậu là gì, và ông trả lời đó là được đi đến tận cùng của thế giới. Yuma cười lớn vì Trái Đất tròn và không có điểm tận cùng, và hai cha con cậu cùng cười lớn với quan điểm này.[21]

The key

Yuma chú ý đến chiếc chìa khóa.

Khi cha cậu được tìm thấy sau một tai nạn bão tuyết, Yuma để ý đến Emperor's Key trong tay ông và nhìn chằm chằm vào nó. Sau này, thỉnh thoảng cậu đã duel với những tên côn đồ và thua trận, sau đó bị chế giễu đến phát khóc. Rồi cha cậu xuất hiện, bảo cậu hãy can đảm lên và ném chiếc chìa khóa cho cậu. Được khuyến khích, Yuma bắt đầu đeo chìa khóa và “kattobingu”.[21] Sau khi cha mẹ cậu mất tích và được tin là đã chết, cậu được bà nội và chị gái Akari chăm sóc, và chị cậu cấm cậu tiếp tục duel, nhưng cậu vẫn lén lút duel sau lưng cô.[28] Tuy nhiên, Yuma không hề biết rằng cô làm điều này vì đã hứa với cha mẹ sẽ bảo vệ cậu, và cha đã cảnh báo cô phải cẩn thận với những trận duel của Yuma, bởi vì một ngày nào đó, một định mệnh vĩ đại sẽ thức tỉnh từ một trong những trận duel của cậu.[21]

Một ngày kia ở trường học, Yuma nói lên khát vọng của mình với cả lớp và bị Takeda Tetsuo chế nhạo. Tức giận, Yuma đã thách đấu với Tetsuo một trận duel và thua cuộc, nhưng vẫn tiếp tục duel với cậu kể từ đó. Cuối cùng cả hai trở thành bạn bè, nhưng Yuma vẫn thường xuyên để thua Tetsuo.[57]

Sau khi nhận được chìa khóa, thỉnh thoảng một cánh cửa có hình dạng một cái đầu quỷ bị xiềng xích bắt đầu ám ảnh Yuma trong những giấc mơ, khiến cậu hầu như luôn có cùng một cơn ác mộng mỗi đêm. Trong giấc mơ đó, cậu gặp một cánh cửa ở phía cuối một con đường ngoằn ngoèo được nâng cao và có một giọng nói bảo rằng: “Bất kì ai mở ra cánh cửa này sẽ nhận được một sức mạnh mới, nhưng đổi lại sẽ đánh mất thứ quan trọng nhất”, và dường như kéo chìa khóa của cậu chạm vào nó. Tuy nhiên, Yuma luôn luôn tỉnh dậy trước khi cậu có thể mở nó ra và rõ ràng là chưa từng nói với bất kì ai về giấc mơ của mình.[16]

Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL[]

Trước-World Duel Carnival[]

Demonic Door

Cánh cửa ma quỷ từ những giấc mơ của Yuma.

Yuma bị những giấc mơ về một cánh cửa ma quái quấy rầy, với một giọng nói bảo rằng bất kì ai mở ra cánh cửa này sẽ nhận được một sức mạnh mới, nhưng đổi lại họ sẽ đánh mất thứ quan trọng nhất. Yuma tự hỏi thứ quan trọng nhất của cậu là gì khi chiếc chìa khóa phát sáng, nhưng đột ngột mặt đất dưới chân cậu vỡ vụn ra khiến cậu rơi xuống vực sâu. Khi tỉnh dậy, Yuma thấy mình đã rơi ra khỏi võng ở gác mái và nói rằng mình lại có giấc mơ đó thêm một lần nữa. Rồi cậu để ý thấy đồng hồ chỉ 8 giờ và nhận ra mình đã trễ học. Yuma trách Akari vì không đánh thức cậu dậy, nhưng cô bảo Yuma rằng cậu đã là học sinh trung học nên phải tự thức dậy, khiến Yuma nhăn mặt sau lưng cô. Lao ra ngoài, Yuma chào tạm biệt bà của cậu, Haru, nhưng khi bà hỏi cậu đã ăn sáng chưa, cậu nhấn mạnh rằng mình không cần và đã bị trễ rồi. Không vui vì điều này, bà đã chộp lấy cổ áo cậu với cây chổi của mình và đẩy cậu ngã xuống đất. Bà yêu cầu Yuma phải ăn thứ gì đó, và cậu buộc phải đồng ý.[16]

Sem Título2

Yuma chạy đua với Tetsuo đến trường.

Yuma vội vã chạy ngang qua những người hàng xóm và nhảy lên một Obot khiến nó vượt ra khỏi tầm kiểm soát. Khi tiếp tục chạy, Yuma đâm sầm vào Tetsuo, người đang vượt lên trước cậu với tấm ván trượt của mình, và thách cậu đua tới trường học. Chấp nhận thách thức, Yuma chạy đến trước, nhưng khi họ đang chạy xuống một cầu thang, Tetsuo đã đá một Obot vào đường đi của Yuma khiến cậu va vào nó, đồ dùng cá nhân của cậu cũng vì thế mà rơi ra khỏi cặp, bao gồm cả bộ bài. Khi một vài Obot đi đến để thu nhặt những thứ mà chúng coi là rác, Yuma đã hét lên với chúng rằng thứ mà chúng đang gọi là “rác” chính là bộ bài của cậu.[16]

Học viện Heartland, Yuma cố hoàn tất những bài tập khác nhau như “thử thách 20 bậc” và bơi hết bề dài của hồ bơi, nhưng cậu đã thất bại và bị những người bạn cùng lớp cười nhạo. Khi Kotori hỏi lý do cậu làm tất cả những điều này mặc dù luôn thất bại, Yuma giải thích rằng cô không hề hiểu, điều quan trọng nhất là luôn chiến đấu và chỉ cần cậu không bỏ cuộc, một ngày nào đó cậu sẽ thành công. Giữ chặt chìa khóa của mình, Yuma nói rằng nó mở ra những khả năng và khi có nó, cậu có cảm giác mình có thể làm được mọi thứ. Trong giờ nghỉ, Yuma chứng kiến Tetsuo để mất bộ bài của mình vào tay Shark trong một trận duel đặt cược. Khi Yuma ủng hộ Tetsuo, Shark hỏi Yuma điều gì cậu quý trọng nhất, và Yuma nhìn xuống sợi dây chuyền của của mình. Để đáp lại, Shark đã bẻ gãy làm đôi và đá một mảnh xuống bụi rậm. Shark cho Yuma một cơ hội để lấy lại bộ bài của Tetsuo nếu cậu chịu đặt cược bộ bài của chính mình vào ngày Chủ nhật. Đêm đó, Yuma lại trải qua cơn ác mộng và trải qua cả ngày hôm sau trong chán nản và buồn bã. Sau giờ học, Yuma đã bị Tetsuo chặn lại vì trận duel với Shark, thứ mà Yuma đang dự định làm, và cảm động khi biết rằng Tetsuo đã tìm lại phần chìa khóa bị đánh mất cho cậu.[16]


Yuma bắt đầu trận Duel định mệnh với Shark.

Đêm đó, Yuma dự định sẽ sử dụng bộ bài được cha cậu tạo ra, khác với bộ bài cậu vẫn thường sử dụng, nhưng không hiểu phải làm thế nào để sử dụng những lá bài này một cách đúng đắn. Trong trận duel, Yuma đã có vài sai lầm sơ đẳng và Shark nhanh chóng giành được lợi thế. Khi Shark chế nhạo rằng cậu nên bỏ cuộc, Yuma cãi lại cậu không phải loại người như thế bởi cậu luôn luôn tin vào chính mình. Kéo mạnh chiếc chìa khóa ra khỏi cổ, Yuma nói rằng “kattobingu” của cậu chưa bao giờ biến mất, trong khi chiếc chìa khóa bắt đầu phát sáng nhẹ. Sau đó Yuma nhận ra mình lại đứng trước cánh cửa ma quái. Cậu đã được trao cơ hội để mở nó ra, và đã làm thế với chiếc chìa khóa. Sau khi mở cánh cửa, một nhân vật bí ẩn đã bay đến với Yuma, người sau đó bị mắc kẹt giữa một vùng không gian được tạo ra bởi những lá bài trắng. Vùng không gian bị phá hủy và Yuma quay lại công viên, nơi cậu đang duel với Shark. Một sức mạnh đen tối bao trùm lấy Shark và anh Triệu hồi XyzNumber 17: Leviathan Dragon”. Bất ngờ trước sức mạnh của Shark, Yuma bắt đầu có cảm giác mình sẽ không thể thắng được. Tuy nhiên, một thực thể kì lạ đã xuất hiện bên cạnh cậu, nói với cậu hãy đứng lên và chiến thắng.[16]


Yuma chiến đấu bên cạnh Astral.

Thực thể đó tiết lộ mình tên là Astral, một duelist đến từ thế giới khác, khiến Yuma bị sốc. Khi Yuma nói chuyện với Astral, cậu nhận ra bạn bè mình và những người khác không thể nhìn thấy anh. Astral cố tiếp quản trận duel của Yuma, nói rằng anh phải chiến thắng bằng mọi giá nhưng Yuma than vãn rằng đó là trận duel của cậu. Vô tình hay hữu ý, Astral vẫn cố chỉ dẫn cho Yuma để giành lợi thế trước Shark. Tuy nhiên, Yuma từ chối nghe lời Astral dù Điểm Gốc giảm liên tục. Khi Astral nói với Yuma rằng sự sống của anh tan biến dần khi Điểm Gốc của cậu cạn kiệt, Yuma mới nghe lời khuyên của Astral và sử dụng “Monster Reborn” để Triệu hồi Đặc biệtGagaga Magician” từ nghĩa trang. Astral trao cho Yuma “Number 39: Aspiring Emperor - Hope”, một Quái thú Xyz. Bất ngờ vì chưa bao giờ sở hữu một quái thú Xyz trước kia, nhưng Yuma đã triệu hồi nó bằng cách overlay "Gagaga Magician" và "Ganbara Knight". Astral nói rằng “Hope” là sức mạnh anh trao cho Yuma và cậu phải sử dụng nó để chiến thắng trận duel này. Với lá bài này, Yuma đã quay trở lại và giành được chiến thắng bằng một đòn phối hợp với “Double-Up Chance”. Shark trở lại bình thường và trả lại bộ bài của Tetsuo như đã hứa, và Yuma cảm ơn anh vì điều đó. Khi Shark rời đi, Yuma nói với Shark cậu đã rất vui và họ nên duel lại với nhau một ngày nào đó chỉ để cho vui.[4]

Với chiến thắng này, Yuma bắt đầu nhận được sự ngưỡng mộ trong trường học, vì Shark biết đến là có kĩ năng duel thuộc hàng chuyên nghiệp và Yuma chỉ là một kẻ nghiệp dư.[58][59] Một ngày kia, mạng ở trường học ngừng hoạt động một cách bí ẩn, và giáo viên của Yuma, Kitano Ukyou, cho phép họ dùng cả ngày để duel thay thế, vì họ không thể truy cập vào sách giáo khoa điện tử khi mạng ngừng hoạt động. Yuma đã duel với lớp trưởng của cậu, Takashi, nhưng Astral không có mặt, vậy nên Yuma không thể chạm tay đến những “Number” trong Extra Deck. Kết quả là cậu đã bị áp đảo và bại trận chỉ trong một lượt mà không gây được thiệt hại nào cho Takashi. Khi Akari tìm thấy Yuma và Kotori ở Học viện Heartland, cô nói với họ mình đã tìm ra được vị trí của người đã phát tán Bugman Virus ở trong thư viện của trường. Akari buộc Yuma và Kotori phải tìm hiểu vị trí của bất cứ ai khả nghi.[58]

Yuma and Astral during Ukyo's Duel

Yuma và Astral trong trận Duel đối đầu Kitano Ukyou.

Yuma và Kotori nghi ngờ Takashi là người phải chịu trách nhiệm cho việc hệ thống ngừng hoạt động, nhưng cuối cùng Takashi đã dẫn họ đến với thủ phạm thực sự, giáo viên Kitano Ukyou. Ukyou bị một “Number” điều khiển và duel với Yuma bằng cách sử dụng “Number 34: Electronic Computer Beast Tera Byte” và chuỗi “Bugman”. Sau khi tranh cãi với Astral, Yuma có thể vượt qua ông bằng cách triệu hồi cả “Hope” và “Leviathan Dragon”. Ukyou tiết lộ ông không có ý gì xấu và chỉ muốn mang hạnh phúc đến cho thành phố với một “Bugman” thực sự. Astral xác định rằng các “Number” khuếch đại những cảm xúc mà những người chúng điều khiển thực sự có, cho dù có ác tâm hay không.

Ở trường, một học sinh tên là Tokunosuke đã tiếp cận Yuma vì muốn có được chữ kí của cậu sau khi cậu đánh bại Shark và cuối cùng đã đưa cho cậu lá “Baby Tragon” để đền đáp lại. Yuma rất hào hứng với quái thú Xyz của riêng mình, nhưng Kotori và Tetsuo tỏ ra dè dặt về Tokunosuke và đã nhiều lần kéo Yuma ra khỏi cậu để ngăn cản Yuma chấp nhận nó. Sau giờ học, Yuma đã nhận được một lá thư hâm mộ có chứa lá bài “Baby Tragon”, và Akari đã hỏi cậu liệu có phải cậu vẫn tiếp tục duel dù đã bị cấm hay không. Yuma không hề biết rằng Tokunosuke đã làm giả nhiều bức ảnh để vu khống cậu và gửi chúng cho những người bạn cùng lớp qua email. Ngày tiếp theo, Yuma bị những người bạn cùng lớp chất vấn. Dù đã ra sức thanh minh nhưng không ai tin cậu vì đã thấy những bức ảnh kia và mọi người, ngoại trừ Tetsuo và Kotori, đều tránh xa cậu. Chán nản, Yuma đã đi đến Trung tâm mua sắm Heartland, và gặp Tokunosuke, người đã thách đấu với cậu một trận duel.

Yuma activates Needle Swordsman's effect

Yuma kích hoạt hiệu ứng của "Stinging Swordsman".

Yuma nghĩ rằng cậu sẽ có một trận duel vui vẻ với Tokunosuke, nhưng mọi chuyện đã đi quá xa. Lá bài “Baby Tragon” là một cái bẫy, và Tokunosuke đã lấy cắp “Hope” với hiệu ứng của “Ultra C”. Sau đó Tokunosuke tiết lộ tờ giấy mà cậu đã kí là một bản giao kèo đồng ý đặt cược bộ bài của mình trong trận duel này. Tokunosuke tiếp tục đánh cắp cả "Leviathan Dragon", và rõ ràng đã bị cả hai “Number” điều khiển. Astral bị mắc kẹt trong một quả cầu ánh sáng khi sức mạnh của anh giảm đi, nhưng vẫn thúc giục Yuma bảo vệ “Baby Tragon”. Yuma đã làm thế và sử dụng hiệu ứng của nó để cho “Needle Swordsman” tấn công trực tiếp. Với việc những lá cạm bẫy vĩnh cửu trở về tay, Tokunosuke đã đánh mất quyền điểu khiển các “Number” và chúng quay lại với Yuma. Yuma đã thắng trận duel với chúng và thử trả lại “Baby Tragon”, nhưng Tokunosuke bảo cậu cứ giữ chúng và cả hai trở thành bạn bè sau trận duel này.

Sau đó, Astral thỉnh thoảng xem một chương trình ti vi trong khi Yuma đang ngủ, “ESPer Robin”. Anh bị mê hoặc vì ESPer Robin rõ ràng cũng đến từ một thứ nguyên khác. Yuma bị đánh thức vì âm thanh của tập phim và tắt ti vi đi, nhưng chỉ khiến Astral khó chịu với cậu vì anh tin rằng ESPer Robin có thể biết gì đó về quá khứ của mình. Yuma cố giải thích đó chỉ là tưởng tượng, nhưng sau khi thuyết phục Astral không thành công, cậu đành bật ti vi lên, mặc dù tập phim đã hết. Ngày tiếp theo, Yuma đến trường để duel, nhưng Kotori và Astral đòi cậu đi thăm Robin, người đang quay một cảnh phim trong thành phố. Tokunosuke gây ra một chút náo động để họ có thể vào bên trong, nơi mà họ có thể nhìn thấy Robin tập diễn một mình. Astral, vì vẫn tin rằng những cảnh phim là thật, trở nên thận trọng với những bộ trang phục ở bên cạnh sân khấu. Và trong một nỗ lực để thuyết phục Astral rằng đó không phải là thật, Yuma đã bị mắc kẹt ở trên cao với một cái móc. Trong khi Astral đang suy nghĩ về việc Yuma cũng có thể bay được như anh, Yuma đã làm rơi bộ bài của mình xuống trước mặt Robin, người đã chú ý đến nó.

Yuma meets Fuya

Yuma gặp gỡ ESPer Robin.

Sau khi Yuma rơi xuống đất, cậu đã được Robin cứu khỏi tay những người bảo vệ. Robin đã phát hiện ra Yuma là một duelist và dẫn cậu đến phòng thay đồ của mình. Rất vui khi được gặp một duelist, Robin đã trả lại bộ bài cho Yuma, và Yuma đã vui vẻ chấp nhận một trận duel khi được yêu cầu. Sau khi Robin tỏ ra hốt hoảng khi nhìn thấy một con nhện, Yuma đã bật cười với sự thay đổi đột ngột của cậu và nhận ra cậu không hề giống như nhân vật của mình. Nghe biết hoàn cảnh của Robin, Yuma khuyên cậu hãy sống thật với chính mình và sau đó gọi cậu bằng tên thật, Okudaira Fuuya. Hai người trở thành bạn bè, nhưng trước khi họ có thể duel, mẹ của Fuuya đã buộc Yuma phải ra ngoài. Trước khi đi, Yuma hứa với Fuuya họ sẽ duel vào một ngày nào đó, nhưng mẹ của Fuuya tiếp tục đẩy cậu ra, khiến Fuuya nói trong buồn rầu “Okudaira Fuuya không là gì cả” và không ai có thể cứu cậu. Trên đường đi, Yuma xót xa cho cuộc đời ngôi sao khắc nghiệt của Fuuya, trong khi Astral hỏi cậu tại sao Robin lại được gọi là Fuuya. Điều này đã giúp Yuma thuyết phục được Astral rằng Robin không có thật. Sau khi Astral trở nên thất vọng vì Robin không thể nói được gì về quá khứ của anh, Yuma hỏi Astral có phải anh cảm thấy cô đơn không, và anh đáp lại rằng anh không biết từ đó có nghĩa là gì. Yuma giải thích nó, nhưng thay vì trả lời, Astral lại nói rằng có lẽ Fuuya cũng cảm thấy cô đơn. Trong lúc đó, Fuuya bị một lá “Number” điều khiển và tấn công một vài người trong thành phố, mang lấy tính cách của nhân vật mình đóng như là tính cách thật của mình. Sau khi nghe biết điều đó, Yuma và Astral đã đi tìm cậu. Cuối cùng họ cũng tìm thấy Fuuya, nhưng nhận ra rằng cậu đang bị điều khiển và có cảm giác mình chính là ESPer Robin.

Younger Yuma and his mother

Yuma suy nghĩ về mẹ của cậu ấy.

Yuma biết rằng mình phải duel với Fuuya để giải phóng cho cậu, nhưng rồi Fuuya tiết lộ lá “Number” của mình - “Number 83: Galaxy Queen”, đẩy Yuma vào một hoàn cảnh bất lợi. Thấy rằng “Number” này giống như linh hồn của Fuuya, Yuma đã gọi Kotori và bảo cô đưa mẹ của Fuuya đến xem trận đấu. Khi bị Fuuya dồn đến chân tường, Yuma tuyên bố rằng mình sẽ cứu được cậu. Khi Kotori xuất hiện cùng với Tetsuo và bà Okudaira, Yuma giải thích cho họ Fuuya đã tấn công mọi người ra sao. Khi mẹ của Fuuya cố gắng nói chuyện với con trai mình, cậu đã phớt lờ bà, nhưng Yuma bảo bà hãy quan sát trận duel và xem cách con trai nhìn nhận về mình. Yuma và Astral tranh luận với nhau xem có nên tấn công hay không, và cuối cùng họ quyết định phải làm điều đó nếu họ muốn giải phóng cho Fuuya. Yuma tấn công “Galaxy Queen” với “Hope”, nhưng Fuuya đã sử dụng cạm bẫy cuối cùng “Star Robin is Forever!”, hồi sinh “Different Dimension ESPer - Star Robin” với 0 ATK để cứu “Galaxy Queen”. Bất kể điều đó, Fuuya vẫn thua trận duel, và Astral hấp thụ “Galaxy Queen” từ cơ thể của Fuuya. Sau đó, Yuma, Kotori và Tetsuo bước đi trên một cây cầu trong khi Yuma nói chuyện về sự kiện của ngày hôm nay. Khi Yuma và Kotori bắt đầu tranh cãi với nhau, Shark đã lái chiếc mô tô của mình và quan sát Yuma, nhưng Yuma không hề để ý. Sau đó, Yuma và Astral xem phần cuối của “ESPer Robin”, và Astral có phát hiện thứ 10: “Mối quan hệ giữa cha mẹ và con cái là điều mà mình có thể hiểu được.”

1 - Cathy in Yuma's room

Yuma, đang ngủ khi Cathy lén lút quanh phòng của cậu ta.

Một ngày kia ở trường học, Tetsuo nói rằng thật kì lạ khi Yuma chưa từng thắng nổi trận duel nào với cậu, nhưng gần đây lại chiến thắng trước nhiều đối thủ rất mạnh. Kotori hỏi cậu có điều gì không ổn với nó, và Tetsuo trả lời “kattobingu” phù hợp hơn với kẻ bại trận lúc trước. Tetsuo suy luận rằng Astral có lẽ thực sự tồn tại, và Yuma chỉ bắt đầu chiến thắng sau khi nói chuyện với anh. Yuma bước vào lớp và nói “xin chào”, có vẻ như không hề biết gì về sự thật cậu đang mặc quần da và một chiếc áo choàng lông thú quá cỡ. Yuma hỏi tại sao mọi người lại nhìn cậu như vậy, và Kotori nói rằng cô không thể nhịn được nữa. Cô nói mình biết việc bình luận về gu thời trang của ai đó là không lịch sự, nhưng bây giờ thì cô buộc phải làm. Từ ba ngày trước, Yuma đã xuất hiện ở trường trong những trang phục kì quặc, cái cuối cùng là trang phục của một con ong. Kotori nói với cậu mọi người sẽ cười nhạo nếu cậu vẫn ăn mặc như thế và lôi ra một tấm gương lớn dựng đứng, nói Yuma hãy tự nhìn mình. Yuma rất kinh hoàng, và Tetsuo hỏi làm sao cậu lại không biết mình đang mặc gì. Kotori tiếp tục nói rằng đó không phải là tất cả - những thứ kì lạ đang xuất hiện xung quanh cậu: hộp cơm trưa của Yuma được trang trí rất lạ thường, cậu đột ngột được điểm tối đa trong bài kiểm tra, và ngày hôm qua cậu thực sự có thể nhảy thành công trong khi bình thường cậu luôn bị trượt ngã.

Astral xuất hiện và nói với cậu rằng anh đã luôn quan sát: hôm qua nó lại xảy ra lần nữa - có ai đó đã vào phòng và làm lẫn lộn đồ đạc của cậu. Yuma hỏi tại sao Astral không nói với cậu, và Astral trả lời đó là vì Yuma chưa từng hỏi anh. Và với việc Astral đang ở đó, anh không nghĩ việc có thêm thứ gì đó kì lạ trong phòng là không tự nhiên. Yuma quăng áo khoác đi và thề sẽ tìm ra người phải chịu trách nhiệm cho việc này, nhưng Kotori trêu chọc linh hồn đó của cậu không hề làm thay đổi độ khủng khiếp của trang phục, và Yuma đáp trả đó không phải là cách ăn mặc mà cậu ưa thích. Cô nói với cậu rằng cậu rõ ràng không có khiếu thời trang. Yuma hỏi ngược lại về cô, và cô trả lời ít nhất khiếu thời trang của cô còn tốt hơn cậu. Yuma yêu cầu cô chứng minh, và cô bảo họ sẽ đi mua sắm vào Chủ nhật này để mua cho Yuma vài bộ đồ mới. Cậu đồng ý và nói cô gặp cậu vào lúc 3 giờ chiều ở trung tâm mua sắm.

Yuma and Astral surrounded by cats

Yuma và Astral bị mèo bao vây.

Ngày hôm sau, Yuma đợi Kotori ở trung tâm mua sắm và ngạc nhiên vì cô đến muộn, nhưng rồi một đàn mèo đã tiếp cận Yuma, trong đó một con ở đằng trước có một tờ giấy ghi chú trên miệng. Khi Astral giật mình vì những con mèo, Yuma hỏi có phải anh sợ mèo hay không, nhưng Astral phủ nhận và tuyên bố đó chỉ là vì anh chưa có chúng trong những quan sát của mình. Yuma trêu chọc anh rằng những con mèo rất dễ bị ảnh hưởng với những thứ siêu nhiên, nên dứt khoát chúng có thể nhìn thấy Astral, nhưng anh đáp lại rằng chúng đang nhìn Yuma thì đúng hơn. Để ý đến tờ giấy ghi chú, Yuma cầm nó lên và nhận ra nó được cột lại bằng sợi ruy băng buộc tóc của Kotori. Cậu đọc nó và quả quyết Kotori đã bị bắt cóc. Yuma đi theo một con mèo đến một tòa lâu đài có chủ đề về mèo. Cậu đạp đổ cánh cửa chính, rồi gọi tên Kotori và nhận ra trong phòng khách còn có nhiều mèo hơn, cũng như nhiều bức tượng và ảnh của những con mèo. Một cô gái xuất hiện từ trên gác và chào mừng cậu, tự giới thiệu mình là Cathy, nhưng bảo cậu gọi cô là “Cat-chan”. Astral nói anh nhận ra cô, và bảo với Yuma rằng cô luôn theo dõi cậu. Có vẻ như Yuma biết Cathy, nhưng sau khi nghĩ về điều đó, cậu lại nói rằng cậu không hề biết cô là ai khiến cho cô thất vọng. Yuma hỏi Kotori đang ở đâu, và tại sao Cathy lại làm điều như thế này. Cô đáp lại đó là vì cô không thể hi vọng gì ở cậu. Yuma bối rối và bảo cô trả Kotori lại. Cathy quay đi và nói rằng cô sẽ làm thế nếu cậu có thể đánh bại cô trong một trận duel, nhưng cô muốn có được điều gì đó nếu cô thắng. Yuma tự hỏi những “Number” có liên quan đến việc này hay không, và Astral nói nếu như thế thì họ không có bất cứ sự lựa chọn nào khác ngoài chiến thắng, nhưng Yuma bảo rằng anh không cần phải nói với cậu điều đó. Trong suốt trận duel, Cathy cố thú nhận với Yuma rằng cô yêu cậu, nhưng Yuma đã đánh bại cô với “Baby Tragon” và Astral thử lấy đi “Number” của cô trước khi nhận ra cô không có lá nào. Yuma chạy đến chỗ Cathy, giúp cô đứng lên và hỏi xem Kotori đang ở đâu khiến cô đỏ mặt.

Sau đó, Yuma biết được Kotori ở công viên trong suốt khoảng thời gian đó và chơi với những con mèo của Cathy. Sáng hôm sau, khi họ đi học cùng với Tetsuo, Kotori nói với họ rằng cô bị ép phải chơi với những con mèo và Yuma không nên tức giận với cô nữa. Yuma bực bội nhấn mạnh rằng cậu không giận dữ với cô khi Cathy bước đến bên họ, nói “chào buổi sáng” và Yuma chào lại cô. Khi Cathy rời đi trong vui vẻ, Tetsuo hỏi đó là ai, và Kotori bảo cậu đừng thô lỗ như thế vì cô gái đó học chung lớp với họ. Khi họ không thể nhớ ra tên cô, Yuma đã nói với họ tên cô là Cathy, và cô là một duelist giỏi. Ghen tị, Kotori nói cô không biết điều đó và Tetsuo hỏi liệu có phải Yuma đã tìm ra người đã làm họ bị xáo trộn. Kotori nói cô phải đi và chạy lên trước, để lại Yuma đang bối rối. Astral bay ở phía trên và nói ra quan sát thứ mười một - “Yuma vẫn không hiểu cảm xúc của phụ nữ.”

Shark nearly runs over Yuma

Yuma suýt bị Shark tông phải.

Một ngày nọ, Yuma lại trễ học và lao qua vạch kẻ đường dành cho người đi bộ khi xe cộ đang thông thoáng, nhưng suýt bị ai đó lái mô tô tông phải. Người lái xe lao đi và Yuma giận dữ hỏi có phải cậu ta không nhìn thấy đèn giao thông đã đổi màu hay không. Cậu nhận ra đó là Shark, người đã không nói gì mà lái xe đi. Ở lớp, Takashi lấy bộ bài của Yuma để tìm các lá “Number”, nhưng không thể tìm ra chúng. Khi Yuma nói rằng cậu chỉ có chúng khi Astral ở với mình, Takashi nói rằng chiến thắng của Yuma trước Shark và Tokunosuke là dựa vào các “Number” và đặt nghi vấn về kĩ năng duel thực sự của cậu. Yuma quyết định sẽ đấu với Shark một lần nữa, nhưng Tetsuo nói gần đây Shark không đến trường và sau khi để thua Yuma, danh tiếng của Shark đã giảm sút đột ngột và có tin đồn anh đang lang thang với một vài kẻ du côn.

Shark earns the Emperor's key

Shark lấy đi Emperor's Key.

Sau đó, Yuma đi lang thang trên đường, nói rằng bạn bè cậu không hề hiểu - cậu đã mạnh hơn nhiều so với trước kia. Yuma tìm thấy Shark, nhưng bị Kaiou, Rikuou và đàn em dồn vào chân tường, nắm lấy mắt cá chân và ném cậu xuống đất. May mắn là Shark đã đến và bảo họ rời đi, để Yuma và bạn bè cậu ở lại. Khi Yuma thách đấu với Shark, anh đã từ chối duel và Yuma bị sốc khi biết Shark đã bỏ duel. Ngày tiếp theo, Yuma tiếp tục đuổi theo Shark và làm phiền anh bằng cách yêu cầu một trận duel cho đến khi cậu chấp nhận. Khi trận duel tiếp diễn, chiến lược mạnh mẽ của Shark bắt đầu khiến Yuma dao động, dù cậu đã thề sẽ không sử dụng các “Number”. Tuy nhiên, Shark bảo cậu cứ sử dụng “Number” của mình, nên Yuma đã mang “Hope” ra, nhưng đó vẫn là không đủ, vì Shark đã làm suy yếu nó với “Friller Shark”, sau đó tiếp tục phủ nhận khả năng và phá hủy nó với “Black Ray Lancer” của mình. Với một đòn tấn công trực tiếp từ “Aero Shark”, Yuma đã thua trận duel, cũng như đánh mất cả lòng tự trọng và hoàn toàn sụp đổ. Yuma đã đặt cược sợi dây chuyền của mình trong trận duel, nhưng khi Shark nhận lấy nó, anh đã ném nó xuống đất bên cạnh Yuma, nói rằng nó không xứng đáng để bị phá hủy cũng như cảnh báo cậu đừng làm phiền anh nữa (trong bản dub, Shark ném chìa khóa xuống đất và bảo Yuma giữ lấy nó như một lời nhắc nhở về trận duel).

Sau lần này, Yuma đã duel với Tetsuo mà không sử dụng “Number” và thua liên tục 20 trận. Cuối cùng, Tetsuo đã ngừng duel với Yuma vì lừa dối cậu về việc sử dụng “Number”. Trên đường đi học vào ngày hôm sau, Yuma đuổi theo Tetsuo và hỏi cậu xem hôm nay họ có thể duel hay không, nhưng Tetsuo chỉ nói rằng cậu không thể duel với Yuma được nữa. Yuma bỏ qua điều đó và nói rằng còn có rất nhiều người để cậu duel cùng. Astral xuất hiện và bảo rằng bây giờ cậu duel với ai không còn là vấn đề nữa vì Yuma, người mà bình thường cũng sử dụng được những chiến lược cơ bản, bây giờ thậm chí còn không làm được thế - cậu chỉ tấn công hấp tấp hết lần này đến lần khác. Yuma hỏi anh muốn nói gì, và Astral trả lời rằng Yuma đã bị kích động sau khi thua Shark. Astral nói Shark thực sự là một duelist tài năng, nhưng đó không phải là lý do duy nhất khiến anh chiến thắng. Yuma lại hỏi anh muốn nói gì. Astral trả lời Shark đã hiểu thấu bộ bài của Yuma và nhận ra điểm yếu của các “Number”, nhưng Yuma thực sự không hề biết gì về Shark. Yuma nghĩ lại lúc Tetsuo suy luận điều gì đó đã xảy ra lúc Shark tham dự giải Duel Monsters quốc gia và bắt đầu tìm kiếm thông tin về Shark. Ở thư viện trường, Yuma và Kotori làm việc trên một máy tính và tìm thông tin, một bài báo gọi Shark là “ứng cử viên cho chức vô địch phạm tội”. Họ đọc thấy Shark bị truất quyền thi đấu vì đã nhìn trộm bộ bài của đối thủ trước khi trận duel bắt đầu. Kotori nói rằng thật khó tin đó là lý do khiến Shark bị loại, và Yuma nói rằng đó không thể là sự thật - trận duel của cậu với Shark chứng minh Shark không phải là loại người sẽ gian lận kiểu đó.

Shark partners up with Yuma

Shark làm cộng sự với Yuma.

Sau giờ học, một người được gọi là Ginji đã chạy đến chỗ họ và nói rằng hai người anh trai của anh trong nhóm của Shark sẽ đi cướp bộ bài đầy sức mạnh tại bảo tàng Heartland và sẽ đẩy trách nhiệm cho Shark. Bất chấp lời than phiền của Kotori, Yuma đã chạy đến học viện Heartland và kịp dừng Shark, Kaiou và Rikuou trước cửa bảo tàng và thách đấu với họ một trận duel với “Number 39: Hope” là vật đặt cược. Shark cảnh báo Yuma đừng quan tâm đến anh nữa, nhưng Yuma nói cậu sẽ không để anh một mình đi cướp bộ bài đó. Yuma cũng chỉ ra rằng Kaiou và Rikuou chỉ lợi dụng anh, nơi ẩn náu của chúng không phải là chỗ dành cho anh và họ là bạn bè. Shark quyết định duel cùng với Yuma để chống lại Kaiou và Rikuou trong một trận Tag duel 2-chọi-2. Trong trận duel, Yuma kinh ngạc khi Shark có thể triệu hồi Xyz “Aero Shark” và gây thiệt hại ngay trong lượt đầu tiên, nhưng Rikuou đã triệu hồi “Number 61: Volcasaurus”, sử dụng nó để tiêu diệt tất cả quái thú của họ đồng thời giảm điểm gốc của họ xuống 2400 và 1100. Tất cả nước đi của họ đều bị phản công lại và với sự xuất hiện của “Number 19: Freezerdon” của Kaiou - thứ đã mang những overlay unit của Volcasaurus trở lại. Shark và Yuma đã bị dồn đến chân tường.

Sau đó Shark tiết lộ anh nghi ngờ Rikuou và Kaiou đã gian lận bằng cách sắp đặt bộ bài của mình, vậy nên họ sẽ biết được những lá bài trên tay nhau và cả những lá họ sẽ rút, thậm chí họ cũng đã vô hiệu hóa hệ thống xáo trộn bài của duel disk. Khi Rikuo nói với Shark anh cũng từng gian lận trong giải Duel Monsters quốc gia và nói rằng đó là vì anh sợ thua, rồi họ bắt đầu chế nhạo anh vì nó, Yuma đã bảo vệ anh. Yuma nói không có gì sai khi sợ thua cuộc, đó là lý do cậu đã sử dụng “Number” khi duel với Shark, không hề biết rằng Kotori và Tetsuo đang ở gần và nghe thấy hết. Sau khi triệu hồi “Hope” nhưng bị ngăn cản sử dụng nó để tấn công vì lá bài cạm bẫy “Avalanche”, Yuma đã sử dụng nó để bảo vệ Shark khỏi đòn tấn công sẽ khiến anh thua trận. Sau khi “Hope” và quái thú mới được triệu hồi “Black Ray Lancer” bị “Volcasaurus” phá hủy, Shark đã tránh được thất bại từ một đợt tấn công trực tiếp bằng lá bài cạm bẫy “Last Entrust”, kết thúc bước Battle và trao cho Yuma một lá bài cần để chiến thắng.

Yuma protecting Shark through Number 39's effect

Yuma và Shark trong trận Duel của họ với RikuouKaiou.

Sau khi loại bỏ Kaiou bằng việc ép buộc hắn sử dụng cạm bẫy “Compensation Exchange”, thứ cứu thoát “Volcasaurus” bằng cách nhận thiệt hại ngang với ATK của nó, Yuma đã sử dụng “Monster Reborn” để mang trở lại “Black Ray Lancer” của Shark và trang bị nó với lá “Armored Xyz” mà Shark đã trao cho cậu trước kia. Nó cho phép “Black Ray Lancer” có được thuộc tính của “Hope”, để nó phá hủy “Volcasaurus” và tấn công trực tiếp để chiến thắng. Tetsuo và Kotori đã chạy đến chúc mừng của chiến thắng của Yuma, và cậu xin lỗi vì đã nói dối. Tetsuo, với sự thúc đẩy từ phía Kotori, đã chấp nhận lời xin lỗi và thách đấu với Yuma, điều mà cậu đã vui vẻ đồng ý. Trước khi Shark rời đi, Yuma đề nghị trả lại “Armored Xyz” cho anh, nhưng Shark nói rằng lá bài đó có thể cải thiện kĩ năng duel của Yuma và cho phép cậu giữ nó. Yuma hơi bực bội khi bị gọi là một “duelist không tốt lắm”, khiến Shark mỉm cười và rời đi trong khi Yuma mỉm cười đáp lại và quan sát anh.

Trong khi ở trung tâm mua sắm, một tội phạm đã bắt giữ vài người làm con tin, D-Gazer của Yuma reo lên và Akari hỏi cậu đang ở đâu. Yuma nói dối là vẫn đang ở trường học, nhưng Akari biết cậu đang ở đó vì cô có thể nhìn thấy cậu trên bản tin. Akari yêu cầu Yuma lấy cho cô một vài thông tin sốt dẻo ở đó, nhưng trước khi cậu có thể đến gần hơn, Tenjou Kaito và Orbital 7 đã khiến thời gian ngừng trôi. Yuma và Astral không bị ảnh hưởng và nhận ra rằng họ có thể di chuyển trong thời gian đông cứng này. Yuma biết được một trận duel đang diễn ra và nhìn thấy tên tội phạm bị một “Number” điều khiển, cậu cố gắng đến gần hơn. Sau khi đi theo một vài đường cụt, Yuma đã tìm thấy hắn, bị lão hóa và liên tục nói “Thợ săn Number”. Yuma chợt hiểu điều gì vừa xảy ra, thời gian lại bắt đầu trôi. Cảnh sát Heartland đã bắt giữ hắn và điều này đã được nói đến trên bản tin.

Yuma facing two Number monsters

Yuma đối mặt với 2 quái thú "Number".

Astral biết được có ai đó cũng đang thu thập các “Number” giống như họ và bằng cách nào đó có thể khiến thời gian ngừng trôi, nên anh đã cảnh báo Yuma rằng ai đó cũng đang có sức mạnh như họ, nhưng Yuma không lo lắng vì điều đó. Ở trường, Tetsuo bảo Yuma, Kotori và Takashi rằng thành phố bên cạnh đã xây dựng một quảng trường duel mới, và cả nhóm quyết định đến đó vào Chủ nhật tuần kế tiếp. Trên đường quay về từ quảng trường duel, trời bắt đầu đổ mưa, nhưng khi Yuma và Kotori đang tìm chỗ trú, một chiếc xe tải gần như đã tông vào Kotori. Yuma đẩy cô ra và thế chỗ cô, rồi thời gian lại đột ngột ngừng trôi và họ nghe thấy tiếng rít họ từng nghe ở trung tâm thương mại. Họ nhận ra mình đang đối diện với một Thợ săn Number, người đã trói buộc Yuma với một Duel Anchor để ngăn cậu chạy thoát và sau đó duel với những “Number” của họ là vật đặt cược. Khi trận duel bắt đầu, Yuma quan sát Kaito triệu hồi “Number 10: White-Light Knight - Illuminator” và “Number 20: Gig-Ant Brilli-Ant”, rồi sau đó nhanh chóng triệu hồi quái thú tối thượng của mình, "Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon".

Yuma feels he could never be a Duel Champion

Yuma rằng cậu sẽ không bao giờ có thể trở thành một Duel Champion.

Khi Kaito bảo Orbital 7 rút đi linh hồn của Yuma từng chút một, và Yuma hỏi anh có ý gì, cậu biết được rằng trong khi thu thập một “Number”, Kaito cũng đánh cắp cả linh hồn chủ nhân của nó. Yuma quay lại chiến đấu với “Number 39: Hope” và "Number 17: Leviathan Dragon", nhưng sức mạnh của thợ săn Number đã áp đảo Yuma. Tuy nhiên, ngay trước khi Kaito có thể tung đòn kết liễu, con rô bốt đã thông báo với anh rằng cậu em trai nhỏ của anh đang kiệt sức, nên anh đã hủy bỏ trận duel. Kaito phá vỡ Duel Anchor khỏi Yuma và nói cậu hãy nhớ tên anh là “Tenjou Kaito” và để thời gian tiếp tục trôi đi. Lúc đó, chiếc xe tải gần như tông vào Yuma và Kotori lúc trước đã chạy ngang qua và bắn đầy nước lên cậu. Ngã quỵ xuống đất, Yuma bắt đầu khóc vì để thua Kaito quá dễ dàng, tự hỏi “kattobingu” và việc trở thành nhà vô địch duel rốt cuộc là cái gì. Yuma nói rằng cứ theo cách này thì cậu không bao giờ có thể trở thành nhà vô địch, và hét lên vì thất vọng. Sau đó Yuma trở nên chán nản và lòng kiêu hãnh của cậu đã bị tổn thương nặng.

Haru asks Yuma to do an errand for her

Tsukumo Haru hỏi Yuma để đi công chuyện.

Một thời gian ngắn sau khi Kotori và Tetsuo thông báo về Yuma về một giải đấu được gọi là World Duel Carnival, Tsukumo Haru thuyết phục Yuma đi đến võ quán duel để rèn luyện duel bằng cách yêu cầu cậu đi làm một việc vặt. Trong lúc ở đó, Yuma đã duel với chủ nhân của võ quán, Rokujuro, cậu biết được những quái thú sẽ ra sao trong các trận duel và cậu sẽ trở nên tốt hơn vì hiểu được cuộc chiến của chúng. Cuối cùng, học trò cũ của Rokujuro - Yamikawa - đã xuất hiện và đánh bại ông, muốn chiếm lấy bộ bài huyền thoại của võ quán duel. Tuy nhiên, Yuma lại gây trở ngại cho mưu đồ của Yamikawa và có một trận duel với anh. Dẫu vậy từ rất sớm, Yamikawa đã tiết lộ việc anh có một “Number”, “Number 12: Armor Ninja - Crimson Shadow”.

Sau khi nhìn thấy “Number” này, Yuma bắt đầu hoài nghi về kĩ năng duel của mình, nhưng Astral bảo cậu hãy tin vào những chỉ dẫn của Rokujuro, và họ sẽ thắng. Với cảm xúc của chính mình và của các quái thú trong tâm trí, Yuma đã có thể đánh bại được “Number” và chiến thắng. Sau khi được giải thoát khỏi “Number” và được chấp nhận quay lại võ quán, Yamikawa đã cảm ơn Yuma. Akari - người đang quan sát trận duel của Yuma - nhận ra cậu đã trưởng thành như thế nào qua duel và cho phép cậu tiếp tục duel, bao lâu cậu không hành động quá trớn. Trước khi cậu rời đi, Rokujuro đưa cho Yuma bộ bài huyền thoại của võ quán duel và bảo cậu chuẩn bị cho World Duel Carnival vì có nhiều duelist mạnh sẽ được tập hợp.

Yuma checking the Secret Deck's cards

Yuma và bạn bè của cậu đang kiểm tra những lá bài của Bộ bài Huyền thoại.

Sau khi kết hợp bộ bài mới, Yuma đã chuẩn bị cho World Duel Carnival. Tuy nhiên, chính Astral, vì vẫn bàng hoàng sau trận duel với Kaito, lại đang nghi ngờ về nó. Cuối cùng Yuma đã biết được thông qua Cathy đang bị điều khiển rằng bạn bè cậu đã bị Jin - một thuộc hạ của Kaito - bắt giữ. Astral từ chối trận duel này vì sợ thua, nhưng cuối cùng Yuma đã thuyết phục được anh và hai người cùng chống lại Jin. Jin tự giới thiệu mình là thuộc hạ của Kaito và nói rằng chính Kaito cũng đang quan sát trận duel này khiến Astral lo sợ, nhưng không hề gây tổn hại đến tinh thần sôi nổi của Yuma.

Yuma and Astral do Chaos Xyz Change

Yuma và Astral thực hiện việc Chaos Xyz Change.

Khi trận duel của họ bắt đầu, Jin đã triệu hồi “Number 16: Ruler of Color - Shock Ruler” và cả hai bị dồn vào chân tường. Tuy nhiên, Yuma đã xoay sở được để đánh bại “Number” này, nhưng bị sốc khi Jin triệu hồi một quái thú “Number” khác, “Number 11: Big Eye” và sử dụng hiệu ứng của nó để chiếm quyền điều khiển “Hope”. Cũng vậy, thông qua trận duel, Jin tiếp tục phong ấn những sự triệu hồi của Yuma đến mức họ tin rằng họ không thể làm gì được nữa. Astral hoảng sợ với ý nghĩ sẽ thua trận, nhưng khi Jin đề nghị Yuma giao các quái thú “Number” cho hắn để đổi lấy bạn bè mình, Astral đã tự nguyện hi sinh. Yuma từ chối và khi họ nhận ra được “Kaito” đang quan sát họ chỉ là một bức tượng, họ đã thêm một lần nữa giành lại hi vọng. Với một sức mạnh mới, Chaos Xyz Change, Yuma và Astral đã cùng triệu hồi “Chaos Number 39: Hope Ray” và đánh bại Jin. Sau đó Astral tuyên bố các “Number” và Yuma đã cứu bạn bè cậu và họ cảm ơn Astral. Bực bội, Yuma đã bỏ đi vì bạn bè phớt lờ cậu.

Một ngày ở trường học, Ukyou nói với lớp Yuma rằng thứ bảy tiếp theo là Visitor Day - ngày cha mẹ của các học sinh có thể đến trường để xem con cái mình học tập như thế nào. Tetsuo hỏi Kotori cha hay mẹ cô sẽ đến, rồi để ý rằng Yuma đang nghe họ nói và xin lỗi cậu vì cha mẹ cậu đã mất tích. Yuma nói cậu ổn và không lấy làm phiền vì điều đó. Khi về nhà, cậu thấy cả Haru và Akari đều đang lên kế hoạch cho ngày thứ bảy tiếp theo, vậy nên cậu quyết định không phá vỡ kế hoạch của họ và không kể cho họ về Visitor Day. Buổi tối, Yuma buồn bã nhìn bức ảnh của cha mẹ trước khi đi ngủ.

Vào buổi sáng, Yuma ngủ nướng như thường lệ và vội vàng rời khỏi nhà, không nhận ra mình đã để quên Emperor's Key. Khi Yuma chuẩn bị rời đi, cậu đụng vào Akari, người nhận ra thật kì lạ khi Yuma đi học vào thứ bảy, nhưng Yuma có thể tránh né câu hỏi của cô. Trong khi chờ bước qua đường, Yuma nhận ra cậu đã để quên chiếc chìa khóa và bỏ buổi học để tìm nó.

Yuma challenges the 20 boxes jump

Yuma đang thực hiện thử thách 20-bậc.

Sau khi tìm kiếm nó trong một lúc, Astral hỏi Yuma về cha mẹ cậu và Yuma kể với anh về cha cậu, cách ông nhận được Emperor's Key và trao lại cho cậu, dạy cậu “kattobingu”. Sau khi tìm thấy chiếc chìa khóa trong gác mái, Yuma đã quay lại trường vừa kịp giờ học thể dục. Yuma đang nhìn bạn bè mình nhảy qua những chiếc hộp xếp chồng khi Akari và Haru đến, vì họ đã biết về Visitor Day và nhận ra Yuma không hề nói gì với họ. Yuma bị bất ngờ, nhưng hạnh phúc khi họ cổ vũ cho cậu,và cậu một lần nữa thách thức với cú nhảy 20 bậc. Mỉm cười, Yuma nhìn thấy nó như một ngọn núi, và thấy linh hồn của cha mẹ cậu đang dõi theo cậu. Astral nhận ra mọi người cũng yêu thương và cổ vũ cho Yuma, rồi Yuma nhảy qua nó với sự cổ vũ của gia đình và và bạn bè.

Number 96 dueling through Yuma

Yuma đang bị "ám" bởi Number 96.

Sau khi hấp thụ “Number 96: Black Mist”, Yuma và Tetsuo đã cãi nhau vì sự hấp tấp của Yuma trong trận duel này. Ngày hôm sau, Yuma phớt lờ Tetsuo ở trường học, nhưng cũng nhớ ngày họ gặp nhau và trở thành bạn bè. Trong khi Kotori thúc giục Yuma dàn hòa với Tetsuo, Yuma đã nói với Astral rằng Tetsuo không phải là bạn của cậu, trong khi Tetsuo đang ở ngay trước cậu. Khi Yuma cố giải thích hoàn cảnh đó, Tetsuo đã vô tình đá vào Emperor's Key, khiến Number 96 điều khiển Astral. Ngay trước khi “Number” ác quỷ hoàn toàn điều khiển Astral, anh đã bảo Yuma đưa “Hope” cho Tetsuo để cậu có thể duel với Number 96 và giải thoát cho cả anh lẫn Yuma. Trong suốt trận duel, Number 96 đã thao túng và điều khiển Yuma, người bị ép buộc phải sử dụng lá bài của mình trong trận duel. Theo yêu cầu của Astral, Yuma đã giả vờ bị Number 96 điều khiển để hắn phá hủy một lá bài mà Tetsuo có thể thắng dù không cần đến. Khi Tetsuo triệu hồi “Hope” trở lại, cậu đã có thể đánh bại Number 96 và giải thoát cả Yuma lẫn Astral khỏi sự điều khiển của hắn.

Một ngày kia sau giờ học, Yuma và bạn bè phát hiện ra một con vịt dẫn họ đến việc phát hiện những Obot đang lau dọn bờ hồ với một con vịt mẹ ở bên trong. Sau khi giải thoát con vịt mẹ, Kotori bảo Yuma sửa lại Obot mặc dù Yuma không biết phải làm gì với nó. Lần theo những sợi dây cáp bị đứt, Kotori đã giúp đỡ bằng cách cho mượn một chiếc kẹp của mình để buộc lại sợi dây và Yuma có thể sửa lại con Obot bị hư. Sau đó, Obot đã hình thành mối liên kết với Yuma và theo cậu về nhà khiến cậu hết hồn. Sau khi Obot đánh bại Yuma trong một trận duel, nó đã lấy sợi ruy-băng cột tóc của Kotori và tự buộc lên đầu khiến Kotori tin rằng nó là một cô gái, và Yuma đặt tên cho nó là Obomi. Sau đó, Yuma và bạn bè trải qua cả một ngày với Obomi - cô chơi bóng rổ, trượt ván và đánh bại cả Yuma lẫn Tetsuo trong một trận duel. Đêm đó, Yuma để Obomi trong nhà để xe của mình. Yuma không hề biết rằng kẻ trộm đã kích hoạt sự điều khiển buộc Obomi phải đi ăn cắp cho hắn một lần nữa. Tuy nhiên, trước đó cô đã làm rơi một trong những lá bài của mình - “Wish upon a Star”. Sáng hôm sau, sau khi tìm thấy lá bài của Obomi và phát hiện ra Obomi có liên quan đến những vụ trộm gần đây trong thành phố, Yuma và bạn bè đã lên đường tìm kiếm Obomi và đối diện với tên trộm đá quý. Tuy nhiên, hắn có thể thoát ra được vì Obomi đã khiến họ xao lãng. Yuma đã duel với Obomi, hi vọng rằng cậu có thể bẻ gãy sự điều khiển của tên trộm trên cô. Trong trận duel, tên trộm đã nhấn nút đếm ngược trong một phút đến lúc Obomi bị nổ tung, nhưng Yuma đã ngăn chặn thành công điều đó bằng cách đánh bại Obomi.

Một đêm kia, Yuma nghe Astral nói về cấu trúc và con tàu bên trong Emperor's Key, khiến cậu rơi xuống khỏi võng vì bị sốc. Yuma hỏi Astral về chìa khóa, nhưng Astral nói rằng cấu trúc của nó trông giống như một trò chơi ghép hình lớn và có điều gì đó sẽ xảy ra nếu các “Number” tập hợp lại. Vào buổi sáng, Yuma có vẻ lại trễ học và chạy xuyên qua những hàng lang, quên mất việc hôm nay cậu có tiết học bơi. Ở hồ bơi, Yuma và Takashi - người tuyên bố chiếc chìa khóa của cậu là vật nguy hiểm - đã cãi nhau. Mặc dù Yuma nói rằng không phải, Takashi vẫn khăng khăng là có và nhắc cậu rằng chìa khóa đã làm Takashi bị thương ở đầu. Yuma đành quay lại tủ của mình và bỏ chiếc chìa khóa ở đó, tự hỏi không biết Astral có ổn hay không, nhưng rồi cậu quyết định rời đi. Sau đó, Yuma và bạn bè phát hiện căn phòng bị xáo trộn và chiếc chìa khóa của cậu đã biến mất. Yuma tìm kiếm nó một cách điên cuồng, nhưng rồi nhận ra Kaito và Orbital 7 đang giữ chiếc chìa khóa với Astral ở bên trong, và linh hồn của Shark cũng đã bị đánh cắp.

Orbital 7 misses Yuma

Orbital 7 đánh hụt Yuma.

Sau khi thuyết phục thầy giáo Ukyou sử dụng một con virus để tìm ra nơi ẩn nấp của Kaito, Yuma cùng với Tetsuo, Kotori, Cathy và Takashi đã đến đó, nhưng nhận ra rằng những cánh cửa đã bị khóa chặt. Khi Yuma đang dần mất đi hi vọng, Kotori đã tát Yuma, mang những cảm xúc của cậu trở lại và nhắc cho cậu nhớ về “kattobingu”. Cả nhóm bắt đầu kéo cánh cửa, nhưng nó chỉ mở ra với những con rệp của Ukyou. Họ vào bên trong và tìm chiếc chìa khóa, nhưng bị Orbital 5 và Orbital 6 chặn lại. Yuma đã đá vào mặt của chúng, nhưng được bạn bè mình khích lệ, nói rằng họ sẽ cầm chân những con rô bốt trong khi cậu đi tìm chiếc chìa khóa. Cậu tìm thấy một vùng không gian có chứa chiếc chìa khóa, nhưng cánh cửa đã bị khóa. Cậu không thể mở nó ra, nhưng phát hiện một bức ảnh của Kaito và một cậu bé bí ẩn. Sau khi Orbital 7 đến, cánh cửa đã mở ra và cậu tấn công Yuma, nhưng những mũi khoan của cậu đã mắc kẹt trong bức tường, trao cho Yuma cơ hội để bước vào phòng thí nghiệm và tìm chiếc chìa khóa.


Yuma sau khi hợp thể cùng Astral trong trận Duel của họ với Kaito.

Yuma lại được The Door gọi sau khi bộ bài của cậu bắt đầu phát sáng và nói với cậu rằng trong khi hắn muốn cậu đánh mất điều quan trọng nhất như cái giá phải trả cho sức mạnh hắn sẽ trao cho cậu, có ai đó đang làm gián đoạn sự thỏa thuận của họ, thúc đẩy cậu bay xuyên qua nó và nhận lấy sức mạnh của ZEXAL. Cậu nhìn thấy trận duel của Astral với Kaito và muốn giúp đỡ, cậu nhảy qua nó và Astral bắt đầu thực hiện một sự triệu hồi Xyz, bằng cách sử dụng chính họ như những nguyên liệu. Cả hai đã xuất hiện với tư cách chỉ là một, cơ thể và linh hồn của họ đã cùng overlay. Yuma tiếp tục trận duel thay thế cho Astral, người nói với cậu rằng lượt rút bài tiếp theo sẽ quyết định việc họ thắng hay thua. Cậu gọi ra Shining Draw và tạo ra một lá bài mới - “ZEXAL Weapon - Unicorn Spear”, sử dụng nó để trang bị cho “Chaos Number 39: Aspiring Emperor - Hope Ray”, giúp nó có khả năng phủ nhận hiệu ứng “Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon” của Kaito và phá hủy nó. Sau đó Kaito sử dụng cạm bẫy của mình, “Photon Shock”, khiến cả hai bên đều phải chịu thiệt hại chiến đấu và kết thúc trận duel với kết quả hòa. Yuma hỏi Kaito tại sao người như anh lại làm những việc độc ác như đánh cắp linh hồn người khác vì các “Number”, và Kaito đáp lại anh đã bán linh hồn mình cho quỷ dữ từ rất lâu rồi, và lý do của anh không liên quan gì đến cậu. Sau đó Kaito đã đưa linh hồn của Shark trở lại. Tòa nhà bắt đầu tự hủy trong khi bạn bè Yuma đang đợi cậu ở bên ngoài, nhưng nghĩ rằng đã quá trễ sau khi nó nổ tung. Yuma xuất hiện từ trong đống đổ nát, Emperor's Key lại được đeo trên cổ cậu một lần nữa. Trong khi ăn mừng sự an toàn của mình và sự quay lại của chiếc chìa khóa, cậu để ý thấy Kaito đang bay ngang qua đó.

Ngày tiếp theo, trong khi chạy đến trường, thời gian lại đột ngột ngừng trôi, chỉ còn Yuma và Astral có thể di chuyển. Kaito xâm chiếm kí ức của Astral, khiến anh bay ngang qua những nơi mà họ từng duel trước kia. Khi thời gian trở lại bình thường, Kaito xuất hiện và nói với họ rằng họ sẽ phân định thắng bại trong World Duel Carnival.

World Duel Carnival Preliminaries[]

A few days before the World Duel Carnival starts, Yuma waited for his Heart Pieces, but they didn't arrive as Yuma forgot to register online. When his friends reminded him, he quickly tried to register, but the registration time had already finished. Yuma panicky immediately ran into a building to ask for a Heart Piece, but the guards didn't let him enter until Mr. Heartland appeared and gave him a Heart Piece. Afterwards, with Yuma and Tori talks about how he can finally fulfill the promise he made with his father to become the Duel Champion. Astral tells Yuma that he must win since the tournament should have many Number holders. Yuma tells Astral that he doesn't plan on just winning, causing Astral to asks Yuma why he doesn't plan on fully winning since that would mean Yuma wouldn't be fulfilling the promise he made with his father. Yuma explains to Astral that he has thought to himself for a long time about what Dueling means to him. Yuma tells him that ever since he met Astral, he started to win despite losing all the time before, but when he lost against Shark and Kite, he understood that he could lose something important from losing for the first time, but he never hated Dueling despite it.[32]

Yuma bond

Yuma tells Astral what Dueling means to him.

Yuma tells Astral that Dueling means bonds and connection to him, and that Dueling and fighting are different. Astral doesn't want to agree to him since he would disappear if he lost, but Yuma tells Astral that he understands how he feels and will do anything to save him. However, Yuma has realized that there is something exceeding winning and losing. Astral asks Yuma what he will do about Kite, where Yuma answers that he will lose his soul if he lost, but it won't change his Dueling. Then Tori worries what would happen if Yuma really lost his soul, but Yuma tries to comfort Tori and promises to win the tournament. The day the WDC started, Yuma went to the opening ceremony and listens to Mr. Heartland explains the rules. Just after the Carnival starts, Striker hits Yuma in the face with a soccer ball filled with cards, challenging him to a Duel.[32]

Yuma in the Soccer field

Yuma under the effects of "Stadium of Dreams".

Striker quickly reduces Yuma's Life Points and prevents him from attacking with his Soccer-themed Deck. During the Duel, Striker reveals that he used to play soccer in his older brothers' team, but Striker doesn't play as a team, so he quit the team and started Dueling instead. Yuma manages to win the Duel with his new Xyz Monster, "Muzurhythm the String Djinn" and reminds Striker that he likes to play soccer and rejoins his brothers' team. Striker gives Yuma his Heart Piece, earning his first Heart Piece.[56]

Yuma VS Shobee ZX JP 028

Yuma VS Cody

Yuma's second opponent is Cody Callus. Cody thinks that a Duel is only about power and uses the Xyz Monster with highest ATK so far. Yuma proves him wrong by defeating him without using any Xyz Monsters, instead, he reduced his monster's ATK to 0 and destroyed it with "Kurivolt" who only has 300 ATK and inflicted effect damage. With Cody's defeat Yuma now has 3 Heart Pieces; however, so far, only two pieces fit together, meaning Yuma will still need to collect three more fitting pieces.[39] His third opponent was Anna Kaboom, who was always carrying a cannon with her, which reflects in her Duels since she uses a beatdown strategy through effect damage. Even though Yuma defeated her, it was revealed she wasn't an actual participant in the tournament so she couldn't give him a Heart Piece. As Anna flew away, she thought of Yuma and developed a crush on him, along with a feeling of hatred immediately after, because those thoughts distracted her, causing her to smash her head against the railroad and she blamed him for it.[60]

Yuma's fourth opponent was Tombo Tillbitty, who plays by the rules of "Basket Rule" meaning he had to pull a vegetable from a basket at random and eat it every time he wanted to attack. Yuma was not able to attack for most of the Duel because he pulled a tomato every time he was about to attack and he said he hated tomatoes until Tori said that if he lost she would force Yuma to eat his food and Duel meals with tomatoes every single day. Scared of the thought of it, Yuma forced himself to eat one and after that, he thought that Tombo's tomatoes were delicious. Yuma won the Duel by Summoning a new Xyz Monster "Melomelody the Brass Djinn" and using "Gagaga Girl's" effect gaining his fourth Heart Piece.[17]


Charlie McCay vs Yuma.

His fifth opponent was Charlie McCay, who plays cards with Die Roll effects and possess "Number 7: Lucky Straight" that gives luck to the player who has it, so Charlie wins all the Duels he plays. Charlie also used this card to steal cards and other things, among them being one of the Numbers, "Big Eye", so Yuma chased him and challenged him to a Duel on top of a train.[61] Yuma defeated him because he "split the sun in two", as Charlie said that if the sun is split in two, the luck of "Number 7: Lucky Straight" would run out. Yuma destroyed Charlie's "Sun Scale", which symbolizes the sun, and then Summoned "Number C39: Utopia Ray" for the win. After that, Charlie returned the stolen Number card to Yuma and receiving "Lucky Straight" as well .[23]

During the second day of the WDC, Yuma and Tori Meadows went with Bronk and Caswell met with the Asian Champion, Quattro, in a clearing for a Duel. Although Yuma was wary of Quattro due to Shark, Quattro seemed kind, Yuma changed his opinion of him until Quattro activated the card Gimmick Box, he showed his real face, which is cold and malicious. He started to make suffer Caswell and Bronk, causing Yuma to become angry. After the Quattro's win, Yuma challenged him to a Duel, but Shark arrives and challenged him too, but Quattro went away.[62] Trey, who is Quattro's brother, challenged Shark to a Duel, and Yuma watched it. Throughout the Duel, Yuma worried about Shark, but cheered him on and was happy that he won.[63] After the Duel, Yuma is irritated by whats going on with Shark and Quattro, and angrily says "Dueling isn't a tool for revenge!". Despite Tori's attempts to take his mind off it, Yuma snaps at her for trying to cheer him up, in which Tori walks away hurt. After a request from his sister to look for a Duelist named Cameron Clix, he wonders where Tori went, and Astral clarifies that he said some hurtful things to her, which he denies. Upon running into Cameron, they Duel, with Tori's life at stake due to Cameron's prediction with his photo. When Cameron Summoned his "Numbers" card, Yuma was pushed into a corner.[37] However, Astral told Yuma to ignore the photo's Cameron showed him. By doing so, Yuma was able to Summon "Number C39: Utopia Ray" and win the Duel. Unfortunately, this didn't stop the prediction of Tori's fate, but Kite and Orbital 7 showed up and managed to safely put the ship on the ground, which Yuma thanked him for. With Tori safe, Yuma got his fifth Heart Piece and "Number 25: Force Focus".[64]

ZXx037 YumavsDextraandNistro

Yuma VS Dextra & Nistro

Later, he Duels Nistro and Dextra in Flip's place, as Flip collected Heart Pieces using his "tricky ideas" until Nistro and Dextra found out. He Duels without the help of Astral, as Astral is being cornered inside Emperor's Key by Number 96, he is unable to use the Numbers and is struggling against the teamwork of Nistro and Dextra.[65] As the Duel continues, their combination overpowered Yuma and drastically lowered his Life Points. On an attempt to turn the Duel around, Yuma managed to Summon "Utopia", surprising Nistro and his partner as he holds a "Number" card. After noticing their Photon cards, Yuma identifies them as being affiliated with Kite, and told them that he has Dueled Kite. Unable to counterattacked, Yuma gave up hope when they reduced him 100 to Life Points, but Astral returned and was briefly visible to everyone watching the Duel - revealing to Nistro and Dextra he is in possession of the Original Number. With Astral's help, Yuma execute a winning move and won the Duel.[27]

Afterwards, Yuma gather together with Tori, Flip, and Bronk, who tells how Caswell is doing. Flip comments that Yuma is the only one to have one in their group while Astral reminds him that the remaining contestants in the WDC are quite the competition as only strong people remain. Then, Cathy appears behind Yuma and shows him that she gather three Heart Pieces. Yuma congratulates her on getting the Heart Pieces, and then shows her the four that he's collected. Suddenly, a dog snatched Yuma's Heart Piece and ran off, but Cathy uses her ability with cats to search for dog's whereabouts for him. When managing to locate where the dog had gone, Yuma was shocked when a dog, named Roscoe spoke to the gang. After Cathy challenged the dog to a Duel, Yuma watches anxiously since his Heart Pieces are on the line. Yuma was shocked when the talking dog was revealed to actually be a little girl named Pip. As the Duel continues, Yuma sees Pip growing nervous and encourage her to "kattobingu" and his his friends fallows suit. Yuma cheers for Pip when she managed to win the Duel, but remembers his Heart Pieces were on the line. As the sun begins to set, Yuma stop sulking after Pip gave him back his stolen Heart Pieces.[66]


Yuma being held by Nistro

Later at night, Yuma encounters Hart Tenjo wondering the streets, and bared witness to his power. Upon Astral's request, Yuma takes Hart to his home and formed a friendship with him. When Hart wonders out in the night, Yuma went after him, but notice that Hart was beginning to panic when they noticed the helicopter. On Astral's advised, Yuma quickly gave Hart a caramel and promised to take him to see his brother Kite, which calms him down, and then found out the helicopter which was piloted by Quinton. Quinton brainwashes Hart and takes him in his helicopter as Yuma yells Hart's name as it flew away.[67] Walking home, Yuma was confronted by Nistro and Dextra, which Yuma kicked the former in the crotch in order to escape from his gripped. Yuma and Kite agreed to teamed up to find him and break into an abandoned gallery, beginning a Tag Duel against Trey and Quattro.[5]

Zexal-41 duel

Yuma and Kite vs. Trey and Quattro.

As the Duel begun, Kite used his field spell, which injured everyone else, including Yuma. Yuma got upset that Kite would hurt his own partner, but Astral reminded him that they were there to save Hart. As the Duel continued, Yuma tried to protect Kite, while playing his Number, much to Trey, Quattro and Quinton's surprise, but it is destroyed by "Number 15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder".[6] Nonetheless, Yuma fights back using "Number C39: Utopia Ray", but Quattro manages to stop the damage from the attack and play "Number 40: Gimmick Puppet of Strings", much to Yuma's shock. After Kite was on the verge of defeat, Yuma told him to stand up, because if he didn't, Yuma asks him who else would protect Hart. Upon seeing Kite's new energy enveloping him, he lets him sacrifice his monsters and unleash "Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon", which wins them the Duel.[68] Afterwards, Yuma learns from Quinton that his father is still alive in the Astral World. Although he decides to go there in hopes to find his father, he is stopped by Tori and his family along with Roku. Yuma decides to Duel Roku so he can leave. Despite faring well, he recklessly disregards Roku's Face-down Trap card "Mirror Force", which destroys all his monsters, and is then finished off by "Arcana Knight Joker". After some words from Roku, he comes to his senses, realizing he shouldn't run away or abandon Dueling.[69]

During the next day, Yuma was ready to leave his house while lamenting how Roku was gone when he woke up. However, his grandmother assure him that Roku left relief that Yuma has chosen his path, which left him wondering what path he has taken. Kari said it is him winning the World Duel Carnival and becoming champion. Touched by his family's support, Yuma hurries outside to find his friends all gather to cheer him on. While walking, Yuma proclaimed on about winning anyone in the finals, but stopped and wonder about his path he choose again. Astral said that he shared Yuma's confusion, and reminds Yuma about others - Kite, Hart, Shark, and his father - whom he all wants to save. Yuma includes Astral too and say that he won't lose to anyone no matter what, making Astral smile. Yuma notice his friends listening, and said that he'll find a way to make everybody happy. When Yuma show his friends that he needs only one more Heart Piece, they started to search for a weak Duelist for Yuma, to his annoyance. Later, Flip calls Yuma to a plaza, where he happily finds Nelson Andrews as "The Sparrow" Dueling against Nistro, where both Duelists are also happy to see him. Throughout the Duel, Yuma watches in awe and cheers for both sides. The Duel gets him excited, and spend most of his time bantering with Astral about Nistro, Nelson, and the moves they played. After Nelson lost, Yuma goes up to him and was happy that he had fun. He was little surprised, but touched when Nelson thanked Yuma for teaching him that Dueling was for fun. When Nistro came to them, Yuma finds out the he enter the WDC in order to Duel against him, and Nistro tells Yuma that he will be waiting in the finals. Yuma then listen to Nelson explaining how he can make others happy through Dueling and hearing Nelson's encouragements, Yuma thanks him for helping him realized his path and promised that he will always "kattobingu".[70]

Later, Yuma can't find anyone to Duel against and desperately searches for an opponent. However, Yuma encounters a fallen Duelist and learned how violent Shark has became. Yuma found Shark at a construction plant and tried to questions his behavior. When he tried to leave, Yuma challenges Shark to a Duel, which he accepts. However, Yuma doesn't make any attempts to attack Shark and let him take his anger out on him. Once Shark realize this, Yuma's plan succeed and manage to make the "Number"'s darkness over Shark disappeared. After Yuma reaffirm his friendship with Shark, Yuma gets a call from his grandma to learn that Trey was at his house. Despite initial hostility, Yuma ends up befriending Trey, who was amazed by the artifacts in Yuma's room that his father found. After spending part of the day with Yuma and his family, Trey remembers how his family used to be and challenges Yuma to a Duel, who wished to know Trey's feelings and talk more.[71]

Yuma recovers in Kattobing

Yuma regains "kattobingu".

During the Duel, Yuma tried to reason with Trey and shocked by his sudden change in personalty. Trey then uses his new powers to erase Yuma's memories of "kattobingu" and his father's teachings. Due to the power of Trey's Crest, Yuma is unable to see Astral or the Emperor's Key.[52] Without his "kattobingu", Yuma also becomes weak and cowardly, and wants to surrender the Duel. Trey refused to let Yuma quite the Duel and brutally attacked him, causing Yuma to nearly fell off the highway until his friends saved him. With some help from his father inside the Emperor's Key and Astral using the his bit of power, Yuma was released from Trey's influence and regained ability to see the key and Astral. Upon returning to normal, Yuma learned that Trey destroyed Astral, which makes him mad and cried for his friend. Remebering the lessons Astral gave him, Yuma proceeds to use "Number 39: Utopia" and later "Number C39: Utopia Ray", but Trey counters with Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis.[41]

III giving Yuma his Crest's power

Trey giving Yuma his crest's power.

Trey uses the Trap Card "Final Prophecy" to protect "Atlanto", but doesn't realize that the card opens a portal to the Barian World. Trey's Crest starts damaging his body, but Yuma manages to convince Trey to work together with him to revive Astral. Using the ZEXAL power, Yuma and Astral performed a Shining Draw - "ZW - Phoenix Bow", and equipping it to "Utopia Ray", Yuma defeated Trey. and "Atlanto". After Yuma's victory over Trey, Trey gives Yuma his "Numbers" and a Heart Piece and leaves asking Yuma to save his family. Obtaining Trey's Heart Piece and two "Numbers", Yuma completed his Heart Pieces and advances to the WDC finals.[72]

World Duel Carnival Finals[]

After Yuma advanced to the finals, he goes to the finals party and brought his friends along, but forgets his invitation. Flip helps him and his friends sneak into the party, they get caught again, but Nistro appears and helps them get into the party. During the party, Yuma notices Kite talking to Quinton and tried to reach them, but to no avail and then tried looking for Shark. After Vetrix interrupts Mr. Heartland's speech and reveals himself, Yuma realizes that he is the one Trey was talking about during their Duel and leaving Yuma confused. After Flip's antics cause a mess at the party, Yuma found Kite on his way out and asked how Hart was. Kite told him not to concern himself with that and focus on the confrontation the two will surely have in the finals. Yuma agreed, only to hear Kite telling him that it's not Yuma he's looking forward to defeating - it's Astral, much to Yuma's annoyance, but smiles as Kite left.[33]

Tori, Yuma and Astral in the Duel Coaster

Yuma on the Duel Coaster with Tori and Astral

On the morning of the Finals, Yuma sleeps outside the stadium, as not to be late again. Upon boarding his Duel Coaster car, he realizes he forgets his Heart Pieces, as they are required to start. Yuma's sister and his friends work together to get his Heart Pieces to him, and he starts the course, with Tori in the passenger seat next to him by mistake. He notices many of the Duels and the quick victories of the other Finalists. Yuma is cornered by the Triad of Terror and forced into a Duel formation, making a 3 on 1 Battle Royal against him.[34] However, Anna, and her sacrifice as well as Nistro's interference, Yuma was able to defeat the Triad of Terror but only has 600 Life Points left.[31]

Yuma enters the underground sector and realizes that only 8 Duelists can go to the Duel Fields, so he rushes to find someone but doesn't realize a Trap point. The Trap throws a boxing glove that punches him and inflicts 200 damage to him twice. Yuma then encounters another trap point, and slows down in desperation. The trap card, "The Paths of Destiny", still activates. Yuma tosses a coin for its effect, and since the coin landed on heads, Yuma recovers 2000 Life Points. He then proceeds to save Nistro who was about to be eliminated by Quinton. Yuma guides Nistro to "The Paths of Destiny" and tells him to use it to recover his Life Points. Yuma leaves but once again runs into the boxing glove Trap, but this time it punches Tori, which makes her mad.[1]


Yuma vows to defeat Vetrix.

Later, Yuma unintentionally drove his Duel Coaster car into Jungle Field where Dextra and Vetrix are Dueling. At first during the Duel, Yuma has faith that Dextra win against Vetrix, given the advantage she has. However, Vetrix manages to pull himself out and beat Dextra with only 100 Life Points. After Vetrix removes her memories of Kite and leaves her emotionally scarred, Yuma vows to Duel Vetrix for her sake.[38]


Yuma angry at Kite for showing no concern for Dextra.

After the Duel, Yuma and Tori run into Orbital 7, who was looking for Kite and crashed into his Duel Coaster. Remembering Dextra's request, Yuma told Orbital to show him the way to Kite and finds him Dueling with Quinton on the Space field. Upon crashing into the field, Yuma relays his message to Kite about Dextra after her Duel with Vetrix, and gets angry with him after he shrugs off the information. Afterwards, Quinton tells the story of what happened to Yuma's father, who was shocked upon finding out what happen to his father and his connections to Vetrix and Dr. Faker.[24] Yuma stayed to watch the Duel between Quinton and Kite, and cheers Kite on. Yuma's actions were questioned by Quinton, who point out that Kite is Faker's son, and Faker betrayed Kazuma - and he is a Number Hunter who will hunt Yuma as well. Yuma says he knows that, but adds that he has Dueled Kite and that means they are friends, and Kite is also his goal. After Kite successfully defeated Quinton, Yuma converses with Astral on how Vetrix and Dr. Faker's plans began as Astral came to his world. Yuma concludes that that his father wants him and Astral to stop them, and proclaimed he will fight against those "stubborn adults".[25]


Yuma urges Kite on.

While on his Duel Coaster, Yuma muttering about defeating Vetrix and Dr. Faker, and expressed his anger how they used their sons as tools. After Astral told Yuma that he feels a strong pulse coming from the left side - the same one given off by the crests of Trey and Quinton - Yuma heads off towards that direction in hopes of finding Vetrix. However, Yuma wanders into the field where Shark and Quattro were having their final showdown. Yuma cheers Shark on and worries for him as he Summon Number 32: Shark Drake onto the field. When Vetrix appeared before Yuma, he listens to Vetrix explaining his plans concerning Shark. While watching Shark suffer under Quattro's combo with Number 40: Gimmick Puppet of Strings, Yuma tried to save Shark and urged them to stop the meaningless fighting, but was restrained by Vetrix's chains from the Barian World. Yuma continues to rant, saying that those who Duel become friends - it shouldn't be used to hurt people. Vetrix compares how Yuma really is just like his father, Kazuma, who always talked about Yuma, bonds and making people happy. Vetrix tried to convince Yuma to get revenge on Dr. Faker for what he had done to Kazuma. Vetrix say that if that happens, darkness will be born from Yuma's heart and then spread, but Yuma lashed out on him and said he won't forgive Vetrix's actions. Vetrix says that's very good - darkness is being born in Yuma's heart from his anger, and urges Yuma to hate both him and Dr. Faker.[73]


Yuma chained up by Vetrix.

When Shark turned the tide with "Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss", the chains were broken and Shark won the Duel. After Quattro left through the portal, Shark told Yuma he would not forgive him if he got in the way, which only made Yuma more determined to reach the finals.[74]


Nistro shakes hands with Yuma and wishes him luck.

Afterward, while thinking about the Duels he witnessed, Yuma carelessly runs into the "Cementery Bomb" trap reducing his Life Points to 100. Finally after to the "Desert Field" field, Yuma began his Duel against Nistro. Wanting a fair fight against Yuma, Nistro activates the trap, "Heroic Gift", that restores his Life Points back to 4000. However, still shaken up from seeing the other Duels, Yuma plays a more defensive strategy, which disappoints Nistro. Astral tells win he can't win the way he's playing now and that Yuma is afraid, but Yuma rebuff him and continue playing his way. After Nistro told Yuma must come at him with his true Dueling, Yuma realized he must bet everything on this Duel. Returning to offensive style, Yuma began to Duel up to Nistro's expectations. Midway through the Duel, racks of the Duel Coaster abruptly end and they flung onto the ground below, and the field switched to "Sunset Showdown". Accepting Nistro's wish to finish the battle using their respective ace monsters,Yuma Summon "Number 39: Utopia" through the effect of Nistro's "Xyz Xtreme !!". Using his "Double or Nothing!" combo, Yuma increased the ATK of "Utopia" and defeated "Heroic Champion - Excalibur", thus winning him the Duel. Yuma and Nistro exchanges words, with the latter giving him "Excalibur" and wish Yuma luck in the finals.[2]


Dr. Faker appears before Yuma and Astral.

At night, Yuma celebrated his making it to the semifinals with his friends and family at his house. While eating and proclaiming he would become Duel Champion with his Deck, Yuma noticed his Deck was missing and panicked. Tracking his Deck through Heartland City, Caswell told Yuma his Deck was in Heartland, which prompted Yuma to bang at the doors. After many failed attempts, Yuma infiltrated Heartland by being "recycled" by the Litterbots along with Tori and Bronk. Successfully entering Heartland Tower, Yuma learned from Astral that Hart was here and decided to go see him. After letting his friends handle a security robot, Yuma and Astral entered Hart's room. Yuma talked to a comatose Hart about still being in the World Duel Carnival and his goals. Tearing up, Yuma began to blame himself for letting Hart fall into Vetrix's hands. Yuma's teardrop dripped into Hart's face and was transported into Hart's mind with Astral. Here, Yuma and Astral listened to Hart's request to save his brother, Kite, and then were transported back into the room. Conversing with Astral, Yuma was unsure what to do with Hart and the Numbers. Then an oversized hologram of Dr. Faker confronted them, and Yuma learned Dr. Faker's goal to rule the Earth. Being dropped through a hole, Yuma met up with his friends and got his Deck back. The next day, the semifinals began, and Yuma was matched-up with Shark. In a hallway leading to the arena, Yuma told Astral he would become champion for sure and vowed to resolve everything himself and runs out.[2]


Yuma suffering the dark aura of the "Chaos Number".

Upon enter the Duel Tower, Yuma noticed there was something wrong with Shark as he made no attempt to defend against his attacks, which caused him to easily reduces Shark's Life Points. When Shark began to counterattack, Yuma realized that Vetrix influenced him, and his Life Points was quickly dropped.[10] While trying to bring Shark to his senses, Yuma held out until he finally managed to Summon "Number 39: Utopia", which he needed to fulfill his plan. He attacked with "Utopia", negated his own attack and activated "Rivals Unite", which gave him control of Shark's "Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss", allowing Shark to recover from Vetrix's influence, but forcing himself to suffer the darkness. Yuma had a way to get rid of "Shark Drake Veiss" by releasing "Rivals Unite", but that would make the "Number" possess Shark again. However, Yuma knew if he didn't, he'd have to take the effect of "Heraldry Catastrophe", which could defeat "Utopia" and make Astral disappear. Shark, who could not stand watching Yuma in pain, activated "Underwater Snow Prison", banishing "Shark Drake Veiss" and causing himself to take 1000 damage, giving Yuma the win. After the Duel, Shark reminded Yuma that he was a good friend and thanks Yuma for saving him. As Shark was flown off to the hospital, Yuma vowed to inherit Shark's will and win against Vetrix.[42]

Later, Yuma meets up with Kite as he enters the arena for his match with Vetrix, telling him not to lose as they have a score to settle with each other. With Kite's permission, he hop onto the platform to watch the Duel close up. During the Duel, Yuma starts to notice the Kite seems to be physically in pain because of the Photon Transformation, and asks Orbital 7 if anything is wrong with Kite. He is then excited to see Kite attempt a One-Turn Kill move with Dyson Sphere, but is surprised on Vetrix being able to negate the attack. When Vetrix reveals his face as Hart, he offers to sever the connection between Vetrix and Hart so Kite can concentrate on the Duel. He then hops on Orbital 7 in glider mode and flies to Hart.[7] Yuma invaded Heartland Tower and managed to enter Hart's mind to find Vetrix appearing in the form of a dragon. Yuma slew it with "Number 39: Utopia", severing Hart's connection to Vetrix and allowing Kite to continue the Duel. Yuma continues to watch the Duel through a screen, until he saw Kite cornered by Vetrix and rush back to the Duel Tower. When he arrived, Kite had just lost the Duel and his "Numbers" to Vetrix, Yuma runs to a comatose Kite and unsuccessfully tried to wake him up.[8]

Yuma vs Tron

Yuma during his Duel against Vetrix.

Having had advanced to the final match, Yuma goes against Vetrix in the Sphere Field, which would allow Dr. Faker to gather the energy of the "Numbers" Vetrix and Yuma would wield, as its effect allowed "Numbers" to be easily Summoned. Yuma confronted Vetrix about his sons' fates, and he revealed the price they paid by wielding crests, while telling Yuma how it was his father whose words inspired him to survive. Yuma told Vetrix of his promise to Trey to save his family, and would fight for Vetrix's sake as well. When Vetrix queried Yuma did not want revenge on Faker, Yuma insisted his father would not want that, but Vetrix suggested that perhaps his father's own plans of revenge had already begun - the appearance of Astral in this world. The Duel began, and using the "Sphere Field" effect, Yuma Summon "Number 12: Crimson Shadow Armor Ninja" to destory Vetrix's "Number 56: Gold Rat". Vetrix responded by bringing out three "Numbers" in a single turn - "Number 10: Illumiknight", "Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction" and "Genome Heriter". Yuma survived via the effect of "Armor Ninja" and "Half Guard" and was able to match Vetrix's move by Summoning "Number 17: Leviathan Dragon", "Number 34: Terror-Byte" and "Utopia".[11]

Yuma before Shining Draw

Yuma about to perform a second "Shining Draw".

Using his "Numbers", Yuma managed to destroy all of Vetrix's "Numbers", putting him at a disadvantage. However, Vetrix made a comeback by Summoning "Heraldry Crest", which absorbed the effects of all of Yuma's "Numbers" and reduced him to 500 Life Points. Using the power of ZEXAL, Yuma and Astral then performed a Chaos Xyz Evolution and Summoned "Number C39: Utopia Ray", equipping it with "ZW - Lightning Blade".When they attcked with "Utopia Ray, the "Heraldry Crest"'s effect negated the attack, but Yuma survived with the effect of "Lightning Blade".[12]


The Sphere Field takes Yuma's "Numbers".

Yuma narrowly survived Vetrix's next attack by using "Half Unbreak", and proceeded to use the power of ZEXAL again to perform the "Final Shining Draw" and equip "Utopia Ray" with "ZW - Tornado Bringer". Vetrix evaded this move with "Heraldry Burst", but Yuma was able to overlay his two "ZW -" monsters to Xyz Summon "ZW - Leo Arms". Using its effect, Yuma was able negated the effects of "Heraldry Crest" and boosted the ATK of "Utopia Ray" enough to defeat Vetrix and was named the "Duel Champion" of the WDC. Faker absorbed the "Numbers" of both players with the Sphere Field and nearly absorbed the Duelists themselves.Yuma wielded "Lightning Blade" with his own hands and saved Vetrix, similar to when his father tried to save Vetrix once before. Vetrix was confused as to why Yuma rescued him, Yuma insisted that everybody can change, and that his family needed him. After Vetrix releases the souls he capture, he let go of Yuma's hand and thank Yuma for he done as he fell into the core, much to Yuma's horror. Yuma is then captured into the Sphere Field and transported to Heartland Tower in front of Faker.[20]

While trapped in the Sphere, Yuma learns of Faker's purpose of the WDC to gather "Number" cards for the Sphere Field Cannon as a power source. Angered by all problems Faker has caused, Yuma tries to punch him, but Faker reveals his appearance in the Sphere Field is just a hologram. As Yuma becomes exhausted by being in the Sphere Field., Astral apologizes to him, saying it's all his fault since he wasn't strong enough. Yuma denies it, and says Hart needs saving more than he does right now. When power suddenly drops, Yuma feels relieved and was surprised to see his rescuers Kite, Shark, and Tori. When Astral undoes ZEXAL, Yuma was given "Number 39: Utopia" and "Number 32: Shark Drake" and was told to save Hart and the Astral World. Yuma is then send out of the Sphere Field bubble and reunite with his friends. When Faker appeared before them, Yuma gives Shark "Shark Drake", and ask him and Kite to lend him their power. Yuma challenged Dr. Faker while the three Duelists hold their ace cards high in the air.[75]


Yuma, Shark and Kite Duel Dr. Faker.

As the Duel beings, Yuma takes the first turn for the group and instantly Summon "Utopia". Despite Shark and Kite's warnings about Faker's plans, Yuma recklessly declares an attack on Number 53: Heart-eartH. When Faker activates from "Heart-eartH"'s effects to give "Heart-eartH" more attacks points then "Utopia", Yuma uses his "Double or Nothing! combo, only to have it countered and revives 1250 points of damage. On Shark and Kite's turns, Yuma lets them use his "Utopia" that was equiped with Shark's "Shield Fin" to inflict 5600 damage to Dr. Faker. When they thought Kite had defeated Dr. Faker, Yuma was shocked to see Dr. Faker had Summoned another "Number" in "Number 53: Heart-eartH's" place.[76]

As the Duel continued, Faker's new "Number", "Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon" continued to torment the trio, even banishing Yuma's "Number C39: Utopia Ray". As Shark and Kite's turns comes, Yuma worry for them as their injuries worsen, even though they told Yuma not to. When Kite managed to Summon Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, he reduced Dr. Faker down to 150 Life Points. After the attack, Dr. Faker came clean about his actions and why he committed them. After revealing it was a being from the Barian World who ordered him to do such things in order to save Hart, Yuma, Kite and Shark decided to go after the Barian World. However, the Barian in question emerged from a portal and possessed Dr. Faker, continuing the Duel by resurrecting "Heart-eartH Dragon".[77]


Yuma challenges Kite to a Duel.

As Yuma and his friends were pushed into a corner by the Barian, Hart was able to free Astral, who then fuses with Yuma into ZEXAL. Yuma draws "ZW - Ultimate Shield and Normal Summons it, bringing back "Number C39: Utopia Ray", "Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss" and "Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon" to the field, before equipping it to "Number C39: Utopia Ray". With the power of Kite's "Neo-Galaxy Eyes" and Shark's "Shark Drake Veiss", Utopia Ray's attack raises to 16600 and defeats the Barian. As Heartland Tower starts to collapse, Yuma went after Kite, who was trying to save Faker off a ledge. Yuma was able to grab the end of Kite's Duel Anchor, but struggled to keep the two from falling. When Faker asks why Yuma is helping him, Yuma says he doesn't like Faker, but realizes he was just trying save Hart, making Faker be reminded of Kazuma. Unexpectedly, Vetrix appears saying Faker committed "many sins", Yuma plead with Vetrix to abandon his revenge. Suddenly, Vetrix used his crest saves everyone and transported them to the outskirts of Heartland. Afterwards, Yuma said that he hasn't received his prize for becoming champion of the WDC, and reveals his wish to have one last Duel with Kite, saying they still have a score to settle. Kite happily accepts Yuma's request to determine the "true" winner of the World Duel Carnival.[26]

Later, Yuma express his excitement to Duel Kite again to Astral, recalling all the times when they Dueled and their Tag-Team Duel. Once Kite had arrived, Yuma starts off with the Duel, and the two exchanges blows on equal ground. Throughout the Duel, Yuma shows much fun he's having and commenting on Kite's Dueling. When Kite was about give up, Yuma tried to cheer Kite up and encourages him to continue.[43] While Yuma was able to match Kite evenly, and was able to Summon both "Utopia" and "Utopia Ray" to his field, he was eventually defeat by Kite. However, Yuma was okay with the loss and told Kite that he will beat him one day. Afterwards, Yuma collapses from the exhaustion and beings to take nap, muttering "kattobingu" in his sleep.[78]

Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL II[]

Barian Invasion[]

Yuma Tsukumo

Yuma leaves Astral and the "Numbers" behind.

After the WDC ended, Yuma had a dream about The Door again, which told him the someone will take Yuma's most important thing away from him. As the ground crumbled, Yuma woke up in class, falling out of his desk. As Yuma talked to his friends, girls from the upper grades surrounded him. Yuma enjoyed the attention from the girls, but was disgusted when they only requested for him to help them get other WDC participants' autographs. While walking home, Yuma encountered Shark and requested a Duel, but the latter declined in order to visit his sister. When Girag arrived in Heartland, Yuma was able to sense him as Shark got a call from the hospital about Rio Kastle. Yuma went to the hospital with Shark to hear Rio muttering about someone coming to take something important. This reminded Yuma of his dream, and he realized that his important thing that would be taken away could be Astral. Yuma then got a call from Bronk's Duel Gazer, but was shocked to find a Barian-brainwashed Fender, who told him to meet him at Heartland Academy to Duel with the "Numbers" at stake. Fearing Astral would be in danger, Yuma gave the Emperor's Key to Tori and ran off to school to Duel Fender. When the Duel began, Yuma was able to lower Fender's Life Points to 2500, but Fender used "Rank-Up-Magic Barian's Force" to Summon his "CXyz" monster, "CXyz Mechquipped Djinn Angeneral", pushing him into a corner.[44] Struggling against Fender and "Angeneral", Yuma was about to give up since he could not think of a way to win the Duel. However, after Tori showed up and returned the Emperor's Key to Yuma, he and Astral were able to make a comeback using a combination of "Number C39: Utopia Ray" and "Numbers Impact". Afterwards, Yuma discussed the upcoming battle against the Barian World with Kite and Shark, with Yuma believing that the three of them can overcome the Barians.[79]

YGOZL 076 Preview

Yuma meets Ray on the way to school.

While racing with Bronk to school, Yuma ended up crashing to the ground because of a cat, and then he got bumped into by Ray Shadows. Yuma was surprised when he learned that Ray was a fan of his and found his overzealous admiration disturbing. Yuma was then forcefully dragged by Ray over the city to make it to school, which ended up tiring Yuma out and caused them to be late for class. During lunch, Yuma complained about Ray and then learns that pro-Duelist Devon Knox was visiting the school for lessons. Yuma was eager to Duel Devon, but finds out he couldn't since he is banned from attending his special lesson (in the dub, Yuma forgot to sign up for it). Later, Ray promised to get a Duel from Devon on Yuma's behalf and ran off, with Yuma following him. When Yuma saw that a Barian-brainwashed Devon brutally defeated Ray, Yuma immediately began a Duel with him. At first, Yuma played defensively to withstand Devon's aggressive strategy. Even by Summoning "Number 34: Terror-Byte", Yuma was pushed into a corner, but Yuma was able to Summon "Number C39: Utopia Ray" and defeat Devon. Afterwards, Yuma was exhausted and accepted Ray's offer to carry him on his back. Yuma officially befriended Ray and was then carried off by a running Ray while hanging off his back and screaming.[80]

While at school, Yuma slept through the voting of class representative, with him being against Caswell. Unknown to Yuma, Ray was the one who nominated him, and won 20 to 19. When Tori woke him up, Yuma expressed no interest in being class representative, but changed his mind once his classmates voiced their support to him. During lunch, Yuma slept through it and missed hearing about Caswell becoming "Special Disciplinary Commander". Caswell and the rest of the disciplinary members started enforcing harsh rules on the students, especially Yuma. When Yuma had enough, he confronted the Student Council President, Carlyle Chesterton, and challenged him to a Duel to get rid of the rules. However, Yuma was forced to play by the school's rules, such as returning his "Gagaga" monsters back to the hand for "breaking" the school dress code, rendering him incapable of damaging Carlyle. When Yuma convinced Caswell to throw away the role of disciplinary commander, Yuma was able to play normally, but then found out Carlyle was under the control of the Barian World. Carlyle Summoned "CXyz Simon the Great Moral Leader", but Yuma managed to bring out Utopia and win the Duel. Afterwards, Yuma talked to Ray about giving his role as class president back to Caswell since he was more suited for the role.[81]

Astral, Yuma, and Rei

Yuma watching the Duel over his Duel Gazer.

After school, Yuma was talking to his friends when Art Stanley, head of the Comic Book Appreciation Club, asked to be a model for his manga. Art showed Yuma his drawing of Yuma as a super hero, which made Yuma very ecstatic. When Art asked Yuma's about his "weakness", Yuma only replied he doesn't have one. After witnessing Shark being rude to Art, Yuma walked over to Shark and lightly commented on how harsh Shark was, but Shark simply said that he was stating the truth. Later, Yuma went to pay a visit to Rio Kastle with Tori and Ray, but encountered Shark who told them that his sister is missing. When a Barian-brainwashed Art appeared and challenged Shark to a Duel, Yuma watched and cheered Shark on. As Shark was losing due to Art threatening Rio, Yuma and Ray went to search for Art's sketchbook in hopes to find his weakness. At school, Yuma found Art's manga about his Duel and informed Shark over his Duel Gazer that it ended with Shark losing and Rio not being saved. Yuma encouraged Shark to keep fighting for his sister, and cheered when he finally won over his Duel Gazer. The next day, Yuma and his friends looked at a normal Art's drawing of a samurai-hero Shark, which Yuma thought was cool. When Yuma asked for his character drawing, Art showed him a drawing of Yuma as a weak commoner, where he was not the hero. When his friends and Astral teased him about it, Yuma expressed his annoyance by jumping into the air and yelling that he never got to be the main character.[82]

At school, Yuma found Shark sneaking around in a panicked state and asked if it was the Barians again, but it turned out he was simply avoiding his sister, Rio. When Rio went up to her brother, Yuma and his friends properly met Rio for the first time. During lunch, Yuma and his friends listened to Rio talk about her brother and found out Shark mentioned him to her. When Rio pronounced "kattobingu" wrong, Yuma showed some annoyance, but they were interrupted by a large group of boys who wanted Rio as their manager for their club. As Rio defeated all the clubs with ease, Yuma showed great awe towards "Shark's sister" and was very impressed by her skills. After Rio beat the basketball team, Yuma asked why Rio go so far at things. Rio told him she only did it so she could be strong for Shark. When Rio was invited to the Floral Design Club, Yuma and his friends tagged along and met the leader, Lotus Hanazoe. Lotus was able to put Yuma's friends to sleep with hypnosis, but Yuma was able to stay awake thanks to Astral.


Yuma angering Rio.

Yuma confronted Lotus, who told him she simply wanted lured Yuma and Rio as a way to get the "Numbers" from him and Shark. Knowing that she was being used by the Barian World, Yuma challenge her to a Duel, but his leg was numb and prevented him from getting up right away. However, a conscious Rio told him that she will Duel in his place, and then Yuma proceeded to watch Rio Duel against Lotus outside. During this, Yuma bantered with Astral and cheered for Rio, although he ended up annoying her by repeatedly called her "Shark's sister". After Rio won, Yuma tried to come up with a new name to call her by without making her mad, but began to argue with Astral. This made Rio giggle, and she revealed to Yuma that she was glad that Yuma kept her brother from changing into the feared person she heard about, to Yuma's surprise. While walking home, Yuma talked to Shark about how cool his sister was, and was surprised when he found out Rio's strong fear of cats.[83]

While racing with Bronk to school, Yuma accidentally ran into Alito and ruined his attempt to woo Tori. Unknown to Yuma, Alito was a Barian in human form. As Alito tried to make various attempts on Tori, Yuma inadvertently continued to thwart them all. Later, Yuma found a note from Alito, who challenged him to an “an all-out Duel between men with Tori on the stake” and met him on the roof. During the Duel, Astral warned Yuma that Alito might be an assassin from the Barian World. Yuma Summoned his own Xyz Monster, "Gauntlet Launcher", and managed to win by countering Alito's own counters. Afterwards, Ray and Tori arrived to let Yuma know that Tori was okay, to his confusion. Upon the loss, Alito developed a liking to Yuma and declared him his rival, which Yuma happily accepted and playfully fist bumped with Alito as a sign of friendship.[45]

Yuma and Gilag vs Tori and Cathy

Yuma teaming up with Girag to face the Barian-influenced Tori and Cathy.

While Dueling with a student after school, Yuma was dragged by Ray into a classroom to find Tori and Cathy arguing about who should be the Numbers Club's female cheerleader. Although Yuma and Ray tried to calm everybody down, their friends' and Rio's arguing became worse and they refused to speak to one another the next day. While walking home, Yuma and Ray met Girag, who suggested they hold a "Friendship Games" to help their friends make up, which they agreed to. However, Girag told Yuma if he was able to make it into the final round, he must lose on purpose. Yuma agreed to this; unbeknownst to him, this was simply a plot for Girag to take his "Numbers". The next day, Yuma participated in the event and was paired up with Shark, who led them into first place. Before the final Duel, Yuma was partnerless, since Shark dropped out of the tournament, but Yuma forced Girag to take Shark's place, putting the latter in a very awkward situation. At first, Yuma planned to lose on purpose to Tori and Cathy as he promised, but learned the two were brainwashed by the Barians' power and started to Duel seriously. Yuma was able to Summon "Utopia" and used Girag's Trap Card to defeat both girls and returned them to normal. Although the girls didn't remember what happened, they wished for a rematch against Yuma, but Yuma refused and ran away from them.[19]

Yuma VS Misael

Yuma vs Mizar.

One night, Yuma had a nightmare about losing Astral to a terrifying-looking dragon and becomes anxious about protecting him. The following day, Yuma lacked his usual energy and solemnly focused on way to beat the "CXyz" monsters, making his family and friends worry about him. Hoping to make him feel better, his grandma told Yuma to go the Duel Sanctuary to deliver some items to Roku with Tori. However, Yuma learned from Kaze that their master was away on a trip, much to his disappointment. In the Statue room, Kaze discussed with Yuma about his frustrations, and received two cards Roku has left for him - "Overlay Chain" and "Overlay Barrage". The next day, Yuma thought over how to use the cards for offense and defense, but Tori cheered him up and they played by a waterfall together. On their way back to the Sanctuary, Yuma met the Barian, Mizar, who immediately used his Barian Sphere Cube to surround Yuma and challenged him to a Duel with the "Numbers" at stake. Determined to protect Astral, Yuma instantly Summoned "Number 39: Utopia", and equips "Overlay Chain" to protect its Overlay Units from "Rank-Up-Magic Barian's Force". However, Mizar countered by Summoning his own "Number" card, "Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon", terrifying Yuma as it resembled the exact same dragon that appeared in his nightmare.[84] Using his monster's abilities, Mizar destroyed "Utopia", knocking Yuma back into the Sphere Field and dealing real damage to him, causing him great pain and making him unconscious. As Yuma was too weak to continue the Duel, Kite arrived and took Yuma's place in the Duel. When the Sphere Field started to disintegrate, Yuma was sent falling onto a cliff side. Although Shark tried to rescue him, the ledge gave out and both of them fell into a crater.[85]

Yuma and Shark survived the fall, but they were heavily injured and were sent to hospital. While recuperating, Yuma was haunted by Mizar's power and sulked over how he nearly lost Astral. Downhearted and depressed, Yuma also suffered from nightmares about facing Mizar and losing. While going for check up, Yuma left the Emperor's Key on his bed and found out it was taken by Shark when he returned. On the roof, Yuma was challenged by Shark to a Duel and played definitively, allowing Shark to deal lot of damage to him. As Shark made his final attack, Yuma was about to give up, but still wished to keep Dueling with Astral, which brought him to his side. Yuma and Astral Summoned out "Heroic Champion Excalibur" and won the Duel using its effect. Yuma then was told by Astral the Shark's reason for Dueling with Yuma was to help him. Greatly touched, Yuma tried to give Shark a hug as thanks, but the latter pushed him away.[86]

Yuma Held By Controlled Rei

Yuma captured by a brainwashed Ray.

After being discharged from the hospital, Yuma went to school and met up with Ray, when they were approached by many Barian-brainwashed Duelists from their school. Worried about Ray, Yuma and Ray were forced to run until they were surrounded at the Heartland pier. Luckily, Shark, Tori and Rio came to help them fight off the Duelists. While Yuma was defeating a Duelist, a brainwashed Ray captured him from behind. Yuma then learned that Girag was a Barian. Yuma was about to be finished off when Alito arrived and protected him, defeating all the other students in the process. Yuma was slightly upset upon learning that Alito was also allied with the Barians and accepted his challenged to a Duel. Yuma and Alito instantly Summoned out their ace monsters, engaging in a battle of Counter Traps. Yuma managed to destroy Alito's "Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke" by countering its ability. Both Duelists were excited about the Duel.[87]

ZEXAL episode 86

Yuma using ZEXAL against Alito inside a Sphere Cube.

As the Duel continued, Yuma wanted to make his Duel with Alito "special" and asked Astral to unite with the power of ZEXAL. They Xyz Summoned "Number C39: Utopia Ray", forcing it to tie in battle with Alito's "Number 105: Battlin' Boxer Star Cestus", destroying both of them. Both players revived their ace cards with "Xyz Stand". With the effect of "Rank-Up-Magic Barian's Force", Alito Summoned "Number C105: Battlin' Boxer Comet Cestus", which pushed Yuma into an even tighter corner. However, Yuma was able to defeat Alito with "ZW - Eagle Claw" and win the Duel. Yuma rushed to Alito and told him that he hoped they could Duel again soon. Yuma became upset when Alito just shook his head and told Astral that he could take his "Number" and his soul, which Astral failed to do. Although Yuma didn't want him to go, Alito then bid farewell to him, but Yuma quickly focused on Astral, whose body was fading after being in the "Sphere Field".[13]

Days later, Yuma and Ray were chased by dogs after Ray tried to find a shortcut to school. They arrived to school late, slightly injured, but Yuma didn't mind since they had their daily "thrill quota". As Yuma was walking home, Girag issued a challenged to Yuma for the "Numbers" tomorrow; he also told Yuma to bring Ray with him. Yuma learned that Alito had been hurt and Girag believed that Ray was responsible. Confused, Yuma stressed over what to do, but Astral told him to worry about it later. The next morning, Yuma asked Ray if he really hurt Alito, but was cut off when Ray told him he found another short route to school and told Yuma to trust him; Yuma replied that he did.

Yuma & rei facing Gilag

Yuma and Ray in their Duel with Girag.

After school, Yuma and Astral went to the meeting place without Ray and told Girag that he didn't believe what he said. Then Ray appeared and asked Yuma to join the Duel. Yuma compiled, against Astral's wishes, even though Ray was a terrible Duelist. During the Duel, Yuma was forced to defend himself as Ray made many mistakes, which caused their Life Points to decrease quickly. Astral told Yuma that protecting Ray was too dangerous, but Yuma refused to abandon him. Then Astral collapsed from being in the "Sphere Field", leaving Yuma worried that he and Ray would Duel Girag alone.[88] With Astral inside the key to heal, Yuma gave the key to Tori and was forced to play the defensive when Girag's "Number 106: Giant Hand" destroyed his "Utopia". When Ray started to play differently, Yuma was surprised by his sudden change of character and shocked that he had "Rank-Up-Magic Limited Barian's Force". Yuma used it to change "Number 39: Utopia" to "Number C39: Utopia Ray V" and win the Duel. Yuma then learned of Ray's true identity as a member of the "Barian Cosmic Crime Unit" and kept this a secret from Bronk and Tori on Ray's request. At night, Yuma and Ray spoke in private about his mission to defeat the evil Barians and promised to keep this a secret from everybody else. Yuma agreed to be Ray's "subordinate" and excitedly jumped into the air, nearly falling of his roof as a result.[89]

Giant vs Yuma

Yuma Dueling against the Shadow Giant.

At school, Yuma and Ray went to the old gym hoping to find Girag and Alito, but they weren't there. Yuma wanted to bring Astral in on their secret so he could help them, but Ray denied this and convinced Yuma to keep the secret. Later, Yuma was worried about Astral staying inside the key too long and took the key to the infirmary. Yuma was then suddenly sucked into the key and was challenged to a Duel by the Shadow Giant. During the Duel, the Giant brought out his "Unformed Void", with Yuma Summoning out "Number 61: Volcasaurus" and Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis", but the Giant was able to use the ability of "Unformed Void" to counter Yuma's attack and destroy "Atlandis". On the verge of losing, Number 96 appeared before them and told them that Yuma might get hurt if they lose. Yuma tried to stop Astral from siding with Number 96, but he released "[[Number 96: Dark Mist]|his card form]" out of fear for his safety. Reluctantly, Yuma used Number 96's card to destroy "Unformed Void" and win the Duel. Afterwards, Yuma and Astral talked with The Door and was shown Astral's true memories, learning his mission was to obtain a powerful card, known as the Numeron Code, which can shape worlds. They were then transported outside the key, Yuma explained everything that had happened to Ray and Tori.[90]

Yuma's afro

Yuma's hair turns into an afro after being shot by Orbital 4.

During gym class one day, Yuma was happy that he was given his own "Barian Cosmic Crime Unit" badge from Ray. He then became curious when Ray started to ask him about Kite, but their conversation was cut off when a soccer ball hit Yuma in the face. Later, Yuma was challenged to a Duel by Orbital 7, who had a misunderstanding with Lilly's position with him. Although Yuma was confused by the situation, he went along with the Duel and won using his "Djinn" monsters. In Orbital's last attempt to "free" Lilly, Yuma was hit by a laser beam from Orbital 4, but was only slightly burned and his hair was comically turned into an afro. Once Tori cleared up the misunderstanding, Yuma laughed when he found out that Orbital liked Lilly.[91] Later, Yuma paid little attention to his friends' discussion about Bronk winning over Rio's affections and Shark's approval. Oblivious to the rumors about him and Rio dating, Yuma was confused when Bronk spoke to him and sparked Rio's anger. Yuma observed the Duel between the siblings, cheering for both of them. After they resolved their misunderstanding, Yuma wondered about why they fighting in the first place, causing a jealous Tori and Cathy to pinch him and saying he didn't need to know.[92]


Yuma and Anna vs. Brooke and Mayday.

During the Heartland Academy Fun Fair, Yuma and his friends hosted a Monster Cafe, with Yuma cosplaying as "Temtempo the Percussion Djinn" when Anna blasted her way in to see him. Then Ray came running in to inform him about a "Couples Duel tournament" with the pro-Duelist team Mayday Walker and Brooke Walker, which excited Yuma and voiced wanting to participate. Inside a bathroom stall, Ray and Yuma discussed about the Barians might be at the festival and they are to look for them. Yuma readily cooperated with the mission, but was sidetracked in favor of eating until Anna came back to force him to be her partner in the tournament. As the Duel began, Yuma and Anna began bickering, which greatly affected their Dueling performance, resulting in the destruction of Anna's "Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max" as well as having to face off against the pair's "Skypalace Gangaridai".[93] Using "Half Unbreak", Yuma managed to survive a direct attack from "Gangaridia" and was pleased to get the couple's praise. Although Yuma tried to work together with Anna, he was forced to endure her selfishness and was enraged how she Tributed his "Gauntlet Launcher" via "Upgrade" to revive her "Gustav Max".

Yuma Draws Limit Barains Force

Yuma draws "Rank-Up-Magic Limited Barian's Force".

After Brooke was revealed to be brainwashed by a Barian, Yuma protected Anna from the large amount of damage she would have taken from Brooke's "CXyz Skypalace Babylon". Anna used "Devoted Love" to enable Yuma to draw "Rank-Up-Magic Limited Barian's Force", but was questioned by Astral when he saw the card and asked Yuma where he got it. To keep his promise to Ray, Yuma lied to Astral, claiming that he got it after defeating Girag. Yuma brought out "Number C39: Utopia Ray V", winning the Duel and setting Brooke free. In the evening, Yuma chatted with Mayday when Brooke shoved Anna towards him, accidentally causing the pair to fall down a flight of stairs.[94] One night, Yuma got an urgent call from Ray and rushes to his aid. When Yuma arrived to the location, he saw Ray Dueling a Barian in a "Sphere Field". Once the Barian retreated, Ray told Yuma that the Barian was Vector and gave him new cards to use against any Barians. The next day, Yuma excitedly looks over his cards when his friends spied him and figured out the cards has something to do with the Barians. While walking home, Yuma and his friends were attacked by Vector and Yuma became trapped in a "Sphere Field". Yuma and Astral found out that Vector was the same Barian that possessed Dr. Faker. They then engaged in a Duel against Vector, and were quickly put into a pitch when he stole "Limited Barian's Force" and destroyed "Utopia" with his "Number 66: Master Key Beetle". When Ray came to support Yuma and told him to believe in his Deck, Yuma was able to draw "V Salamander" and Summon out "Utopia Ray V" to win the Duel. Vector than tried to abduct him, but captured Ray instead, who stepped in for him, leaving Yuma distraught. [95]

Yuma continued to shout out in a hysterical state when Kite arrived and slapped him back to his senses. In Heartland Tower, Yuma explains Kite and Shark everything that happen with Ray and Vector, stating that he will go and save Ray. As Yuma watch Kite and Shark bicker about how to find Ray, the tower shook and they race outside to see the Different Dimension Airship from the Emperor's Key outside. Astral told them that they can use the ship to get the Barian World, which excites Yuma and the four of them were to set out tomorrow. On his way home, Yuma was pestered by his friends, whom were kept out of Heartland, until he blurts out some info of his mission, but ran home before he could said anymore. During dinner, Yuma acts overly kind to his family, which freaks them out. While looking over the cards Ray gave him in bedroom, Yuma told Astral that he'll save Ray no matter what in spite of the tough battle ahead of them. At dawn, Yuma tried to sneaked out from his window, but was caught by his family. However, Yuma was glad that they respected his decision and gave him some food for his trip. At the tower, Yuma met up with his friends and some unexpected company, but was touched they would come with him. They entered the ship and Yuma stirs the ship into takes off, but an array of monsters begin assaulting the ship. Yuma and the others went to the exterior, using their ace monsters to battle with them until a portal sucked them in.

Yuma vs

Yuma vs Vector.

At the "Sargasso the D.D. Battlefield", Yuma was greeted by Vector and demand that he return Ray to him. Vector complied and transported an unconscious Ray in front of Yuma. Vector implied to Yuma that Ray might be dead, which devastated Yuma and making him fall to his knees as he reflects his time with his friend. Enraged, Yuma engaged Vector in a Duel, he quickly Summon out "Number 39: Utopia" and taking on the damage inflicted by "Sargasso" effect.[96] As his angry grows, Yuma's eagerness to win and save Ray caused to Duel recklessly, even refusing to listen to Astral's warnings. Yuma to reach his breaking point with Vector's taunting and Summon "Number C39: Utopia Ray V" and reduce Vector's Life Points to 1300. When Vector vanished after the attack, Yuma thought there was way to save Ray, but then Ray suddenly awakened and transformed himself into Vector. Yuma was confused and believed Vector was impersonating "Ray", but Vector clarified that the "Vector" Yuma had Dueled before and was Dueling up until now was merely an illusion, and the real him was "Ray" all along. Vector explained to him that he masquerading as "Ray Shadows" in an effort to befriend Yuma and further his plans against him. Yuma was enraged and saddened by the sudden revelations, he angrily goes for an direct attack, Vector used "Vain Betrayer" to mill Yuma's "V" cards and most of his Deck, leaving him with three cards left. Dealing with Astral confronting him about his secrets and Vector's cruel torment, Yuma was pushed to an emotional breaking point, with farther by Vector claiming that he had put his friends in danger, and screamed angrily..[97]


Astral controlling Yuma with Dark ZEXAL.

Using "Number 104: Masquerade", Vector reduced Yuma's Deck further as "Sargasso" reduced his Life Points, putting him in a desperate situation. Already under pressure, Yuma blamed himself for not thinking more about the risks of trusting "Ray", and Vector chided him for keeping secrets from his partner, calling Yuma a "traitor", who just wanted to be friends with him more than with Astral. Then a black hole formed, which threaten to swallow up the spaceship with his friends inside, Vector suggested that Yuma may be able to save him if he relinquishes all of his "Numbers". Yuma becomes conflicted between saving Astral and saving his friends, but his friends urge him to keep Dueling and let him know that they believe in him, giving Yuma some hope. After apologizing to Astral, they attempted to use ZEXAL, but Vector again questioned Yuma's bond with Astral, causing the latter to turn evil and forcefully initiate ZEXAL with the former, resulting them turning into Dark ZEXAL.[98]

ZEXAL II (Power) Upgrade


With Astral in control of Yuma's body, Yuma's conscience woke up before a large Astral-shaped tower and believed it to be Astral's heart. Yuma entered the tower to save him, encountering some obsolesces long the way. Later, Yuma met Astral, who believed that Yuma was no longer his friend and had betrayed him. Yuma apologized, saying that he was at fault and was sorry for what he had done. Unwilling to see Astral being taken by darkness, Yuma ran towards him and embraced him, pushing both of them out of Astral's mind and undoing Dark ZEXAL in the physical world. Yuma was able to stay conscious from the forced reverse, and Shark and Kite told Yuma to halt the attack of "Utopia Ray V", telling him that he will lose otherwise. Yuma ended his turn, but "Sargasso" whittle down his Life Points. Vector suggests that Yuma surrender since he has only 100 Life Points left, but Yuma refuses, saying that he will always fight to protect his most important thing; his friends. Yuma manages to defend himself from "Number C104: Umbral Horror Masquerade" by discarding "Utopia Ray V" and Summoning "Utopia", as well as taking advantage of the cards Vector sent to his graveyard. Yuma begins his turn, drawing the last card in his Deck, "Rank-Up-Magic Limited Barian's Force", but he then collapses next Astral. Astral told Yuma that he can't trust him, but Yuma was happy Astral was giving him a second chance and touched his palm.

End Snapshot Win

Yuma wins using "Number C39: Utopia Ray Victory".

The two then perform a new ZEXAL Morph, called ZEXAL II, signifying a new bond between them. They perform a "Shining Evolution", changing "Limited Barian's Force" into "Rank-Up-Magic Numeron Force", leaving Vector shocked, evolving "Utopia" into Chaos "Number C39: Utopia Ray Victory" and defeated Vector. Since ZEXAL II's appearance causes "Sargasso" to self-destruct, Yuma and the others return to Heartland. Yuma and Astral re-kindle their bond and declare that their battles are only beginning, but Yuma is determined to improve.[46]

Mythyrian Numbers War[]

Yuma Vs Macha

Yuma vs. Mach.

Later at school, Yuma attempted to do his 20-stacks jump, but got distracted when he sensed the presence of Don Thousand, along with Shark and Rio. causing him to crash into the boxes. On the roof, he, Tori, Shark and Rio were brought aboard the spaceship by Astral, who informed them of the "Numbers" scattered across the world. He also showed Yuma the message from Kazuma, saying they needed to obtain the seven "Mythyrian Numbers" cards before the Barian World does. As they headed to their first location, they ended up crashing into some sort of energy and the ship landed them into a jungle. As Dumon was in human form, Yuma and the others did not recognize him; regardless, Yuma saved his life by protecting him from a large bear. Yuma wanted to help the mysterious, injured boy "Nash", but got into a disagreement Shark when he told Yuma not to trust others so easily. They then heard Tori's scream and ran to a temple where she and Rio were, and had to get rid of the snakes surrounding them. Yuma and the girls ended up being separated from Shark and Nash after a trap activated and was forced to go down separate paths. While debating with the girls about whether he should trust Nash or not, Yuma arrived in the legendary "Number"'s chamber and met Mach, the guardian protecting the card. Mach challenged Yuma to see if he was worthy to hold the Sacred "Number", but Yuma learned that Shark's and Nash's lives were also on the line and had to win quickly to save them.[54] Yuma learned that his attacks helped open a way for Shark and Nash escape the passageways, but it comes at the risk of receiving damage from Mach's traps and spells. When Yuma Summons out "Utopia", Mach brings out his Number, "Number 44: Sky Pegasus" and forced Yuma to take more damage to keep "Utopia" on the field. With Nash providing them information of a legend about a hero and his Pegasus, Yuma was told to keep protecting "Utopia". However, he was torn what to do once Nash revealed to be Dumon, and Shark said that Yuma should destroy "Utopia" instead of keeping it on the field. Ultimately, Yuma decided not have doubt in everyone and chooses to protect "Utopia", and managed to bring out "Utopia Ray Victory" to win the Duel. After Mach vanished, Yuma obtained "Sky Pegasus" and spotted a "King's Coin", an item his father had a habit leaving behind after exploring. Outside the temple, Yuma tells Astral and Shark that he will continues to have trust in others, even if others might take advantage of it, since it's the only thing he can do.[29]

Yuma In Ruins

Yuma and co. inside the ruins.

Going to South America, Yuma and the others arrived at an abandoned castle, and listen to Rio speak of legend about a ruthless prince. Venturing around and following star markings, Yuma accidentally triggered some traps that led him and his friends inside the cages of the central coliseum and eventually, he met Vector. Yuma challenged him to a Duel, but was only released from his cage onto a small pedestal. Using Yuma as a hostage, Vector arranged for a Duel between Astral and his partner, who had obtained the sealed "Number". However, whenever Number 96 took damage, Vector set off a giant axe aimed towards Yuma, each threatening to kill him.[99]

Kite Saves Yuma

Kite saves Yuma.

Despite the giant pendulum axe swinging at him, Yuma told Astral not to worry about him and deal damage to Number 96, but Astral refused to endanger him. Yuma blamed himself for his partner's current situation, but Astral told Yuma to think of what he can for himself now. Confused, he asked to Astral to tell him what to do, but Astral said that Yuma shouldn't act like a child and must figure it on his own. After finding another "King's Coin" on the ground, Yuma gained enough courage to jumped on the moving axe and swing himself to another pedestal. When the Duel ended in a draw, Vector set off a self-destruct mechanism and made the platform fall apart underneath Yuma. Luckily, Kite arrived in time to save him, much to Yuma's surprise. Once everyone was safely out of the ruins, Yuma informed Kite of the seven "Mythyrian Numbers".[100]

The group then headed to Spartan City, where Yuma spotted Nistro in an advertisement for the Pro Duelist Spartancity Tournament and went to see Nistro's Duel. Yuma and his friends reunited with Nistro and Dextra backstage and cheerfully greeted them, asking Nistro for an autograph. They learned the tale of a warrior from the duo and deduced that "Number" was in the coliseum, which was under a lake. At night, Yuma was awoken by Astral and was informed about the explosion coming from the ruins. He rushed over to the coliseum and was happy to met up with Alito again, saying he was worried about him. However, Yuma was dumbfounded by Alito's change in personality and his sudden challenge to a Duel. To rescue a brainwashed Nistro, Yuma and Dextra entered a Tag Duel. Although angry and disappointed by how different Alito was acting, Yuma took the first turn for his team and quickly Summoned "Utopia". After taking the damage from "Number 54: Lion Heart", Yuma beseeched to Alito to tell him what happened to him, knowing Alito wasn't the type to use underhanded tactics, but only received a sadistic laugh and was told it losing to Yuma that made him this way.[101]

Yuma & Dextra Vs Alit & Nistro

Yuma with Dextra in a Tag Duel against Nistro and Alito.

While Yuma was constantly targeted by Alito's "Lion Heart", he was protected by Dextra's Traps until she was knocked out of the Duel. Afterwards, Yuma noticed that Nistro was able regain some of his consciousness, exciting him enough to take on Nistro's head-on Dueling once again. Yuma used "Xyz Shift" and "Night Papilloperative" to Summon "Heroic Champion - Excalibur" and halve his Life Points to equal Nistro's and simultaneously prevent "Heroic Growth" from activating to lower the ATK of "Lion Heart". When Alito used his "Battlin' Boxer Cheat Commissioner", Yuma countered the effect with "Overlay Marker" inflict 6700 damage to Alito, winning the Duel. By sunrise, Yuma found another "King's Coin" and refused Nistro's offer to help fight the Barians, stating he must continue his dream of being a symbol of hope to children. On the airship, Yuma stood away from his friends and brooded over Alito when Astral came over. Astral knew Yuma was thinking about Alito and told him that he should understand from the Duel yesterday - Alito is still a Barian and that Yuma can't be friends with him, but Yuma didn't respond to him. Instead, Yuma dwelled over Alito's new personality and while he didn't understand why, Yuma hopes they could have another passionate Duel one day again as friends.[102] On the way to the next location, Yuma was still thinking about Alito, which caused Shark to scold him, saying that Alito's change in personality exposed his "true colors" as a Barian, but Yuma didn't believe that was the case. Upon arriving in an mountain range, Yuma went with Shark and Kite to climb a mountain to reach the ruins. Unlike his friends, Yuma didn't struggle while climbing the mountain and gave out pointers to them, even saving Kite when he was losing his grip. Upon entering the Number ruins, Yuma was enticed by the aroma of food, but he was quickly stopped by Jinlon, the Number Guardian of the palace. Yuma got into an argument with Jinlon, who accused him of stealing his food and assaulted Yuma with his walking stick. Yuma listened to Jinlon and Astral's conversation about the person similar to Kite, which the former confirmed the person was named "Mizar". Astral revealed to Yuma and the others that the Barians were humans once, much to their surprise. Yuma then watched Kite Duel against Jinlon along with Shark and Astral.[103]

Jinlong in his true form confronts Yuma and others

Jinlon in his true form speaks to Yuma and others

After Kite won the Duel, Yuma and the others listened to Jinlon's tale about Mizar and how he died. When Mizar arrived at the ruins and clashed with Kite's dragon aura, Yuma and his friends ended up on a mountain peak after the Number ruins vanished. He picked up a King's Coin and listened to Jinlon explaining about when people searching for "Numbers" come to the ruins, huge changes will occur in the world and about the "two lights" battling in the sky long ago.[104]

Ponta Possessing Yuma

Ponta possessing Yuma's body.

Returning to Heartland City, Yuma was berated by Kari for his dangerous adventures when he saw Roku announcing the discovery of the statue of a famous military commander named "Kiraku Souhachi". Yuma and Astral noticed that the statue bore a striking resemblance to Girag and went to the Duel Sanctuary with their friends. Yuma crashed into Ponta, who was in possession of Girag's body and the "Number" as well. Although Yuma was dumbstruck by the situation, he agreed to Duel the tanuki to get the "Number" and Girag's body back. As soon Yuma began his turn, Ponta swapped bodies with Yuma, who was stuck in Girag's body as Ponta wasted all of his cards in a series of misplays. Despite the handicap, Yuma managed to defeat Ponta using the "Burst Reverse" card he Set before they body switched to turn he tables. Yuma won the "Number" and was stunned when he saw Girag eat Ponta, cursing the former for his despicable act.[105]

The Different Dimension Airship set off the next day for the final Number ruins, Yuma conversed with Astral on the Deck, asking him about the Barians being humans once. When Astral told him it was true, Yuma inquired if Astral was human like them too. Astral told Yuma it was possible and they debated on what caused their enemies to be reincarnated as Barians, but were interrupted by Shark. Shark warned them that over thinking was a bad idea and they should not get emotions involved. Yuma then asked Shark why he fought against the Barians. Shark said it was revenge for using him and Rio. Yuma pointed out that Shark forgave Vetrix and Dr. Faker, but Shark clarified he never did forgive them and only stopped fighting them because they lost the will to fight. Later, Yuma and the others were met by a fierce hurricane and Abyss possessed Rio in the midst of it all. When Abyss caused her to jump overboard into the ocean below, Yuma and Shark followed her, landing at the bottom of the ocean where the water was mysteriously kept from enveloping them. Following Rio's footprints, they entered the labyrinth-like ruin and Yuma found two King's Coins rather than one. Unfortunately, when Shark noticed Rio's "Freezing Point" card lying on the ground and went to examine it, the labyrinth generated new walls to separate them. By the time Yuma noticed, it was impossible to find Shark and he could not climb the walls either. Suddenly, Yuma and Astral saw a stream of water came rushing down and Dumon emerging from it.[106] Dumon quickly challenged Yuma to a Duel to settle things, but Yuma told him that he didn't really want to. Yuma reminded Dumon that he helped him and his friends before, but Dumon told him that they were destined to fight each other. Yuma then questioned Dumon about the Barians being humans and why they had to fight Astral. He was angered when the latter simply say they the worlds opposed each other and demanded if they are really fighting without a real reason. Dumon said that the Barian and Astral Worlds can't coexist and Astral agreed by revealing that it was his mission to obliterate the Barian World, shocking Yuma. When Astral and Dumon were talking about Nash and Marin, the group saw Shark Dueling Abyss and Dumon quickly left Yuma and Astral behind. Using "Needle Swordsman" on Astral's instructions, Yuma arrived at the center on the maze just in time to catch Rio and watched Shark win the Duel. Afterwards, the group was transported back to the airship and Tori, but Rio remained unconscious.[107]

Yuma, Tori and Shark getting pulled by Number 96

Yuma, Tori, and Shark are pulled in by Number 96.

Returning home, Yuma was informed by Astral that the Astral World was in danger and rushed down to find Kari watching the news about abnormal phenomenons occurring all across the globe. In the streets, Yuma met up with Tori and expressed hope that Rio would wake up from her coma like when she knew the Barians first came to Earth. He also expressed that he was worried about Shark and stated that he been acting odd since the ruins. Yuma was surprised when Astral told him that he had a serious discussion with Shark and that he would have speak about it sooner or later. After contemplating, Yuma resolved to speak to Shark as a friend when the latter just rode up and asked if Yuma was alright. When ashes began to fall from the sky, the group was transported by Number 96 to another location, alongside Kite and Orbital 7. With three worlds on the line, Yuma began his Duel with Number 96 inside a Sphere Field, which caused real damage to him. During the Duel, Number 96 used the effect of "Chaos Field" to steal two of Yuma's "Numbers" and ranked them up.[108]

Number 96 vs Zexal II

Yuma and Astral used ZEXAL II against Number 96.

Yuma then had a dream-like vision were Astral was saying goodbye and leaving the "Numbers" to him, causing him to cry. Once Astral broke Yuma's daze, Number 96's monsters attacked them, but Yuma managed to protect himself and Astral Summoning "Gagaga Gardna". Eventually, the damage Yuma had to endure took a toll on his body and was too injured to Duel, so Astral took his place. After Astral Summoned "Number C39: Utopia Ray", Yuma and Astral then bonded together to perform "ZEXAL II", Summoning two "ZW -" monsters to attack Number 96, defeating him completely. However, Number 96 wanted vengeance on the duo and attacked them. Although Yuma was against it, Astral canceled ZEXAL to protect Yuma and took the hit. Although Astral was able to destroy Number 96 for good, he was fading back to the Astral World since he was severely drained and told Yuma that they had to part ways. A tearful Yuma begged Astral not to go, but the latter just thanked Yuma for everything he had done and gave all the "Numbers" to him before departing with the Emperor's Key to the Astral World. A heartbroken Yuma and his friends were then transported back to Heartland and cried for his lost friend.[109]

Grief-stricken by Astral's disappearance, Yuma barricaded himself in his attic bedroom, not leaving for school nor eating very much. Despite his family's and friends' attempts to cheer him up, Yuma continued to cry and mourn for many days, even to the point of nearly getting rid of all his "Number" cards. One night, he was contacted by Mr. Heartland via hologram, who enticed him into coming to save his kidnapped friends. Yuma ran to the Heartland Memorial and learned that Erazor took his friends' memories. Yuma accepted Erazor's challenge to Duel with their memories and his "Numbers" on line, but noticed how scared he felt. Mr. Heartland pointed out that Yuma didn't have a reason to protect the "Numbers" without Astral and tried to bargain with Yuma into giving him the "Numbers" in exchanged for his friends and their memories.

Erazor Vs

Trey and Yuma Dueling Erazor.

Heartland also offered to erase Yuma's memories of Astral so he could return to his happy life before he met Astral. Yuma angrily refused, saying that the "Numbers" are precious mementos of his time together with Astral. Suddenly, Trey appeared in front of Yuma and proclaiming to protect him. Stunned by Trey's entrance, Yuma listened to Trey's explanation of what his family had been up to and they knew everything that had happened. Touched that Trey was willing to fight alongside him, Yuma asked him for support in his Duel and gave him "Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis" and "Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech", believing sharing the "Numbers" powers was the right thing to do. The pair then began their Duel with Erazor, but was put at an disadvantage when Mr. Heartland activated a trap that halved Yuma's and Trey's Life Points whilst Erazor's doubled.[110] Yuma took the second turn of the Duel and drew "Double or Nothing!", which made him think of Astral and silently hoped his friend was watching him. Yuma tried to execute his combo with "Utopia", but Erazor used the effect of "Number 3: Cicada King" to negate it. Trey Summoned out "Machu Mech", managing to damage Erazor with help from Yuma's cards. However, Erazor dealt a lot of damage to Trey and activated a trap that would assure him victory on his next turn. As Yuma struggled to think of a comeback, Tori and the others regain some of their memories and showed their support, reminding Yuma that he was not alone. Yuma then set the stage for Trey to Summon "Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis", equipping it with "Utopia" to win the Duel, destroying Erazor and returning the Number Club's memories. Afterwards, Yuma decided to give "Locust King" to Trey as a sign of their friendship.[111]

Yuma invited Trey to spend the night over at his house and cheerily ate breakfast the morning with his friends and family. However, Yuma's mood was dampened when he forgot that Astral was gone and called out to his friend before realizing his mistake. Trying to hide his sadness, he quickly brought the subject of Mr. Heartland's underlings and explained to Trey that Kite and Shark were difficult to contact, so they couldn't warn them of the new threats. They decided to go visit Rio at hospital and caught Chironex poisoning her. Chironex told Yuma that he was going after Shark's "Numbers" and then come after him before fleeing. Yuma tried to call Shark to warn him, but the latter did not answer. Yuma sought help from the rest of the Number Club over his Duel Gazer when they encountered Quattro in the lobby. They asked him to deal with Chironex while they searched for Shark and Yuma returned "Number 15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder" and "Number 40: Gimmick Puppet of Strings" to Quattro. Later, Yuma and Trey got a call from Quattro and arrived at the Kastle's mansion to watched him and Shark Duel against Chironex.[112][113]

Afterwards, Yuma frequently went on "patrols" to look for Barians around Heartland City along with Trey, unaware that his friends were stalking him. Although he tried to maintain a cheerful facade, Yuma's visible sadness made his friends worried about him. When Flip arrived to show him the grave he made for Astral, Yuma just stood quietly as his friends burst into tears, but thought about Astral for many days later. After another patrol, Yuma was forced into an intervention with his friends about his unwillingness to accept the reality of losing Astral. Trey also pointed out the places Yuma had been patrolling are places he and Astral Dueled together and that Yuma still hopes he would meet Astral again one day. Upset and rattled, he ran away from his friends and admitted that he could never believe Astral was dead and proclaimed that he would search for Astral forever until he finds him. Suddenly, Kite appeared and told Yuma that he and Quinton found a way to Astral World. On a plane, Yuma found out that his father King's Coins contained Astrite and would the key to open the gate through different dimensions. At the lab site, Yuma yelled at Quinton from keeping this from him and said that he would go to the dimensions even if he would die from the process. Yuma was instructed to stay absolutely still in the Dimensional Transporter during the charging period and he won't have a way to get back home once he went through. After Scritch caused a blackout, Yuma was told not to move as Orbital 7 charge the device. Letting Kite and Quinton Duel against Scritch, Yuma returned "Number 9: Dyson Sphere" to Quinton and observed them from afar.[114] Right after the Duel, the transporter finished powering up and sent Yuma to Astral World. As Yuma left, he bid farewell to his friends.[115]

Eliphas warning Yuma

Yuma greeted by Eliphas.

As he approached the Astral World, Yuma spotted Rainbow Kuriboh, which he recognized as his father's card. After Yuma fallowed Kuriboh to land, Yuma was amazed by his new surroundings and was surprised that his touch brought life to several nearby dead plants. A shining figure appeared before him, telling Yuma that he shouldn't be here and sent wolves after him. Yuma was repeatedly ambushed by this figure, but was saved by Rainbow Kuriboh each time.

Kazuma's message to Yuma

Yuma sees Kazuma's message to him.

Rainbow Kuriboh then showed Yuma a recorded message of Kazuma, who told Yuma that Astral was destined to die and Kuriboh will help Yuma save him. Using "Goblindbergh" and Rainbow Kuriboh to fly to Astral's location, Yuma was attacked once again and fell unconscious as Rainbow Kuriboh softened his landing. Yuma woke up inside a church-like building and met Ena, who said that he would be safe here and that the ill citizens there were in need of his help. Yuma listened to Ena as she explained the history of the Astral World, Barian World, and the power of Chaos. She also told Yuma that the figure who was pursuing him was Eliphas, who they created in hopes of healing their world, and that Yuma has the power of Chaos inside him. Confused, Yuma asked why they didn't just do something about Eliphas, which Ena said that he and Astral were their only hope to save the Astral World from its eventual end. After Yuma healed all the denizens, he arrived where Astral was and found him asleep inside a crystal. Eliphas appeared to Yuma and blamed him for corrupting Astral with his Chaos. Yuma defended himself, saying that he and Astral developed a strong bond and challenged Eliphas to a Duel, with his memories of Astral and Astral's freedom on the line.[55]

Eliphas vs

Yuma vs. Eliphas.

Shocked that Eliphas could use "Shining Draw" as well, Yuma was cornered by Eliphas' "New Order 6: Etheric Apophis". Eliphas said that Yuma had no right to be with Astral and that Chaos Astral got by being with him will cause him to die. To increase pressure on him, Eliphas told Yuma that Ena and the others residents were being held hostages for being exposed to his Chaos. Yuma accused the Astral World for being so weak and compared their rules to his "kattobingu" ethics. Yuma then learned that his father was also being held captive by Eliphas and what he did to Astral before Yuma met him. Eliphas said the he would free everyone and reevaluate the world's values if Yuma won the Duel. Motivated, Yuma used "Rank-Up-Magic - Numeron Force" to Summon "Number C39: Utopia Ray Victory", but was overwhelmed by Eliphas' "New Order" monsters and was reduced to 100 Life Points left. Despite this, Yuma still refused to give up and determined to save Astral, even when Eliphas pointed out the more Life Points he lost the closer Astral would be extinguished. Eliphas warned Yuma that his desire to be with Astral would turn into fear of losing him and would be become his "bondage". Eliphas proclaimed that Yuma couldn't be entrusted with the Astral World and proceeded to deal a finishing blow to him".[116]

Using "Rainbow Kuriboh", Yuma was able to avoid the attack and tried to attack Eliphas, but failed. Although, Yuma proclaimed that he would win the Duel and rescue Astral, he inwardly panicked as Eliphas continued to stop his attacks.[117] Yuma was eventually overwhelmed by "New Order 13: Etheric Amon" and his Deck was decimated by its effect. Eliphas lectured him about Rank-Up and its limitations to only "chosen ones", but Yuma criticized those perceptions, saying that everybody as the potential to Rank-Up. Although "Rainbow Kuriboh" allowed Yuma to survive another turn, Yuma realized he was on the brink of losing, but thought of Astral and how important he had become to him. This caused Astral to resonate with Yuma from his crystal and lent him the power to use "Shining Draw" without the use of ZEXAL, granting Yuma "Rank-Down-Magic Numeron Fall" to Summon "Number 39: Utopia Roots".

Screenshot 2

Yuma and Astral along with Eliphas witness the energy surf from Barian World.

When Eliphas dismissed his "Shining Draw" as a waste, Yuma said that Rank-Up was necessary for the sake of the living people and compared them to Duelists he had confronted who had their own troubles. He stated that good and evil are always at conflicted in people's hearts and refusing to learn or ignoring the suffering of other individuals can never cause true Ranking-Up, moving the denizens of the world. Yuma used the effect of "Utopia Roots" to increase its ATK to massive proportions and activated "Double or Nothing!" to double its ATK, allowing him to inflict enough damage to defeat Eliphas.After Astral was purified of his corruption and released, Yuma immediately embraced him and cried happily. When they sensed Don Thousand's power affecting the human world, Eliphas said they must return right away and restored the Emperor's Key. After Eliphas gave Astral a card, Yuma and Astral promised that they will find way to end the Barian menace and began their journey back to the human world.[47]

Yuma and Astral obtain ZEXAL III

Yuma and Astral obtain ZEXAL III.

Yuma and Astral eventually returned to Earth just after Kite became too injured to continued his Duel with Mr. Heartland.[118] Yuma took Kite's place in the Duel along with his remaining life Points. Although Heartland managed to drain Yuma's Life Points with his "Infection Bug Tokens" and was in pain due the Barian Field, Yuma and Astral initiated ZEXAL III and used the Shining Draw to create "ZS - Vanish Sage", using it in tandem with Kite's "Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon" to banish the Tokens and win the Duel. They witnessed Heartland screaming in pain as he was engulfed in flames and vanished. While Yuma shared a joyous reunion with his friends, but he was saddened to learned of Flip's demise as their situation turned more dire as they saw the large pillar of energy glowing even brighter.[119]

Barian Emperor Onslaught[]

Resonance between Nasch and Yuma

Yuma's Key reacting with Nash's Barian Emblem.

Yuma was stunned when the Seven Barian Emperors appeared before them, along with Shark and Rio as Nash and Marin. Although Astral explained to Yuma that about Shark's soul being reincarnated as a Barian and was now their enemy, Yuma asked why they had to fight. Nash responded that this was what fate had decided, which Yuma found to be ridiculous, proclaimed that he will revives their bonds through Dueling. Suddenly, the Emperor's Key reacted with Nash's Barian Emblem, letting Yuma see Nash's past life and Nash see the events that Yuma had been involved with in the Astral World. Once the visions ended, Yuma was rendered unconscious, giving the Barians a chance to attack him. Luckily, Roku and Kaze arrived and pelted the Emperors with smoke bombs, allowing Yuma's entire group to escape. As Quinton drove them away, Tori cradled Yuma's head in her lap, while Astral commented how the bonds that Yuma made with his friends - Roku, Kaze, Anna, Nelson, Nistro, Dextra, Bronk Stone and Quattro - had united them to protect Yuma and stalled for time by Dueling the Emperors.[120] Yuma briefly regained consciousness and asked if everyone was alright, with Caswell claiming that they were before Yuma passed out again.[121]

Once Yuma regained full consciousness, he learned from Astral about his friends' demises and blamed himself for them. Yuma and Kite conversed about Shark, with Yuma declaring that Shark was still their friend even if he was a Barian; however, Kite disagreed with him. Yuma said he won't give up on Shark and would find a way to avoid fighting Shark and the Barians, prompting Astral to tell him there was a way - defeating Don Thousand directly. Believing everything should return back to normal if they defeated him, Yuma agreed with the plan. Just as Kite left with Orbital 7, Yuma got into an argument with Quinton and Trey, who claimed they wouldn't be going with him either in favor of avenging Quattro's death. Yuma urged them not to focus on revenge since they should know better than anyone that revenge will only cause them pain, but Trey claimed he couldn't stand Yuma any longer and then sped away with their van, leaving Yuma bewildered. Preparing to set off on the Different Dimension Airship, Yuma asked his friends to go home and check on his family, with only Tori accompanying him and Astral.[122] On the ship, Yuma speaks with Astral about his dispute with Trey and Quinton, saying he understand why they want to avenge their brother, but still believed that nothing will come out Dueling with anger. Astral assured Yuma that they were following the path they think was right for them, which Yuma agreed with.[123]


Yuma breaks down as Trey and Quinton are defeated.

Aboard the airship, Yuma continued to worry about Trey and Quinton, which concerned Tori and Astral. Later, a screen appeared before them and showed the group the Duel between Trey and Quinton vs Mizar. He listened as Quinton explained about the Legend of the Dragons of Light and Time and that Kite was heading to the moon to investigate it. Realizing that avenging Quattro was lie, Yuma urged them not to, but Quinton said that Yuma must see how fearsome the Emperors are and that must keep going forward. After he and Trey shared a tearful goodbye, Yuma watched in anguish as the brothers were defeated and taken to the Barian World. Sobbing on his knees, Tori and Astral tried to comforted him, with the latter saying that Yuma must lift his head because everybody placed their trust in him.[124]

Alito vs Yuma

Alito vs. Yuma.

Immediately after this, Alito attacked the airship with "Number C105: Battlin' Boxer Comet Cestus", knocking Yuma, Astral and Tori from it. He challenged Yuma, but the latter insisted they had no reason to Duel and compared him to Nistro as they were both hot-blooded Duelists who shouldered the hopes of children. However, Alito shrugged Yuma's words off and captured Tori with a giant set of vines, making Yuma relented to Duel him to free her. Yuma immediately brought out "Utopia", but Alito used "The Seventh One" to Summon "Comet Cestus", reducing Yuma to only 200 Life Points with its effect and attack, with Yuma narrowly survived with "Gagaga Gardna". When Don Thousand appeared and introduced himself to Yuma and Astral, he revealed that their pursuit of the Mythyrian Numbers had contributed to his release and taunted them to stop him if they could. Hoping to remind Alito of their friendship, Yuma attempted to reach Alito's true self with "Heroic Champion - Excalibur", but this only allowed Alito to bring out "Number 80: Rhapsody in Berserk" to support "Comet Cestus". Astral suggested that he use "Number 54: Lion Heart", which holds Alito's true memories, to order to break Don Thousand's curse to Alito. Although "Lion Heart" was risky to use, Yuma was resolved to save Alito.[125] Yuma and Astral discussed that Kazuma must have predicted they would have to fight the Emperors and that the Mythyrian Numbers are the key to Don Thousand’s curse. Yuma Summoned "Lion Heart" to the field, causing it resonated with Alito's cards and letting him see his memories. He used "Lion Heart" to attacked "Comet Cestus", thus freeing Alito from Don Thousand's influence, but Alito still wished for them to finished their Duel. With Alito's hatred for his past remaining, Astral advised Yuma to destroy "Comet Cestus". Using "Champion's Sacred Cloak to bypass Number 80: Rhapsody in Berserk effects, they destroyed "Comet Cestus" and won the Duel, allowing Alito to see his true memories. Afterwards, Alito thanked Yuma for saving him, but reminded him that they are still enemies. However, Yuma believes that he and the Emperors will come to understand, which Alito denied because they have defeat him. Nevertheless, Alito agreed to cooperated with them to defeat Don Thousand, who was inside of Vector.[126] Back on the ship, they group continued to travel to the Barian World until they were attacked by Girag and his "Number 106: Giant Hand".[127]

They attempted to reason with Girag, but they could not get through Thousand's control. Yuma moved to Duel him instead, but Alito offered to do so instead as Girag's best friend, which he relented and gave him "Number 64: Ronin Raccoon Sandayu" to help break the control.[128] Yuma watched as Alito managed to free Girag from Don Thousand's curse at the cost of his own life. Soon after, Vector arrived and tried to attack Yuma with "Number C43: High Manipulator of Chaos", but Girag pushed Yuma out of the way, taking the blow. As Vector absorbed Girag's, Alito's, and Ponta's souls, Yuma learned that Dumon and Rio shared the same fate. Vector proclaimed that he will defeat Yuma and Astral to get the Numeron Code before flying off, leaving Yuma to mourn for the lost lives.[129] [130]


Yuma crying for Kite.

Back on the airship, Yuma cried and blamed himself himself for not saving anyone. When a screen appeared on Deck, Yuma found out the Kite was Dueling Mizar on the moon and for the key to the Numeron Code. As Kite was at a disadvantage, Yuma explained to Mizar that he didn't have to fight them because of Don Thousand tampered with his memories. They also informed him that all his allies were betrayed by Vector and their souls was absorbed. However, Mizar refused to listen to them as Kite told them to stay out of his way. Yuma urged Kite to stop Dueling, but he told Yuma that everyone must say good-bye someday, even if it was unexpected - and the same will apply to him and Astral. At the end of the Duel, Yuma saw Kite defeat Mizar, but became too weak to move. With tears streaming down his face, Yuma called out to him to raise up, saying Kite promised to Duel him again. Kite simply told Yuma not to cry because he was their last hope as the screen blurred out from Orbital 7's shutdown. As he grieved, Yuma proclaimed that he will not cry anymore and will win the war by defeating Vector and Don Thousand.[131]


Mizar gives "Number 100: Numeron Dragon" to Yuma.

Yuma and the others finally arrived to Barian World to find Nash Dueling against Vector, with Yuma expressing concern for Nash.[132] As Yuma watched the Duel, he was able to see Vector's true memories, who was a benevolent monarch long ago. Remembering his time with Vector's "Ray" persona, Yuma attempted to reached out to Vector for a second chance. Vector seemingly was going to reform, but only revealed to be a trick for Yuma and Nash to let down their guard, to Yuma's anger. He witnessed the rest of the Duel and stared on in shocked as Nash claimed victory after a series of trials.[133] After Vector goes berserk with his power, Yuma was surprised when Don Thousand appeared before them to absorbed Vector. Yuma leaped to save him at the last second, despite everyone's protests, and insisted that Vector's true self was "Ray Shadows". When Vector proclaimed that he will take Yuma with, Yuma tearfully said that he doesn't mind and promised to protect Vector. Touched by Yuma's sincerity, Vector had a change of heart and sacrificed himself to Thousand to protect Yuma. Soon after, Mizar arrived to give him "Number 100: Numeron Dragon" and confirmed Kite's demise. Following Mizar's death, Don Thousand shown himself before Yuma and the group in his new form, promising to take their souls and obtain their power to become a true God. Don Thousand challenged Astral, Yuma, and Nash to a Duel, which they accepted a Battle Royal Duel. On his first turn, Yuma quickly summoned "Number 39: Utopia", only to disappeared from the field due to Thousand's "Numeron Network". Don Thousand revealed that he made the Earth part of the Barian World to obtained the Code's power in the process. Thousand also taunted them by revealing he can directly attack the Astral World whenever Yuma and Nash take damage.[134]

Using his "Numeron" monsters, Thousand nearly defeated them, with Yuma and Nash surviving with "Half Unbreak" and "Cut-In Shark". As Astral left to find the location of the "Numeron Network" card to help them, he contacted the duo to let them know that he planned to sacrificed to absorb the "Numeron Network" energy in order to prevent Earth from being destroy. Knowing Astral would die if he did that, Yuma begged him not to it, but Astral only told him goodbye. Suddenly, Eliphas appeared to take Astral's place and sent him back to Yuma's side. Whilst Yuma shed tears for Eliphas's death, Astral told Yuma that Eliphas entrusted the future to them and told him not to cry. As Nash used "Number C101: Silent Honor DARK" to restore their Life Points to 3300, Yuma strengthened his resolve to win.[135] Don Thousand mocked their chances of victory and Summoned "Number C1000: Numerronius", inflicting more damage to them and Astral World, and taking control of "Silent Honor DARK". Yuma and Astral transformed into ZEXAL and Summoned "Number 39: Utopia, only for Don Thousand to use the effect of "Numerronius" to destroy and replace it with "Number C39: Utopia Ray Victory". Don Thousand revealed that "Numerronius" negated the effects of his opponent's "C" monsters and prevented them from attacking. Undaunted by this setback, they evolved into ZEXAL II and used the Shining Draw to create "ZS - Ouroboros Sage", combining it with "Utopia Ray Victory" and "Number 101: Silent Honor ARK", allowing them to reduce Don Thousand's Life Points to 900. However, Don Thousand sent "Silent Honor DARK" to the Graveyard to prevent "Numerronius" from being destroyed, and then used its ability to take control of Yuma's and Nash's monsters. Yuma was shocked that ZEXAL failed them and canceled the fusion. Thousand taunted him, revealing the power of Chaos will always revive him and they cannot fight against it as humans are the root of Chaos. He further explained what happened with his battle with Astral eons ago and claimed that humans are weak since Chaos can consume them easily, such as the Seven Barian Emperors. Yuma retorted that the power of Chaos let you live with your friends and can protect others. Don Thousand scoffed at Yuma's belief, and then proceed to inflicted damage to them, leaving Yuma's and Nash's Life Points to 100. With "Numerronius" going for a direct attack, Kite's spirit appeared before Yuma, urging him to win. The "Number 100: Numeron Dragon" flashed into Yuma's hand and Yuma Special Summoned it to the field.


Yuma remembers his fallen allies.

Yuma used its effect to reduce the ATK of "Numerronius" to 0 and destroy both of them. Unfazed, Don Thousand countered by bringing out "Number Ci1000: Numerronius Numerronia", which would force all of Yuma's and Nash's monsters to attack it or grant Don Thousand an Automatic Win in the End Phase if they don't. Thinking of his fallen friends, Yuma refused to give up and overlaid with Astral into ZEXAL III. They used "Rising Hope" to revive "Utopia" as Nash brought out "Number 73: Abyss Splash", and used "Bonds of Hope" to revive "Numeron Dragon". The abilities of "Abyss Splash" and "Numeron Dragon" were given to "Utopia" as a symbol of their reforged bonds. Yuma proclaimed to Don Thousand that he will feel all of their hopes and dreams.[136]

After using the effects of "Abyss Splash" and "Numeron Dragon" to boost the ATK of "Utopia" to 102,000, Yuma attacked "Numerronius Numerronia", but Thousand used the effect of "Numerronius Numerronia" to negate the attack and boost his Life Points to 102,900. Yuma then activated "Double or Nothing!", as an attack was negated, allowing him to double the ATK "Utopia" and attack again. With this, Yuma defeated Don Thousand, causing the portal to Astral World to close and cancel the fusion between Earth and the Barian World. Despite his loss, Don Thousand laughed at Yuma and the others, claiming his curse hadn't been lifted before his soul was transferred to Nash with all the "Numbers" along with him. Infused with Don Thousand's energy, Nash forced Yuma and Astral out of the ZEXAL III fusion, and sent them to a small place between that merged world and the Astral World. Nash explained that the two worlds were currently pulling against one another; if it kept up, the two worlds would collide, resulting in the Astral World's destruction. Yuma tried to reason with "Shark", who stated he was still their enemy, regardless of Thousand's influence, and he would protect the friends he has in the Barian World. Yuma tried to appeal for a way for both worlds to coexist. Nash and Astral said this was impossible because the Astral World was too weak to withstand the fusion of the worlds. Bewildered, Yuma said that everyone can learn to understand one another and blamed Thousand's curse on Nash's attitude, but Nash refuted this - he was the only one who chose to be a Barian on his own will, and that his very existence was the curse of Don Thousand. Nash challenged Yuma and Astral to a Duel, with all three worlds and the Numeron Code on the line. Yuma questioned Astral if they can can find a future to save everyone. Astral suggested that using the Numeron Code could make everything that happened become undone and revive everyone who was died. Although, he asks Astral if that's a real future though - one that will result in running away from all the times they had together. Astral said that he's unsure right now, but encouraged Yuma they'll be able to find a solution through this Duel. As Nash was able to predict Yuma's every move, he was put of the defensive. As the Duel progressed, Nash Summoned four of the Over-Hundred Numbers onto his side of the field - "Silent Honor DARK", "Number C102: Archfiend Seraph", "Number C103: Ragnafinity" and "Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon, while Special Summoning the other three to Yuma's side of the field - "Number C104: Umbral Horror Masquerade", "Number C105: Battlin' Boxer Comet Cestus", and "Number C106: Giant Red Hand".[137] Nash then used all seven monsters to Xyz Summon "CXyz Barian Hope", pushing Yuma into a corner. Yuma and Astral then merged into ZEXAL III to create "Overlay Drop Reborn" to Special Summon "Number 39: Utopia", which was destroyed previously from the Graveyard. As Yuma worried how the power surged from Duel caused the worlds to grow closer, he was surprised to see his father and Vetrix suddenly arrived on the battlefield in order to erect barriers to stall the collisions of the three worlds and was encouraged him to win. Afterward, he and Astral used the card Eliphas gave them, "Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force", to Special Summon "Number 39: Utopia Beyond" and destroy "Barian Hope".[138]

Nash set up the return of "Barian Hope" with "Seventh Around" before Summoning "Black Ray Lancer" in an attempt to defeat them. In response, Yuma used the effect of "Utopia Beyond" to banish itself and Special Summon the original "Utopia" and canceled ZEXAL III. Yuma reminisced to Nash that this Duel reminded him the other times they faced each other, only for Nash to brush it off and tell Yuma that he was just a pest. Ignoring that statement, Yuma continued that he and Nash were still friends, despite the current situation. Nash replied that this was impossible; neither of them were the same as before, causing Yuma to question if he and Nash no longer understood each other. Nash said that he had understood Yuma for a long time, but added that friends who understood each other may stop being friends. Yuma thought about The Door's promise of a new power at the cost of losing something important; he realized that the "something" could be Astral or Nash. Determined not to lose either of them, he continued the Duel. As Yuma was reduced to 50 Life Points, he was discouraged to continue, due to Nash's determination to win, but Tori snapped him out of it by yelling at him. Remembering the sacrifices Yuma's friends made for them, Yuma and Astral merged back to ZEXAL III. They created "ZW - Sylphid Wing" and equipped it to "Utopia". They attempted an attack on Nash's "Submersible Carrier Aero Shark", but Nash used "Seventh Arrival" to Tribute it and Summon "Barian Hope" back to the field. He then used "Draw Reset Battle" to stop the attack, then make both players draw a card; if they did not use the card they drew, they would lose. Yuma and Astral drew "Double or Nothing!" and activated it, doubling the ATK of "Utopia". Remembering the Door's promise of losing something important, Yuma canceled ZEXAL III and negated the attack of "Utopia" by its own effect. Nash then used "Glorious Seven" to give "Barian Hope" more Overlay Units. This confused Yuma, but Astral reminded him that had their attack gone through, they would have lost. Yuma asked if this would mean a draw, but Nash corrected him; Yuma and Astral did win because Nash's Life Points would become the same as the change Yuma's and Astral's Life Points at the end of the Battle Phase, which is 0; therefore Nash lost the Duel. Nash told Yuma not to lose whatever was most important to him, which were his ability to trust in others and his pure heart. He gave all the "Numbers" he held to Astral and told Tori not to let Yuma out of her sight. He also admitted that Yuma and Astral were his best friends, and their final Duel was the best Duel he had, before fading away. Afterward, Yuma, Astral, and Tori returned to Earth, appearing on Heartland's harbor.[139]

While Yuma was devastated at the loss of Shark, he expressed great joy when he realized all his friends that were adsorbed by the Barian Pipe are revived. He happily reunited with [Numbers Club]], Nelson, Anna, and Hart as they came to congratulated him. However, he voiced his regret for not saving, Kite, Shark, and Rio and wondered point of Dueling was if he couldn't save them all. Astral then transported him and Yuma's subconscious to a special Sphere Field to tell him that he will continue his mission to destroy the Barian World as it was the root of all Chaos. Yuma disagreed with Astral, saying there is no point to the future if they have to keep sacrificing things and urged him to find a better way, but Astral stated he won't change his mind. Although confused if Astral would do such a thing, Yuma challenged Astral to Duel for the Numeron Code, which the latter accepts. In addition, the two added more conditions; if Yuma won, Astral would listen to him, and if Astral won, he would destroy the Barian World and erase Yuma's memories of him. Yuma was distraught at this, but agreed to Duel the next day at the station square. After he was returned to his friends, Yuma went back home and prepared his Deck, thinking of a strategy to beat the powerful "Numbers" Astral wielded and brooding over the situation. He was then abruptly interrupted by his friends - Tori, Bronk, Caswell, Flip, Cathy, Nelson and Anna - when they literally bursts into his attic bedroom and asked if he was going to Duel Astral. On the roof, Yuma confirmed it he was going to Duel Astral and was building his deck. While touched his friends offered to let Yuma use their cards in the Duel, but Yuma turned them down, saying that it would be pointless if he Dueled Astral with outside help. The next day, Yuma and Tori walked towards the station square, stopped midway to tell Tori what Astral's objective to destroy Barian World and the Duel will decide will happen in it. Yuma stated since Tori watched all of his and Astral's Duels, he wanted her to know and asked to keep this a secret from the others because he wants them remember Astral as a good person.[140]

As the Duel started, Astral Summoned "Utopia", as well as its other forms: "Number C39: Utopia Ray", "Number C39: Utopia Ray V", "Number C39: Utopia Ray Victory" and "Number 39: Utopia Beyond". After a direct attack from "Utopia Ray V", Yuma was discouraged, but Astral encouraged him to continue.[140] Yuma did so, Summoning "Gagaga Cowboy" and "Gagaga Samurai" in an attempt to counter Astral's monsters, but Astral succeeded in destroying them.[141]

Yuma admitted to Astral that he truly enjoyed Dueling, as it helped him make new friends. He asked Astral on what he will do after he collected the "Numbers". Astral replied that he will complete his mission and return to the Astral World. Yuma then asked what Astral will do after that. He replied that he did not know. Yuma said that he knew his future is bright, but if he did get the chance to show it to Astral, he may not be there. He managed to make a comeback by using "Master Piece" to use his fallen Xyz Monsters to Special Summon "Number 0: Future Hope". Yuma activated its effect to take control of Astral's Number 39: Utopia Roots" and attack with it. Astral then used "Hyper-Rank-Up-Magic Ultimate Force" to use "Utopia Roots" to Xyz Summon "Number 99: Utopic Dragon". Yuma tried to take control of Astral's new monster with "Future King Hope", but Astral used its effect to negate that effect and destroy all other monsters. Yuma saved "Utopia Roots" with its own effect; however, he would take damage equal to the ATK of the "Utopia Beyond" that was destroyed. He saved himself with the second effect of "Future King Hope" by reducing the damage to 0. On the next turn, Yuma tried to take control of "Utopic Dragon" again by attacking it, but Astral negated the effect of "Future Hope" once more and Yuma prevented his monster's destruction. Yuma used "High Five the Sky" to let "Future King Hope" attack again, as well as "Braving Memory" to increase its ATK to 4000. This destroyed "Utopic Dragon". "Braving Memory" also granted "Future King Hope" another attack, but Astral used "The Door of Destiny" to negate the attack, while also reminding Yuma that he will lose if he does not destroy it. Yuma reminded Astral that this was where they first met; he also realized that the most important thing he would lose was Astral. He hesitated, but Astral said that he had a card to help him win. Yuma realized what his friend meant, finished the Duel by using "Double or Nothing!" to continue his attack and defeat Astral.[18]

Yuma helped Astral up after the Duel. He congratulated Yuma on the win as the Numeron Code appeared in front of them. Astral said that it was about time he and Yuma went their separate ways. Yuma swore that he would never cry again, while Astral said that he liked Yuma's smile and that he would never forget it. He also swore to follow Yuma's "kattobingu" spirit. Yuma told Astral never to give up and to push himself at every hardship. As Astral floated away, Yuma yelled that he would never forget him.[18]

After Astral left, Yuma returned to his normal life. At one point, he arrived late for school and was reprimanded by Rio for it. Yuma also mused on the events that happened since Astral left, such as the revival of the Seven Barian Emperors and the Tenjo and Arclight families working together to research parallel worlds. Yuma then realized that things did not feel the same without Astral around. Shark and Kite informed Yuma about a new threat in the Astral World. Rejuvenated, Yuma left for the Astral World alongside Tori, Kite, Orbital 7, the Arclights and the Barian Emperors. He was shocked when he learned that Vector joined them as well. When Tori held Yuma's hand and said that she liked his smile, Yuma blushed. Yuma reaffirmed his desire to get his most important thing back and yelled "kattobingu!" with everyone else.[18]

Các lần xuất hiện không chính thức[]

Trong tập phim không chính thức, “Aim for Number 1 in the World! Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Special Featuring Kohei Uchimura”, Yuma bị Kotori ép đi thăm người bạn Sachi của cô ở phòng tập thể dục dụng cụ. Trong khi Yuma đang tò mò quan sát các vận động viên, Taiki đã đầm sầm vào cậu từ đằng sau và khiến cậu ngã xuống đất. Hai người tranh cãi, và Taiki bỏ đi. Sau đó, Sachi bảo Yuma rằng Taki đã thua trong một cuộc thi đấu thể dục dụng cụ, vậy nên cậu ta không muốn thi đấu nữa. Khi Yuma và bạn bè mình trở về nhà, họ nhìn thấy Taiki đang nhìn dòng sông. Yuma thách đấu với cậu một trận duel. Lúc đầu Taiki từ chối, nhưng Yuma trêu chọc và nói rằng Taiki đang sợ thua cậu. Taiki chấp nhận lời thách thức và trận duel bắt đầu. Khi trận duel tiếp tục và Taiki sắp sửa thắng, cậu để ý thấy lá bài úp của Yuma, và nỗi sợ thua trận bao trùm lấy cậu và cậu cố thay đổi chiến thuật. Nhưng Yuma nói với cậu rằng việc thua trận bao nhiêu lần với Yuma không phải là vấn đề, vì Yuma yêu duel. Sau khi Yuma thất bại, Taiki nói rằng mục đích của mình là không để thua thêm lần nào nữa. Yuma đồng tình và khuyến khích cậu làm hết sức của mình. Sau đó, Uchimura Kohei xuất hiện và Yuma có vẻ ngưỡng mộ anh, mặc dù cậu không biết Kohei thực sự là ai. Sau đó, Yuma và bạn bè chào tạm biệt Taiki và Kohei. Cả hai duelist cùng nói rằng họ sẽ “kattobingu” kể từ bây giờ.

Các tạo hình khác[]

Number Hunting[]


"Number 39: Utopia", Yuma's first "Number".

Yuma obtained "Number 39: Utopia" when the Emperor's Key reacted during his Duel with Shark, releasing Astral and the "Numbers". Upon defeating Shark, he obtained "Number 17: Leviathan Dragon" as well.[4]

ZLx004 Yuma vs Ukyo

Yuma with "Utopia" and "Number 17: Leviathan Dragon" face Mr. Kay's "Number 34: Terror-Byte" and "Super Crashbug".

Yuma went on to obtain "Number 34: Terror-Byte" from Mr. Kay[142], Number 83: Galaxy Queen" from Nelson Andrews[143], "Number 61: Volcasaurus" from Scorch and "Number 19: Freezadon" from Chills.[144]

His trip to the Duel Lodge after his encounter with Kite Tenjo netted him "Number 12: Crimson Shadow Armor Ninja" from Kaze.[145] His Duel with Fortuno saw him obtain "Number 16: Shock Master" and "Number 11: Big Eye", as well as acquire an upgrade for "Utopia" in the form of "Number C39: Utopia Ray".[30] His Duel against Number 96's holder gave him "Number 96: Dark Mist".[57]

The World Duel Carnival saw Yuma defeat Charlie McCay and though "Number 7: Lucky Straight" was briefly given to Charlie's niece, May[23], it was later returned to Yuma.[65] He proceeded to win "Number 25: Force Focus" from Cameron Clix".[64] As the preliminaries drew to a close, Yuma Dueled Trey and won "Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech" and "Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis".[72]


Yuma faces Shark and "Number 32: Shark Drake".

Yuma Dueled Shark in the top 4 of the tournament and his win here netted him "Number 32: Shark Drake".[75] All of his "Numbers" were taken by Dr. Faker's Sphere Field alongside those owned by Vetrix.[20] Astral managed to give "Utopia" and "Shark Drake" back to Yuma before he was ejected from the Sphere Field and Yuma returned "Shark Drake" to Shark.[75]

ZEXAL episode 065

"Number 10: Illumiknight", "Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage" and "Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction" three of the "Numbers" Yuma gained from the Sphere Field.

With Faker's defeat, Yuma regained all of his lost "Numbers" and also acquired many others, bringing his total count up to fifty. Among his newly acquired "Numbers" were "Number 10: Illumiknight", "Number 20: Giga-Brilliant", "Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction", "Number 56: Gold Rat", "Number 9: Dyson Sphere", "Number 15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder", "Number 40: Gimmick Puppet of Strings", "Number 88: Gimmick Puppet of Leo", "Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage", "Number 69: Heraldry Crest", "Number 53: Heart-eartH" and "Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon".[44] "Utopia" saw a second upgraded form via the use of "Rank-Up-Magic Limited Barian's Force" when Yuma and Ray Shadows Dueled Girag, resulting in "Number C39: Utopia Ray V".[89]


Yuma utilized "Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis" and "Number 61: Volcasaurus" against the Shadow Giant.

Astral was forced to release Number 96 as part of a deal to defeat the Shadow Giant.[90] Yuma and Astral received "Number 66: Master Key Beetle" from Vector after defeating him.[95] His next Duel with Vector saw the creation of "Rank-Up-Magic - Numeron Force", which netted "Utopia" another upgrade called "Number C39: Utopia Ray Victory".[46]

During the hunt for the Mythyrian "Numbers", Yuma acquired three of the seven. He won "Number 44: Sky Pegasus" from Mach[29], "Number 54: Lion Heart" from Alito[102] and "Number 64: Ronin Raccoon Sandayu" from Ponta.[105]

Yuma returned "Machu Mech" and "Atlandis" to Trey when he showed up to aid him in the fight against the Barians.[110] Quattro and Quinton also returned, so Yuma allowed Quattro to use "Giant Grinder", "Gimmick Puppet of Strings" and "Gimmick Puppet of Leo" again[112] and returned "Dyson Sphere" to Quinton.[114] Yuma's trip to the Astral World saw him access a new form for "Utopia" - "Number 39: Utopia Roots".[47]

Yuma gave "Sandayu" to Alito in order to help him free Girag from Don Thousand's curse.[128] Mizar entrusted "Number 100: Numeron Dragon" to Yuma before confronting Thousand himself.[134] Yuma eventually obtained all the remaining "Number" cards by defeating Nash in their final rematch, plus another form of "Utopia" called "Number 39: Utopia Beyond".[139] For a final Duel with Yuma, Astral used all "Numbers", leaving Yuma with none.[140] During this Duel, however, Yuma created "Number F0: Future King Hope".[18]



When they first met, Yuma had mixed feelings about Astral when all he did was tell him how to Duel during his Duel with Shark.[16] Though Astral was insightful and was always thinking about what his opponent would be capable of doing, Yuma ignored his advice and continued playing his way. Eventually, Astral figured out a way to have Yuma listen to him and over time, Yuma began trusting Astral more and more with each Duel. They are shown on numerous occasions to be able to talk telepathically.[39]

After the Duel with Kite Tenjo, the two realized that they needed the other's skill. They grew closer to one another during the Duel with Fortuno when Yuma admits to Astral that he considered him as his friend and unlocked Number C39: Utopia Ray[30] and eventually gained the ability to overlay their souls together using the power of ZEXAL.[53]

At times, Yuma didn't openly admit that he was worries or care about Astral, usually feigning anger and yelling at him, which only makes Astral smile because he knew Yuma's true feelings. In dire situations, Yuma openly showed concern and proclaimed he would do anything to protect him from danger. It shown that Yuma deeply cares for Astral as he couldn't believe Astral would leave and as he cried for that.[41] Astral has shown many times how much he cares about Yuma, willing to give up his life for Yuma's safety.[30] Astral has also been seen smiling more since Yuma told him that he is his friend, and encourages Yuma to never give up. Later, it was revealed that Astral has been teaching Yuma how to Duel, since one day he'll disappear and Yuma will have to fight alone. He also said that when he disappears, he would want to leave proof that he exists in Yuma's memory and heart.[41] After Astral came back, Yuma was greatly relieved as he cried tears of joy.[72]

Nearing to the WDC finals, Yuma and Astral converse on what to do with the "Numbers" and their situation with Hart Tenjo. Yuma is torn between helping Astral or healing Hart, but Astral assured Yuma that he will follow whatever path Yuma choose as his partner.[36] During Yuma and Shark's Duel, Yuma was to make a choice between saving him or Shark, but Astral tells Yuma that will let him make the decisions. During this, Yuma told Astral that he is a very important friend to him.[42] When Vetrix told them that the "Numbers" could destroy the world, Astral questioned Yuma about it, Yuma denied this claim, saying he trusts Astral and would let Astral use the "Numbers" for good. During the Duel, Astral told Yuma that he can rely on him to defeat Vetrix and Yuma says he couldn't do it without him.[11]

After Yuma dreams about being warned by The Door that someone is planning to take the most important thing to him, he feared that he will lose Astral. Not willing to put Astral in danger and be taken away from him, Yuma left his key to Tori in order to protect him and goes to Duel with a Barian-brainwashed Fender by himself. During the Duel, Yuma thinks that he the only one that can protect him and reflected how Astral is always the one protecting him.[44] In the key, Astral can receive the damage Yuma takes and knows Yuma is Dueling alone, which disappointed him since they are "partners". Once Astral got to Yuma, Yuma confined to Astral about his dream and states how he couldn't protect him. However, Astral told Yuma that he was proud of him and that he's a true friend, and will not forgive anyone who hurts him.[79] After nearly losing to Mizar and become shaken, Yuma and Astral grew even closer as they reaffirmed their desires to Duel together.[86]

After Vector revealed he was Ray and that Yuma hid this from him, this caused Astral to lose some trust in Yuma, resulting in their inability to turn into ZEXAL and resulting in Astral's corruption, bringing about Dark ZEXAL.[98] They eventually reconciled and reformed their bond, resulting in ZEXAL II.[54]

When Number 96 attacked Zexal II, Astral immediately ended the fusion and saved Yuma's life. As Astral was forced returned to the Astral World, the pair shared a sad goodbye and Astral thanked Yuma for everything he done, leaving Yuma heartbroken.[109] Afterwards, Yuma spent many sorrowful days locked inside his attic and crying. Despite this, Yuma was still willing to protect the "Numbers" that Astral entrusted to him and fight on.[110] While Yuma realized that he can't stay depressed forever[111], he made many Freudian slips whilst trying to maintained an outward happy demeanor, repeatedly thinking of Astral and accidentally calling out to him. This caused many to worried about him and was eventually pushed by his friends to accept that his partner was dead, but Yuma refused to believe that and was willing to face danger and an eternity searching for his beloved friend.[112][113][114]

While Dueling Eliphas, Yuma repentantly reflected on how arrogant and capricious Astral was when they first met, and how he changed over time and became someone with emotions who cared for others.[55][116][117] On the brink of losing, Yuma realized how Astral played an important role in his life and became his "everything". When they finally reunited, they embraced each other and Yuma said that he would not let Astral go again and asked him not to leave him again, which made Astral smile.[47] With the happiness of being together again, Yuma's and Astral's bond grew even stronger and upgraded to ZEXAL III.[119]

Tori Meadows[]

Yuma has been friends with Tori since childhood and appears to care for her very much. Tori has shown many signs to have a crush on Yuma, such as annoyance at Yuma's adoration with Cathy's Dueling abilities, which she doesn't show towards male Duelists that Yuma admires.[39] She blushes whenever Yuma makes a friendly comment towards her-and is also evidenced when she is worried about Yuma, to which the latter makes a kind gesture by putting a hand on her shoulder, saying he will be all right.[22]

Yuma has gone out of his way to protect Tori many times such as when he thought Cathy had kidnapped her, which also allowed him to Duel without the assistance of Astral or any of the Numbers, winning him the Duel. During the usual scene when Yuma puts on his D-Gazer, he isn't wearing his casual Dueling smile, showing his absolute seriousness for victory so he can find her.[39] When Tori was about to be run over by a truck, Yuma pushed Tori out of the way, placing himself in her position, which if Kite Tenjo didn't pause the time, would have resulted in Yuma being critically injured or causing his death.[146]

When he entered the lair of Fortuno, who had kidnapped Tori, Bronk, Flip, and Caswell, he only called out to Tori despite clearly seeing the others held captive as well.[147] Yuma's caringness towards Tori start becoming more obvious during the first day World Duel Carnival, when Yuma helps Tori escape from Cody's Excavation machine and Anna Kaboom's cannon blasts.[39][60] When Yuma realized that Astral was gone he looked at his friends, but seemingly only believed Tori, showing he takes her word over the others'.[41] He also has a considerable amount of trust in her, as he entrusted the Emperor's Key to her while he went to Duel Fender to protect Astral.[44]

Kari Tsukumo[]

Yuma and Kari has a typical "brother-sister" relationship, having a tendency to argue with each other. Kari has a habit of making Yuma search for scoops she can use, even if it puts her brother at risk. Kari also doesn't allow Yuma to Duel, much to Yuma's chagrin, though Yuma finds ways around it. Yuma doesn't seem to sympathize with Kari very often, seen when she is depressed about apparently failing to make a delivery, Yuma ignores her completely. Likewise, Kari doesn't seem to sympathize with Yuma much either, and seems to blame him initially for things he had nothing to do with.[58]

Despite their tendency, they do genuinely care about each other, Kari often instructing Yuma not to Duel to protect him. Before their parents went missing, they trusted Kari to look after Yuma, relying on her to protect him. At first, Kari was reluctant, but her mother told her that it was her duty as the "big sister" and they won't always be there for Yuma, so he will rely Kari to supported him through any hardships.[21] Yuma affectionately refers to her as "Nee-chan" meaning older sister in the Japanese way, showing he also cares for her. He also was concerned when he heard her scream.[58] After realizing she can't stop Yuma from Dueling, she allows him to Duel as long as he doesn't overdo it.[51]

Bronk Stone[]

When they were young, Bronk is first shown to make fun of Yuma's losing streak at Dueling and laugh at him in class. This provoked Yuma to challenge him to Duel him over and over again, despite always ended up losing. Bronk came to admire Yuma's fiery, "never-give-up" spirit, and they eventually become friends.[57] As young teenagers, Bronk is Yuma's constant Dueling partner, though Yuma still lose regardless. Bronk would also make fun of Yuma's "kattobingu" challenges and laugh mockingly whenever Yuma fails. While having a brash treatment, Bronk does about care about Yuma, evident when he found the broken piece of Yuma's pendant and is present when Yuma Duels Reginald in order to recover Bronk's Deck.[16]

Being friends since childhood, they are shown to trust each other enough for Yuma to entrust Bronk his "Utopia", and Bronk to Duel Number 96: Dark Mist to rescue Yuma and Astral. Due to the many Duels they had, both boys are very adapted to each other's Deck, knowing each of their cards and tactics.[57]

Reginald Kastle[]

ZLx001 Shark and Yuma

Shark and Yuma's first encounter.

Yuma's relation with Shark starts before they Dueled each other and became rivals, and although they never met before that, Yuma knew that he was the school's bully. He had just defeated Bronk and took his Deck, claiming a weakling didn't need it. Yuma stood up for him and in a twist of events, Shark crushed Emperor's Key and accepted Yuma's challenge. With their Duel underway, Shark was overtaken by "Number 17: Leviathan Dragon" and quickly Summons it to put Yuma in his place. However, with the appearance of Astral and Yuma's new Xyz Monster, Number 39: Utopia, Shark loses the Duel and his "Number".[16][4]

When Shark fell into the "wrong crowd" and stopped Dueling all together, with persistence from Yuma, Shark agreed to Duel him again. Despite his "Numbers," Yuma loses to Shark, who tells him to never interfere with his life.[35] However, Yuma disobeys this after learning of why Shark was the way he was. The two Tag Duel against Scorch and Chills, who carried "Numbers" that supported each other. Despite that, Shark was able to aid Yuma, who protected him from damage, and give Yuma the final trump card that would defeat the two brothers. As a sign of respect for Yuma, he allowed him to keep the card he won with.[148][144]

Mr. Kay remarked that Shark had changed due to Yuma's influence and now he sees Yuma as a friend and ally.[48] Although friends, Shark doesn't hang around Yuma as much as his other friends, due to his aloof nature, but is shown to have a soft spot for him, often reflecting on his time with Yuma, and even watching Yuma from afar when he sees him.[48][5] Despite his distant nature, Shark is willing to open up to him (to an extent), but tends to push him away sometimes.[61] In turn, Yuma admires Shark and worries about him if he does anything he thinks is wrong or dangerous. When knowing things concerning Shark, Yuma focuses his attention on helping him and putting himself in harm's way, even ignoring or lashing out on his friends or Astral if they tried to stop him.[37]

During the World Duel Carnival, their friendship becomes strained as Shark became focused on revenge against Quattro and continually told Yuma "Don't get involved with me" when they meet.[61][63] When Yuma learned how violent Shark had become, Yuma challenged him to a Duel, in which Yuma made no move to attack, and let Shark take his anger out on him. He was angry at Yuma's persistence and the Number's influence causes him to grow more aggressive. Eventually, Yuma tells Shark he doesn't want to see the way he is now, shocking him, followed by his stomach growling. As Shark watches Yuma and Tori shout at each other, he smiled and the darkness in his heart disappeared. Shark then cancelled the Duel, claiming that seeing Yuma being an "idiot" made him lose his drive. Before walking away, Shark tells Yuma that he would meet him in the finals and they exchanged smiles.[71]

During the WDC party, Yuma tried looking for Shark, showing his concern for Shark, and because he has something to ask him, but couldn't find him.[33] During the finals of the WDC, Yuma stumbles across Shark's Duel with Quattro and stayed to cheer him on. When Shark Summoned "Number 32: Shark Drake", Yuma worried about him due to the "Number"'s influence, and cried out to Shark as he was brutally attacked eight times by Quattro.[25] As the Duel continues, Yuma tried to pull Shark away from the "Number's" influence, but Shark eventually gives into it. After Shark wins the Duel, Shark set his revenge on Vetrix and told Yuma he won't forgive him if got in his way, straining their friendship once again.[74]

In the semi finals, Yuma and Shark were matched-up to Duel each other, with Yuma eager to settle their rivalry. Unknown to Yuma, Vetrix was influencing Shark through the power of his crest, but Yuma does notice how emotionless and different Shark is. During the Duel, Vetrix made Shark think Yuma was the one to hurt his sister, which made Shark hate Yuma and attack him ruthlessly. Yuma tried to make Shark remember the times they Dueled together, how Shark tried protecting his Emperor's Key from Kite, and how much their bond meant to him. Yuma also told Shark that his goal is to be Duel Champion and defeating Vetrix and Dr. Faker wasn't worth losing him. To return Shark to normal, Yuma took control of "Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss" and suffered while the "Chaos Number" tried to control him. Shark was able to regain his senses and begins to worry for Yuma. When deciding to save Shark or Astral, Yuma couldn't choose and said that Shark is a very important friend to him. To save Yuma, Shark got rid of his remaining Life Points to banish "Shark Drake" and give Yuma the victory. Afterwards, Shark told Yuma how during the Duel that he could hear Yuma's voice and thanked Yuma for saving him. Smiling, Shark then encourages Yuma to win and beat Vetrix, with Yuma promising to carry on his will.[42]

Later, when Shark awakens in the hospital and sees that Yuma's Dueling with Vetrix in the Sphere Field, he begins to worry and rushes over to the Duel Coaster Stadium, calling out Yuma's name as he goes.[20]He then enters Heartland Tower to save Yuma and puts himself in danger in the process, showing how much he cares for him. Shark was even willing to team up with Kite and Orbital 7 to rescue Yuma, despite his hostility towards them. When Yuma challenges Dr. Faker to a Duel, Yuma gave back Shark "Number 32: Shark Drake", asking him to help him, and the latter joins Yuma with a smile.[75] During the Duel, Yuma and Shark supported each other well with their cards, as well as Shark teasing Yuma when he's having doubts.[76][77] When the Heartland Tower started to crumble, a piece of concrete was about to hit Yuma before Shark pushes him out of the way to protect him, taking the hit instead.[26]

When the Barian World began to target Yuma for the "Numbers", Shark worried for Yuma's well-being, chasing after him when he goes to Duel Fender, even leaving his sister to go after him.[44] When talking to Rio, Yuma learned that Shark often talked about him to her, to his surprise. She told Yuma that she believed it's because of Yuma that her brother hadn't changed and thanked him for being a good influence on Shark. Shark began to spend more time with Yuma as they started to walk home together after school.[83] When Yuma fell towards a cliff ledge, Shark once again put his life in danger to try to save Yuma from falling,.[85] Recuperating in the hospital, Shark was extremely upset at how downhearted Yuma was acting and, in his typical gruff fashion, snapped at him. In order to get through to him, Shark swiped the Emperor's Key and lured Yuma into a Duel. With help from Astral, Yuma got his fighting spirit back, much to Shark's happiness. When Astral told Yuma what Shark's true purpose was, Shark denied it, but Yuma was greatly touched. Trying to show his gratitude, Yuma tried to give Shark a hug, only to be pushed away by him.[86]

After Shark came to accepting his fate as a Barian, he was emotionally shattered at the thought of becoming Yuma's enemy and distraught of breaking his bond and friendship with him.[117][47] Nevertheless, Shark severed his friendship with Yuma and claimed that it was their fate to become enemies. However, Yuma didn't see him as an enemy, but he was willing to fight him to restore their bonds of friendship.[120] Even now, he still calls Shark by his nickname, despite everyone else and Shark himself knowing him by the name "Nash".

Kite Tenjo[]

As rivals in hunting "Numbers", Yuma and Kite saw each other as enemies. Kite first thought Yuma was a regular "Number" Holder and tried to get his Number. During the Duel, Kite was surprised that Yuma used 2 "Numbers", and identified him as a Number Hunter, but looked happy to have a rival.[9] After their first Duel, Yuma became depressed over his near loss and developed a fear of Kite.[51] However, this was short-lived and Yuma become more confident when facing Kite, despite knowing the dangers.[147] Yuma was shown to respect Kite's Dueling skills, calling him "scary", but strong.[30]

When Yuma interfered in Kite and Astral's Duel, which ended in a Draw, Yuma asked Kite why he is collecting Numbers. Kite only answers that he sold his soul to the devil in exchange of his brother's sake.[53] Determine to Duel Yuma, Kite told Yuma that they will settle their score in the World Duel Carnival.[149] Knowing that Astral helps Yuma, Kite sees Astral as his rival instead of Yuma, whom Kite considered as "just an idiot".[32]

Despite their differences, they joined up to rescue Hart from the Vetrix Family, which resulted is a Tag-Team Duel.[5] Kite seems to have grown to respect Yuma as he begins to call him by his first name, however he still doesn't see him as his rival and still dislikes him.[33] During the WDC finals, Yuma often made an effort to be friendly with Kite and cheered him on in his Duels, and even considered him as a friend.[24][38] During the finals, Kite seemed to gain greater respect for Yuma, letting him watch his Duel with Vetrix.[7] Kite also appeared to soften up to Yuma due to the many times he showed concern towards Hart, though he never outwardly showed it.[20] During the Duel with Dr. Faker, he began to value Yuma and Shark as his friends.[77] After their Duel against Vector, Yuma proclaimed that his WDC wish was for Kite's family to live happily in peace. Amused and smiling, Kite says it was none of his business, but Yuma then revealed his real wish - to Duel Kite again to settle their score. Kite happily accepted the challenge, addressing both Yuma and Astral, while finally acknowledging Yuma as a rival.[26] Yuma greatly looked forward to Dueling Kite again, and openly showed excitement throughout their Duel. Kite also thought about Yuma's never-give-up attitude and how much he enjoyed Dueling. When Kite was about to surrender due to losing his passion to Duel, Yuma encouraged him to continue, calling Kite his "goal".[43] When Kite won the Duel, Yuma promised to beat Kite one day, which the latter accepted, saying that Yuma can Duel him as many times as it takes to achieve that goal.[78]

Ironically, there is some resemblance between Kite's and Yuma's Dueling styles, as both seem to prefer a more offense-based strategy, and their Dueling styles were at least somewhat compatible when they Tag Dueled. This may have some relation about the similarities Yuma and Kite have that Astral himself has observed.[22] At first, Kite denied being compared to Yuma, but seems to have somewhat acknowledged this when he asked Astral for support during their Tag Duel.[68]

Hart Tenjo[]

Having seen Hart's picture before, Yuma first met Hart by seeing him walking in the middle of a busy street and recognized him as Kite's brother. When an up coming truck was about run Hart over, Yuma tried to protect him. After Hart had blown a huge hole in the truck, Yuma kindly let Hart come home with them and let him stay for the night. Yuma was also happy when Hart finally started to eat something and enjoyed his time at dinner. At night, Yuma let Hart sleep in his hammock and covered him with a blanket.[67]

While Hart was having a power surge, Yuma ran into the explosion and hugged Hart, telling him "you're not alone" and promise to bring him to his brother. Also, Yuma helped Kite rescue Hart from the Vetrix Family, and showed great concern when Hart was found unconscious.[67] Yuma seems to have grown close to Hart, while speaking to him in his mind he ask Yuma and Astral to save his brother, Kite.[36] When Vetrix used his connection to Hart to hurt Kite, Yuma rushed to Heartland Tower to save him and severed his link to Vetrix.[7][8] Likewise, Hart also cares deeply about Yuma as he is always doing things for his sake.[26] Hart is also grateful towards Yuma for helping his brother overcome his guilt.[43][78] When Hart heard that Yuma was injured, Hart was very concerned about him and wanted to visit him at the hospital, even wanting to see Yuma on his own if Kite didn't go with him.[86]


Trey first took interest in Yuma during their Tag-Team Duel against each other, and was amazing at how he would keep sacrificing himself for Kite's safety.[6][68] On the other hand, Yuma thought of Trey as an enemy because he is part of the Vetrix Family, but he learned that he likes all the artifacts that his dad had found, and let him stay at his house for lunch. Yuma thought that they had become friends, but Trey thought of his childhood and asked Yuma for a Duel.[71]

When the Duel commenced, Trey said he wanted to defeat Yuma because it would help his family. In that Duel, Trey became an uncontrollable monster, by the power of his Crest, which cause him to very brutal to Yuma, and had supposedly killed Astral, causing Yuma great anger and sadness.[41] After unleashing the card, Final Prophecy, which pulled them into another dimension, Trey had a change of heart and used the power of his crest to help Yuma bring Astral back and asked them to defeat him. When Yuma won the Duel, and found Trey laying on the ground, Yuma quickly came to his side to help him up. Having developed a friendship with Trey, Trey asked Yuma to save his family before he disappeared with leaving behind his two "Number" cards and a Heart Piece. After the Duel, he said the he will save Trey's family.[72] During his Duel with Vetrix, Yuma mentions his promise to Trey, and that he will fight with all he has for Trey's sake.[12]

After Trey had awoken from his coma and Yuma had reformed Vertix, Trey and his family was watching the Duel between Yuma and Kite from a bridge. Before leaving with his family, Trey took once last glance at Yuma, and silently admiring and promising to meet him again someday.[43] True to his promise, Trey and his family been watching over the events had happened to Yuma with the Barians and decided to step in, with Trey being entrusted with Yuma. When they met again, Trey promised Yuma that he would become Yuma's "sword and shield" and protect him. While Yuma was shocked by the unexpected events, Trey told Yuma that he was still his very first friend who saved him from his agony and sadness. Knowing Yuma was in grief after losing Astral, Trey understood he could never replace Astral, but wants to help and was willing risk his life to fight alongside Yuma as his friend. Smiling for the first time since Astral's departure, Yuma was touched by Trey's proclamation and gave back the "Numbers" Trey had used before as a sign of trust and friendship.[110]

Near the end of his Duel with Mizar, Trey was able to speak to Yuma before being defeated, saying that Yuma was a true friend and was happy to have met him. After Trey expressed hope that they will meet again one day, Yuma watched helplessly as Trey's and Quinton's souls were sent to the Barian World.[124]

Ray Shadows/Vector[]

Before Yuma and Ray Shadows even met each other, Ray already knew Yuma because he won the World Duel Carnival and is a big fan of his. They first met when Ray crashed into Yuma on the way to his first day school, which annoyed Yuma upon the first impression. However, Ray was ecstatic to met Yuma, in albeit fanboyish fashion, and referred to Yuma as the "crown jewel" of Heartland Academy and Heartland City. At first, Yuma found Ray troubling after forcefully dragged him through odd "shortcuts" to make it to school and complained to his friends about him, even though Ray was just trying to make sure Yuma wasn't late. Ray even tried to get Yuma a Duel with with pro-Duelist Devon Knox, without Yuma's consent. When a Barian-brainwashed Devon Knox Dueled Ray to find Yuma, but Ray refuses to give him any information and is brutally defeated. During Yuma's Duel with Devon Knox, Ray implored Yuma to run away when Yuma was losing, but Yuma refused and said he's going to win for Ray too. After winning, Yuma officially befriends Ray and lets him carry him on his back when he offers to.[80]

As Ray became more involved in Yuma's life, Ray gave unyielding support to Yuma through everything, with or without Yuma's consent and/or knowledge. When their class voted for class president, Ray nominated Yuma, which Yuma was unaware of until Ray told him, and it was Ray's vote that allowed Yuma to win.[81] Mysteriously and secretly, Ray was also shown to watch Yuma from afar when others are not during any Duel he has with the Barian World's brainwashed minions or anything related with the Barian World and Yuma.[81][83] Even before they met, Ray witness Yuma Duel with Fender from a window inside the school and smiled as he watch Yuma and his friends.[79] Ray seems to only be concerned with Yuma when it come to the Barian's minions, as he went along with Yuma instead of staying to watch Reginald Kastle's Duel with a brainwashed Art Stanley.[82] As they become closer, Ray to follows Yuma wherever he goes, and Yuma sometimes forced Ray into joining him in his "kattobingu" challenges, despite Ray's protest.[45]

When Girag accused Ray of hurting Alito, Yuma became doubtful and began to question his character. After seeing Ray's usual good-natured intentions, Yuma restored his faith in him and tried to keep him out of danger. Ray found out about what Yuma was doing and was saddened that Yuma didn't trust him as a friend and was leaving him behind. In their Battle Royal, Yuma did his best to protect Ray, even though it hindered him against Girag.[88] When he saw how Yuma was willing to defend him at all costs, Ray started to protect Yuma and revealed his true nature as a Barian's Guardian. They worked together to defeat Girag and formed a new monster from their bonds, "Number C39: Utopia Ray V". Later, Ray explained to Yuma about his mission and told him that he needed to keep it a secret from everybody else. He also told Yuma that he sincerely considered him as a friend and jokingly told him that he will be his "subordinate" from now, which Yuma excitedly agreed to.[89] Yuma also gained a level of admiration and respect for Ray, finding his position of "Barian's Guardian" amazing and dutifully followed any of Ray's orders.[90] [93] When Vector tried to abduct Yuma, Ray shielded Yuma and got captured instead, which left Yuma greatly shocked.[95] Wanting to save Ray, Yuma traveled to the Barian World, only to find Ray's seemingly lifeless body and was devastated that he lost his friend.[96]

As "Ray" is the newest addition to Yuma's circle of friends, Yuma calls "Ray" by his supposed last name "Shingetsu" instead of his first name like Yuma does with his other friends, and "Ray" used the honorific "kun" when addressing Yuma to signify their budding friendship. (in the dub, Yuma simply calls Ray by his first name) Upon "Ray" falsely revealing his position as a "Barian's Guardian" and recruited Yuma as his underling, they established a superior/subordinate relation when working together, addressing each other as "Officer Shingetsu" and "Detective Yuma" receptively.

Later on, "Ray" revealed that he was Vector in human form, which extremely devestated Yuma. Vector explained it was a cruel, elaborated plan to get closer to Yuma and orchestrate his downfall. With the friendship he once hold dear revealed to be a lie, Yuma was furious and became emotionally and mentally distraught.[97] After repairing his bond with Astral, Yuma recovered from Vector's cruelty, though Vector still takes pleasure in taunting him in his human form and using his "Ray" voice[99][100]. Despite Yuma's hatred of Vector, he made an attempt to reach out to him after his true memories were revealed, and got angry at Don Thousand for what he did.[133] When Don Thousand was about to absorb Vector, Yuma goes to save him, which Vector hoping dragged Yuma him. However, Yuma did not mind and was willing to go with Vector, wanting to reconcile his bond with him as "Ray". Touched by Yuma's kindness, Vector had a change of heart and decided to sacrifice himself to ensure Yuma's safety, calling him "Yuma-kun" one last time.[134]

Bộ bài[]

Yuma sử dụng một Bộ bài "Xyz One Turn Kill" được hỗ trợ với những lá “Number” đầy sức mạnh và tập trung vào việc Triệu hồi Xyz. Cậu có một số lượng lớn bài cạm bẫy chủ yếu được sử dụng để bảo vệ quái thú của mình và giảm nhẹ thiệt hại chiến đấu. Cậu cũng có thể hỗ trợ cho quái thú của mình với những lá bài giúp tăng sức công giống như "Wonder Wand", “Unprecedented Wind”, "Bound Wand" và “Double-Up Chance”. Lá bài biểu tượng của cậu là “Number 39: Aspiring Emperor - Hope”. Tuy nhiên, cũng giống như những “Number” khác, cậu chỉ có thể sử dụng nó khi Astral đang chiến đấu bên cạnh cậu. Chiến lược chính của cậu tập trung vào việc triệu hồi “Hope” và khiến cho nó đủ mạnh để đánh bại đối thủ.

Sau thời gian ở Võ quán Duel, Rokujuro đã đưa cho Yuma “Bộ bài Huyền thoại của Võ quán Duel”. Theo Rokujuro, bộ bài này thích hợp với Yuma và sẽ đáp lại những cảm xúc của cậu. Yuma đã kết hợp bộ bài này và bộ bài đầu tiên của mình thành một bộ bải duy nhất. Cũng thế, nếu Yuma và Astral tin vào khả năng của mình, họ nhận được sức mạnh để Chaos Xyz Change “Hope” thành “Chaos Number 39: Hope Ray”. Sử dụng ZEXAL, cậu có thể tạo ra những lá bài “ZEXAL Weapon-” để tăng thêm sức công và năng lực cho “Chaos Number 39: Hope Ray”.

Trong World Duel Carnival, Yuma có vẻ ít tập trung vào việc chiến đấu cùng với các “Number” hơn, thay vào đó cậu sử dụng những quái thú Xyz bình thường chống lại những đối thủ không sử dụng “Number”. Việc này là vì cậu có cảm giác không công bằng nếu sử dụng “Number” chống lại những người không sử dụng “Number”.

Bộ bài của Yuma có những điểm tương đồng với bộ bài của Muto Yugi, Yuki JusaiFudo Yusei. Giống như Yugi, cậu sử dụng một bộ bài mà trước kia thuộc về một người thân. Giống như Judai, cậu giành được một bộ bài mới và kết hợp nó với deck nguyên thủy của mình. Giống như Yusei, cậu mở rộng việc sử dụng cách thức triệu hồi mới trong series của mình. Giống như ba người họ, át chủ bài của cậu, “Number 39: Hope” có 2500 ATK.


Đối thủ Tập phim Kết cục Trận đấu
Côn đồ trường học 19 Thua (hồi ức)
Tsukumo Kazuma 19 Không hiển thị (hồi ức)
Côn đồ trường học 19 Không hiển thị (hồi ức)
Takeda Tetsuo 20 Thua (4 lần, hồi ức)
Kamishiro Ryouga 1-2 Thắng
Todoroki Takashi 3 Thua
Kitano Ukyou 3-4 Thắng
Omoteura Tokunosuke 5-6 Thắng
Okudaira Fuuya 7-8 Thắng
Cathy 9 Thắng
Kamishiro Ryouga 10 Thua
Takeda Tetsuo 11 Thua (19 lần, ngoài màn ảnh)
Takeda Tetsuo 11 Thua
Todoroki Takashi 11 Không hiển thị
RikuouKaiou 11-12 Thắng (cùng Kamishiro Ryouga)
Takeda Tetsuo 12 Không hiển thị (ngoài màn ảnh)
Duelist không rõ 13 Thua (ngoài màn ảnh)
Tenjou Kaito 13-14 Không có kết quả
Rokujuro 15 Thua
Yamikawa 15-16 Thắng
Jin 17-18 Thắng
Người nắm giữ Number 96 20 Thắng
Takeda Tetsuo 20 Thua (bị Number 96 thao túng)
Obomi 21 Thua
Obomi 21 Thua (cùng Takeda Tetsuo)
Obomi 21 Thắng
Tenjou Kaito 23-24 Hòa (Astral duel cho đến đòn đánh cuối cùng khi ZEXAL được kích hoạt)
Kunitachi Kakeru 27 Thắng
Yuatsu Shoubee 28 Thắng
Kouzuki Anna 29 Thắng
Yasai Housaku 30 Thắng
Charlie McCoy 32 Thắng
Hayami Shuuta 35-36 Thắng
DroiteGauche 37-38 Thắng
IIIIV 42-43 Thắng (cùng Tenjou Kaito)
Rokujuro 44 Thua
Kamishiro Ryouga 46 Không có kết quả
III 47-49 Thắng
Fallguys Coyote 51-52 Thắng (Duel Coaster)
Fallguys Jackal 51-52 Thắng (Duel Coaster)
Fallguys Wolf 51-52 Thắng (Duel Coaster)
V 53 Không có kết quả (Duel Coaster)
Gauche 59 Thắng (Dangerous Canyon/Sunset Showdown)
Kamishiro Ryouga 61-62 Thắng
Tron 65-67 Thắng (Sphere Field)
Dr. Faker/Vector 69-71 Thắng (cùng Kamishiro RyougaKaito Tenjou)
Kaito Tenjou 72-73 Thua
Fuuma 74-75 Thắng
Katagiri Daisuke 76 Thắng
Jinguuji Mamoru 77 Thắng
Alito 80 Thắng
Học viên vô danh 81 Không có kết quả
Todoroki TakashiOmoteura Tokunosuke 81 Thắng (cùng Kamishiro Ryouga)
Takeda TetsuoKamishiro Rio 81 Thắng (cùng Kamishiro Ryouga)
Mizuki KotoriCathy 81 Thắng (cùng Kamishiro Ryouga)
Mizuki KotoriCathy 81 Thắng (cùng Girag)
Mizael 82-83 Không có kết quả (Trận đấu được tiếp quản bởi Tenjou Kaito)
Kamishiro Ryouga 84 Thắng
Học viên bị Barian-tẩy não 85 Thắng
Alito 85-86 Thắng
Girag 87-88 Thắng (cùng Shingetsu Rei)
Shadow Giant 89 Thắng
Orbital 7 90 Thắng
Habara TobioHabara Umimi 92-93 Thắng (cùng Kouzuki Anna)
Vector 94 Thắng
Vector 95-98 Thắng (Sargasso the Different Dimension Battlefield)
Mach 99-100 Thắng
GaucheAlito 103-104 thắng (cùng Droite)
Girag/Ponta 107 Thắng
Number 96 110-111 Thắng (cùng Astral)
Semimaru 112-113 Thắng (cùng III)
Eliphas 118-121 Thắng
Mr. Heartland 123 Thắng (tiếp quản thay cho Tenjou Kaito)
Alito 129-130 Thắng
Don Thousand 138-141 Thắng (cùng Nash)
Nash 141-143 Thắng
Astral 144-146 Thắng

Tham khảo[]

  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 53: Lỗi chú thích: Thẻ <ref> không hợp lệ: tên “ep53” được định rõ nhiều lần, mỗi lần có nội dung khác
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 59:
  3. "Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Cast". Retrieved September 1, 2012.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 2: "Tên tôi là Astral!!"
  5. 5,0 5,1 5,2 5,3 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 41:
  6. 6,0 6,1 6,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 42:
  7. 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 7,4 7,5 7,6 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 63:
  8. 8,0 8,1 8,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 64:
  9. 9,0 9,1 9,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 14:
  10. 10,0 10,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 61:
  11. 11,0 11,1 11,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 65:
  12. 12,0 12,1 12,2 12,3 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 66:
  13. 13,0 13,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 86:
  14. Calculated from "Zexal Height Guide". and "Main Character Comparison Sheet".
  15. "Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL character profiles". Retrieved July 4, 2012.
  16. 16,00 16,01 16,02 16,03 16,04 16,05 16,06 16,07 16,08 16,09 16,10 16,11 16,12 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 1: "Tôi là Kattobingu!!"
  17. 17,0 17,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 30:
  18. 18,0 18,1 18,2 18,3 18,4 18,5 18,6 18,7 18,8 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 146:
  19. 19,0 19,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 81: "Kotori dùng Chaos Xyz Changes!? Giải Duel Thể thao Hỗn loạn"
  20. 20,0 20,1 20,2 20,3 20,4 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 67:
  21. 21,00 21,01 21,02 21,03 21,04 21,05 21,06 21,07 21,08 21,09 21,10 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 19:
  22. 22,0 22,1 22,2 22,3 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 23:
  23. 23,0 23,1 23,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 32:
  24. 24,0 24,1 24,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 55:
  25. 25,0 25,1 25,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 56:
  26. 26,0 26,1 26,2 26,3 26,4 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 71:
  27. 27,0 27,1 27,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 38:
  28. 28,0 28,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 5:
  29. 29,0 29,1 29,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 100:
  30. 30,0 30,1 30,2 30,3 30,4 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 18:
  31. 31,0 31,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 52:
  32. 32,0 32,1 32,2 32,3 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 26:
  33. 33,0 33,1 33,2 33,3 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 50:
  34. 34,0 34,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 51:
  35. 35,0 35,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 10:
  36. 36,0 36,1 36,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 60:
  37. 37,0 37,1 37,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 35:
  38. 38,0 38,1 38,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 54:
  39. 39,0 39,1 39,2 39,3 39,4 39,5 39,6 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 9: Lỗi chú thích: Thẻ <ref> không hợp lệ: tên “ep28” được định rõ nhiều lần, mỗi lần có nội dung khác
  40. Lỗi chú thích: Thẻ <ref> sai; không có nội dung trong thẻ ref có tên ep21
  41. 41,0 41,1 41,2 41,3 41,4 41,5 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 48:
  42. 42,0 42,1 42,2 42,3 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 62:
  43. 43,0 43,1 43,2 43,3 43,4 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 72:
  44. 44,0 44,1 44,2 44,3 44,4 44,5 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 74:
  45. 45,0 45,1 45,2 45,3 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 80:
  46. 46,0 46,1 46,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 98:
  47. 47,0 47,1 47,2 47,3 47,4 47,5 47,6 47,7 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 121:
  48. 48,0 48,1 48,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 22:
  49. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 6:
  50. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 7:
  51. 51,0 51,1 51,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 15:
  52. 52,0 52,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 47:
  53. 53,0 53,1 53,2 Lỗi chú thích: Thẻ <ref> sai; không có nội dung trong thẻ ref có tên ep24
  54. 54,0 54,1 54,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 99:
  55. 55,0 55,1 55,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 118:
  56. 56,0 56,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 27:
  57. 57,0 57,1 57,2 57,3 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 20:
  58. 58,0 58,1 58,2 58,3 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 3: "Nói tóm lại, đó là Tai nạn!!"
  59. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Rank 5
  60. 60,0 60,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 29:
  61. 61,0 61,1 61,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 31:
  62. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 33:
  63. 63,0 63,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 34:
  64. 64,0 64,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 36:
  65. 65,0 65,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 37:
  66. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 39:
  67. 67,0 67,1 67,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 40:
  68. 68,0 68,1 68,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 43:
  69. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 44:
  70. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 45:
  71. 71,0 71,1 71,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 46:
  72. 72,0 72,1 72,2 72,3 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 49:
  73. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 57:
  74. 74,0 74,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 58:
  75. 75,0 75,1 75,2 75,3 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 68:
  76. 76,0 76,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 69:
  77. 77,0 77,1 77,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 70:
  78. 78,0 78,1 78,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 73:
  79. 79,0 79,1 79,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 75:
  80. 80,0 80,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 76:
  81. 81,0 81,1 81,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 77:
  82. 82,0 82,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 78:
  83. 83,0 83,1 83,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 79:
  84. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 82:
  85. 85,0 85,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 83:
  86. 86,0 86,1 86,2 86,3 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 84:
  87. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 85:
  88. 88,0 88,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 87:
  89. 89,0 89,1 89,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 88:
  90. 90,0 90,1 90,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 89:
  91. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 90:
  92. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 91:
  93. 93,0 93,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 92:
  94. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 93:
  95. 95,0 95,1 95,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 94:
  96. 96,0 96,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 95:
  97. 97,0 97,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 96:
  98. 98,0 98,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 97:
  99. 99,0 99,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 101:
  100. 100,0 100,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 102:
  101. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 103:
  102. 102,0 102,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 104:
  103. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 105:
  104. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 106:
  105. 105,0 105,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 107:
  106. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 108:
  107. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 109:
  108. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 110:
  109. 109,0 109,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 111:
  110. 110,0 110,1 110,2 110,3 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 112:
  111. 111,0 111,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 113:
  112. 112,0 112,1 112,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 114:
  113. 113,0 113,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 115:
  114. 114,0 114,1 114,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 116:
  115. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 117:
  116. 116,0 116,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 119:
  117. 117,0 117,1 117,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 120:
  118. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 122:
  119. 119,0 119,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 123:
  120. 120,0 120,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 124:
  121. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 125:
  122. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 126:
  123. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 127:
  124. 124,0 124,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 128:
  125. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 129:
  126. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 130:
  127. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 131:
  128. 128,0 128,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 132:
  129. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 133:
  130. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 134:
  131. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 135:
  132. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 136:
  133. 133,0 133,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 137:
  134. 134,0 134,1 134,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 138:
  135. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 139:
  136. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 140:
  137. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 141:
  138. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 142:
  139. 139,0 139,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 143:
  140. 140,0 140,1 140,2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 144:
  141. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 145:
  142. Lỗi chú thích: Thẻ <ref> sai; không có nội dung trong thẻ ref có tên ep4
  143. Lỗi chú thích: Thẻ <ref> sai; không có nội dung trong thẻ ref có tên ep8
  144. 144,0 144,1 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 12:
  145. Lỗi chú thích: Thẻ <ref> sai; không có nội dung trong thẻ ref có tên ep16
  146. Lỗi chú thích: Thẻ <ref> sai; không có nội dung trong thẻ ref có tên ep13
  147. 147,0 147,1 Lỗi chú thích: Thẻ <ref> sai; không có nội dung trong thẻ ref có tên ep17
  148. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL tập 11:
  149. Lỗi chú thích: Thẻ <ref> sai; không có nội dung trong thẻ ref có tên ep25
